Online Advertising for Summer Camps



Marketing and online advertising tips for summer camps, with a specific angle of connecting with middle to upper income families. Learn about advertising online, in directories, bidding on google keywords and advertising via social media.

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Online Advertising Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 Agnes Stawicki

@AgnesStawicki @mktgacademy

Content   Advertising trends

  Online Advertising Options   Your website   Directories   Display Advertising   Advertorials   Search Advertising   Social Media

  Integrated campaigns


Advertising Trends A changing landscape

community involvement

advertising marketing research

media planning

public relations


sales strategy



Y“Advertising is totally unnecessary. Unless you hope to make money.” – Jeff I. Richards

Trends in advertising  Digital shift:

The influence of Gen Y and Gen X

 Access to data:

Insight based decisions

  Focus on experience:

Engaging not broadcasting

Online Advertising The home of our marketing message


Before you start, make sure your website is functional and professional.

Overview Type Function

Your website Digital home for your business

Directories Target audience, generate leads, good for SEO

Display Branding, awareness, focus based campaigns

Advertorials Soft sell, provide legitimacy, good for SEO

Search Target audience, quick traffic

Social Social word of mouth referral, 2-way communication

Your website

  Your digital home

  Centre of all your marketing efforts

  Before you start advertising:   Working website   Contact information   Easy to find program info   Call to action   Search engine friendly

Directory profiles

  Put you in front of targeted eyeballs

  Backlinks to your website improve your organic SEO

  Increase your online footprint

  Provide legitimacy

  Work for you 24/7

  Generate quality leads


  How many visitors (new vs returning)?

  How do visitors use your website?

  How would my camp be found in search results?

 What modules are included (events, photos, videos) and are there any extra costs?

 Do you offer tracking so I know how I’m doing?

  How often can I change the content? Is help available?

Directory profiles

Buying Tips

  Submit proper photos, logos and copy.

 Complete all sections of your profile.

  Link back to your website wherever possible, and direct users to a specific page.

  Include messaging/imagery that is consistent with your brand and the flow of the user.

  Remember about keywords. Build content around them.

Directory profiles

How to

  Increase your brand awareness.

  Keeps you top of mind.

  Encourages action.

  Provides ability to promote around timeframes and/or programs.

Display Advertising


  Typically sold on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions).

  If sold on a monthly basis, ask how many impressions you are guaranteed per month.

  Decrease your spend by targeting content pages, or users by geographical area (IP address).

  Determine your targeted CPM rate (audience quality).

  Consider the ad size and page location (top, side, bottom).

  Consider pageviews/visitor when buying impressions.

Buying Tips

Display Advertising

  Focus on 1 key message. Keep it simple. Include a call to action.

  Consider the media environment and the frame of mind the user is in. Wording, colours, call to action.

  Include messaging/imagery that is consistent with your brand and the flow of the user.

  Link to a specific page of your website whenever possible. Your homepage may not be the best.

  Test creative with rotations to optimize CTR and conversions.

Display Advertising

How to

  Improve your organic SEO.

  Engage with your audience.

  Increase your online footprint.

  Share your brand story.

  Ignite emotion in readers.

  Motivate action.





  Typically sold per article.

 Determine how long the article will stay online and can you have a backlink to your website from it?

 Ask about how many promotional views, and total views you can expect.

 Consider your target audience and compare targeted CPM rates.

  Hook readers within the first paragraph.

 Don’t promote your product/service. Write a story that showcases your value and benefits.

  Link back to your website wherever possible.

  Include messaging/imagery that is consistent with your brand.

  Include a call to action.


How to

  Targets your most important keywords.

  Supplement keywords you do not rank well for.

  Drive new website visitors.

  Stay top of mind (remarket).

  Control your messaging.

Search advertising


Search advertising

Buying Tips

  Typically sold on a CPC (cost per click).

  Decrease your spend by targeting keywords and geographical locations (IP address).

  Add negative keywords so ads are not displayed to the wrong audience. (ex: jobs, camping).

  Focus on quality over quantity of clicks.

  Rule: Your paid search bounce rate should be lower than your organic search bounce rate.

  Test out various copy and creative   Title variations with/without keyword   Different teaser content   Landing pages you’re directing traffic to

  Set up custom landing pages or direct visitors to a specific page if possible.

  Monitor clicks + conversions daily and modify when needed

  Target target target. Keywords + negative keywords

Search advertising

How to

Search advertising

How to

What’s a click worth?

  Quality vs. quantity

  Aim for a low bounce rate

  Follow your website visitors

  Remind users to come back to you

  Stay top of mind

  Strengthen your brand




Buying Tips

  Typically sold on a CPC (cost per click)

  Decrease your spend by targeting keywords and geographical locations (IP address).

  Add negative keywords so ads are not displayed to the wrong audience. (ex: jobs, camping)

  Focus on quality over quantity of clicks. Manage your website lists and narrow based on those that produce results.

  First things first:   Exclude your internal IP address

  Tag your website content

  Set your remarketing duration. Default is 30 days.

 Create multiple campaigns for each goal

  Send users to well optimized landing pages.

  Set frequency caps. Average 3x per day


How to

Social media Online platforms that allow people to freely

connect to each other & to brands

The Socialites   62% of adults worldwide (80% of Canadians)

actively use social media.

  89% of moms with smartphones access Facebook on those phones, and moms are four times more likely to prefer to check social media on their smartphones.

  To learn about which brands and products to buy, 73% of moms rely on recommendations from parenting-related social media.

Moms are social

Popular Social Platforms?

Social platform Snapshot

Facebook Visual, engaging, exclusive

Twitter Inclusive, chatty

Pinterest/Instagram Visual, aspirational

YouTube/Vimeo Visual, search

Google+ Exclusive, search, SEO

Facebook  An engaged audience of campers, parents, and staff.

  Easy natural fit for the camp community.

 Options: Sponsored stories, FB page, FB event, website

  Target by:   Fans and friends of fans

  Geographical location


  Interests, hobbies, keywords…



Twitter   People are influenced by people like them and


  Provides a social recommendation

 Coming soon:   Promoted tweets in search and timelines

  Promoted trends and hashtags

  Featured accounts to increase followers

  Geographical location targets



LinkedIn   Professional network of target parents

  Typically more expensive than Facebook or Google Adwords

 Allow for video ads

  Target by:   Geographical location

  Business position

  Experience, associations, groups…


Social Ads   Build a social voice first

  Keep people within the network

  Test out various ad copy and photo use.

  Monitor clicks + conversions daily and modify when needed.

  Stop or modify campaigns if they are not performing.

  Invest in the networks that generate results for you.

  Make it easy for people to share.

How to




Integrated Marketing You can’t only be online

Money shifts   Print advertising losses outweighed digital ad

gains by 8 to 1 in the first three quarters of 2011

 Google’s revenues were $4 billion greater than those of the entire newspaper industry in 2011

YET: 67% of online searches are driven by offline content. People search for what they know.

Print media   Brings legitimacy to your camp

  Strengthens your brand

  Builds top of mind placement

  Is a catalyst for driving search, discussion and action

 Can reach a target audience: local, community, beliefs, interests…

How to

Print media

 Determine your objective

 Compare media rates by CPM (cost per thousand)

 Compare audience and targeted CPM

 Ask about page placement

 Ask about how readers use the media, how long they keep it, their attitude towards it


Print media   Focus on one key message. Keep it simple.

  Emphasize the benefit, not the product.

  Focus on the consumer.

  Include a call to action.

 Consider the media environment.

  Track: promo or QR codes, Digimarc, Augmented Reality, NFC Clips, target landing pages.

How to

Print media integration

How to


Promotion code Easy tracking

QR Code Quick response for mobile

Augmented reality Enhanced reality

Digimark Digital watermark

NFC Chip Android, Samsung phones

Landing page Webpage optimized for conversions


Call to action

Value Proposition

QR Tracking


Multi-channel advertising

Summary #mktgacademy

Campaign Checklist 1.  Website: If someone hears about the program and

searches for it, what comes up? Is it easily found on my website? Do I have contact information and a registration form easily accessible?

2.  Inquiries: Does the team know about the new program? Who is responsible for answering calls and/or emails? Do emails go to one location?

3.  Advertising: Who is my target audience and where are they (online)? How can I get my message in front of them? What are my goals, what do I want them to do?

4.  Flow: Is my branding and message consistent? Is it easy for consumers to understand my value proposition and take my intended action?

5 Tips to Online Advertising 1.  Review your website: Is it working properly. Is it easy for

visitors to connect with me? How quickly do we respond?

2.  Make the most of your current ads: Add information to directories. Work with partners. Check your landing pages.

3.  Analyze and test your data: Set up ad variations and track conversions so you know what’s working.

4.  Review your advertising campaign: Is it consistent? Does your brand & voice come through? Does it follow an easy flow?

5.  Target: Review targeted CPM rates for each of your advertising partners. It’s about increasing quality leads.



  Case Studies

  Tip Sheets


Agnes Stawicki

@mktgacademy Our Kids Media Inc.