Nine frame (final)


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Dog Soldiers

Nine Frame

This shot shows the location of the movie. We straight away find out it’s a missionary style film as the titles come up in a type writer format. Ambient music is played its gloomy which adds to the whole effect.

The screen then fades away twice introducing us to the male character near the lake, and we fade out again to the man and the women. We then here from the dialoged saying that being in the wood camping is much better being at work. The fire is shown am make me think that danger is right in front of them they just don’t relies it yet.

We then see that it have became dark, everything is silent and a match on action is used as the male character pulls down the zip on the women's trousers they relies that the tent zip is slowly opening. They are both shocked and a zoom in medium close is used to show the fright in there face as they thought they were alone. We also know its dark as they have o put on a torch. Sound perspective is used to big up the tension of the tent opening.

Suddenly something grabs the women’s leg, you here grunts and the her screaming, a multi take is shown to show the grab or the leg the struggle of the women and the hopeless attempt for the man to fight back. Not once are we shown what grabbed her but we know that what ever it may have been was strong. The last we see of the women is her lifeless face. The scene in the tent ends with the man sat in shock with blood spread across his face.

After that we are shown the full moon through the rough of the trees. This makes us think that it’s a werewolf mainly because they are normally associated with full moon. A sound perspective is used as we here a howl of a dog.. Or is it a werewolf ?

A non-diegetic sound is used to build the suspense of a man running through the forest cover in dirt, he's getting chased by well equip men most likely soldiers judging by the out line of the men and then name of the film. Sound perspective is used when the man running and hits in to trees and bushes to build nerve racking atmosphere.

A jump cut is then used as the one man battles against the 3-4 soldiers, also is shown as a multi take to show the connection between the torch and the mans head

We then find out the man is actually under this mans control, he has been given a order of silencing a dog. This man being a soldiers we would have thought that he would be a killing machine but instead he refuses orders from who we think is the officer of his rank.

they enter the next scene with “4 weeks later- the high lands of Scotland” this appears once again in a military style type writer. We then are shown the surrounding area which appears for nothing to be there loads of men get out of the helicopter. But the question is why would soldiers be in a empty area , or is it really empty?