No268 newslettr daily e-13_10_2013


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Shells in Damascus .. A tunnel underneath Damascus-Homs Highway

The injured of al-Nusra to Israel

Conflicting reports about the prison of


Council of lead-ership in Daraa

Electricity in good condition





17\10\2013- No.268

Chechen …Yemeni Saudi People and Turkish people in the countryside of Lattakia

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )268( 2013/10/17

Shells in Damascus ……….. A tunnel underneath Damascus-Homs HighwayTwenty four citizens includ-ing children were injured because of shells of mortars were fired on the houses in Karam al-Samady and al-Baath Neighborhoods in Jar-mana, in addition to material damages in the place, also a citizen was killed by a sniper near to the Water Unit in Ha-rasta. Units of Syrian Arab Army continued their opera-tions in the countryside of Damascus, where they found a tunnel, its length is more than three hundred meters and its depth is about ten me-ters, includes weapons and ammunition. In Zamalka, ten gunmen were killed and 15 others were killed in Adraa. Thirty gunmen were killed surrounding the industrial re-gion in Doma including” Tais-er al-Shalit”. Units of Syrian Arab Army advanced in Bar-zeh, While in Jubar an army unit destroyed a tank rigged with explosives northeast of the Teachers Tower that the gunmen were trying to take outside the neighborhood and killed all the gunmen inside it. Unofficial Media sources talked about the starting of the Syrian Arab Army a bat-tle” the safety of al-Sayidda Zainab” in the countryside of Damascus to restore the domination on al-Hojaira, among them Dergham Abu Setteh, a Palestinian, Diab al-Mahshi and Salama al-Fare’. The Army destroyed 3 tank

trucks and a number of cars in al- in al-Nabek. The front of “al-Nusra “published the names of suicidal persons who attacked the square of al-Umayyad on last Sunday

who is Abou Asid al-Ansa-ry who opened the street in front of the second suicidal “Abee Zaar al-Ansary “ , it announced also that it fights with the free army is Sasa.

Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )268( 2013/10/17

Attempts of infiltration in Aleppo ….. clashes in its countryside

Conflicting reports about the prison of Aleppo

In the countryside of Alep-po, fierce clashes have hap-pened between the units of Syrian Arab Army and the gunmen of opposition in al-Safera, while the army de-stroyed rocket launchers and mortars in Kwers. The cor-respondent of al-Mayadeen Channel talked about fierce

The sources of opposition ru-mored that the gunmen were able to control on the central prison of Aleppo after clashes took place in the courtyard of the prison and a number of the guards were killed, other sources denied any entering of the gunmen to the central prison.

clashes between the Syrian army and the gunmen of the front of al-Nusra inside one of the buildings in the Cen-tral prison of Aleppo. The battles between the gunmen of “ the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham “ and “the brigade of storm of north “ in Azaz in the countryside of Aleppo

have renewed, causing the killing and injuring dozens of two parties. In Deir Ez-zour, gunmen affiliated to the Free Army and the Front of al-Nusra targeted by heavy weapons the headquarters of the Syrian army forces in a number of districts of the city.

Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )268( 2013/10/17

Chechen …. Yemeni... Saudi People and Turkish people in the countryside of Lattakia

Fighting between Gunmen in Homs…and Loses of opposition in Hama and Daraa

Dozens of gunmen were killed during a fighting be-tween two armed groups on the way that connects Alsul-taniah village with Salam Gharbi in the countryside of Jeb Aljerah in Homs, while the clashes are still continued between the Syrian Arab army and the opposition gunmen in Jorat Alsheiah ,Karabess and Akrab in the countryside of Homs. An official military source said that units of the army destroyed four bombed cars and launcher missile in Alarshona and Alkerija vil-lages in the countryside of Hama and it controlled Salam Gharbi in the countryside of Hama and that after killing all the members of armed groups ,while the sources of opposi-

tion mentioned that it con-trolled Salam Gharbi village. In the countryside of Daraa, a military source talked that the units of the army targeted the hideouts of gunmen in Atmman ,Inkhel ,Alhirak, the Western Muleiha and Tafas, where some gunmen were

The army units killed and in-jured dozens of gunmen in many areas in Lattakia coun-tryside, the majority of them affiliated to the “Islamic State of Iraq and Levant” terror-ist organization. A military source said that the army tar-geted gunmen’s hideouts in the areas of Dorshan, Naw-wara, al-Kaber, Otaira, al-Furlug and al-Amleek, kill-ing scores of gunmen, many of them of non-Syrian nation-alities including Chechen,

killed.The gunmen targeted with mortars the forces of the Syrian Arab Army in the Twelfth Brigade and the mili-tary residences in Alkuneiah and it achieved successful operations there ,while the clashes are still repeated in Alsheik Maskeen .

Yemini ,Turkish and Saudi Nationalities , and destroy-ing a number of warehouses. Among the killed gunmen were Abu al-Motayam al-Sinjari, Abdul-Latif Moham-mad, of the Yemeni national-ity, Abu Huzayfa, Abu Omar, of the Libyan nationality, Abu Abdul-Rahman, Hamed Ab-dul-Nabi, Salem al-Khaled and Sam’an al-Haj. The army units also foiled an attempt of infiltration to al-Nabi Ashe’a Mount.

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The injured of al-Nusra to Israel

The inspection of 11 sites

The correspondent of al-Mayadeen reported that 106 injured persons of the front of al-Nusra were transferred by Israeli ambulances to the Is-raeli Hospital “Naharya”.

The Opposition may negotiate with the Syrian gov-ernment

Opponent Sources reported the speech of Louay Safi, the spokesman of National Co-alition of the forces of the revolution and the Syrian opposition that the possibil-ity of approval to negotiate with some acceptable persons of the Syrian government at

Geneva Conference 2, such as Farouk al-Shara, the Vice President of Bashar al-Assad, stressing that the negotia-tions would be about hand-ing over the power to a tran-sitional government without any future for the President al-Assad in it.

A new coalition for the Syrian opposition in

SyriaA number of parties and Syr-ian opponent political move-ments announced the for-mation of “ the coalition of political parties in Syria,” Yahiya Awad, the spokesman of the coalition said in a state-ment that there is not any po-litical opposition inside Syria, except the opposition which is close to the government and officially licensed it.

The organization of prohibi-tion the chemical weapons announced in its statement that the organization mission team inspected of eleven sites and it destroyed the equip-ment for producing in six sites of the chemical weapons in Syria. The United Nations has appointed the Dutch Sig-rid Kaag a president of the international mission which is responsible for getting rid of the chemical weapons in Syria.

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Council of leadership in Daraa

A political party of the brotherhood of Muslims

The sources of opposition re-ported that the leading member in Brotherhood Muslims group in Syria Zoheir Salem said that the group wait the proper

conditions to announce form-ing a political party and he an-nounced that this party will not be apolitical tool of the group, but it will be an opened nation-

about seventy factions of the armed opposition in Daraa announced that they do not admit by the “National Co-alition of the forces of revo-lution and the opposition,” announcing that they unit themselves under a new mili-tary organization under the name of “Command Coun-cil of the Revolution of the Southern Region”.

al and independent space for all the ideas and targets with Is-lamic ideology, and he denied the presence of any military tools of the group inside Syria

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Genève 2 is in the next month

Syria extradited Campo to the United Nations

The ministry of foreign af-fairs and Expatriates extra-dited the Canadian lawyer Carl Sergi Campo, the work-er in the United Nations forces to observe the separa-tion of forces in Golan (UN-

DOF), to the permanent representative of the United Nations in Syria Jacobe Al-holow .This worker in UN-DOF was abducted by gun-men in Khan Alsheih in last February.

Qadri Jamil ,the Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs announced that the Geneva Conference 2 can be held between 23 and 24 November, he said in an in-terview with Russia Today channel that the Syrian bud-get losses due to the continu-ation of the war is estimated at one hundred billion dollars up to the present time.

Electricity in good con-dition

The Ministry of electricity confirmed that all projects of generation are in good condi-tion and the Ministry does its best to secure the electricity to all citizens.