#NotEqualYet - The Reality of Gender at Work



See an interesting stat? Tweet it with the hashtag #NotEqualYet! It’s easy to think we’ve achieved gender equality. Women so iconic we know them by first name and initials—Oprah, Hillary, RBG—have shattered much of the glass ceiling. The floor is coated with shards, but there is still work to be done. Equality is not a world where Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits receive more attention than her politics, or where leading companies like Facebook and Google are largely dominated by men. Sexism is, unfortunately, still all too common in almost every industry, and change is unlikely without a shift in corporate norms. To better understand gender disparities in corporate America today, Palo Alto Software conducted a survey of over 1,000 men and women at all levels professionally. The survey asked questions about how men and women feel they are treated in the workplace, the benefits their companies offer and how having children has impacted their careers.

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