Neuron-Selling: How to use the Latest Neuroscience to Consistently Close Customers



Neuron-Selling is a powerful new approach for sales professionals that leverages the Latest Neuroscience to Consistently Close Customers

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How to use the Latest Neuroscience to Consistently Close Customers


What is Neuron-Selling?


Hot new neuroscience with

some key pieces missing.


Proven neuroscience sales

approach that drives results.

Aventi Group

Founded in 2001 by blue chip company execs

Technology client services include:

Product Marketing

Market Strategy

Channel Development

Demand Generation

Domain knowledge in IT / technology sector

Network of executive consultants

A few clients…

John is a Sales Director

for a technology firm.

He has three primary goals

for this year:

1. Ensure all sales reps

exceed quota

2. Ensure all sales reps

exceed quota

3. And…ensure all sales

reps exceed quota

To meet his goals, John needs to achieve

Best-In-Class results…

• 20% higher win rates

• 3x more proposals closed

• 5x better discount avoidance

• 35% more reps meeting quota

• Higher cross-selling and up-selling

John invested in team sales

training but found it to be:

1. Expensive & slow

2. Difficult to implement

3. Inconsistent across reps

John was left with 3

difficult choices:

1. Fail to meet rep quotas

And maybe get fired

2. Replace sales reps

And risk time & money

3. Invest in more training

And hope it pays offWhat did John decide?

John chose to invest in

Neuron-Selling because it’s:


Reps can learn it in one

90-minute session


The 3-step process is

easy for reps to retain


Because it’s fast and

simple, it costs far less


It’s Fast

• One 90-min. webinar or live session

• Concise, comprehensive eBook

• For direct or partner sales teams

It’s Simple

• Easy-to-learn 3-step process

• Adaptable to any sales situation

• Proven Neuron-Persuasion approach

It’s Affordable

• Typically 75% less cost than others

• Guaranteed, proven results

• Optional mentoring & mobile app


It’s Effective

“I heard about this Neuron-Selling thing but I didn’t bother to check it out.

Our competitors embraced it and are now eating our lunch.” –YOU?

“Aventi Group’s workshops are a must for any technology company. What

you’ll learn in one day could transform your messaging, selling, channels,

promotions, and sales enablement.”

–Don Metzger, CEO, Next Input, Inc.

“Aventi Group led one of the best workshops I’ve ever attended. Their

executives were knowledgeable, entertaining, and inspiring. The

templates, examples and processes we received were outstanding.”

–William Gouveia, Marketing Director, Booz Allen Hamilton










The 3-Step Process

Triune Brain Neuroscience

*The Triune Brain in Evolution by neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean


Logical Brain

Responds to “facts & figures”

Limbic System

Emotional Brain

Responds to “heart’s desires”

Reptilian Complex

Instinctual Brain

Responds to “fear of loss”

Evolution of the forebrain that dictates all human behavior*




Aristotle’s Persuasion ModelYou must appeal to all three brains to move a

customer all the way through the sales process

But not equally…

What Sales Reps / Partners will Learn…

Optional Neuron-Enablement

CSO Insights Studies

Only 7.4% of sales tools

“exceed expectations”

Sales Question Matrix

Optional sales enablement

tools let reps & partners

personalize approaches based

on customer Neuron-Profiles

Optional Neuron-App

Mobile App for Apple iOS or Android

Determines Neuron-Profiles for reps, partners &

prospects, and customizes the right collateral,

tools, words, phrases & sales approach.

The Difference


Ready to Learn More?

“I have been very impressed with the

professionalism and expertise of the

Aventi team, as well as the quality of the

work Aventi is doing for Avnet and our

partners. The team at Aventi has created

a unique, quality-driven approach.”

-Nicole Boss, Product Manager, Avnet

Contact today for more information on how Aventi

Group can help you increase sales, lower costs, and improve results.
