Mozilla - Becoming Data Driven

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Slides from "Becoming Data Driven" session at Mozilla all hands meeting in April 2009.

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Becoming a Data Driven Organization

Ken Kovash



• The “Analytics Umbrella” at Mozilla

• What we’ve done so far

• The Role of our Analytics Function

• What can we do for you?


The “Analytics Umbrella” at Mozilla

How can a greater reliance on data driven approaches

enable Mozilla to have a greater impact?

mobile adoption

download experience

website experience

mobile performance

retention experience

product experience

new add-on launches

website experience

website experience

live chat experience

marketing experience

download experience

installation experience

product experience

retention experience

uninstall experience

website experience




marketing experience

download experience

installation experience

product experience

js performance

reporter (site compatibility)



retention experience

uninstall experience

website experience


days vulnerable


new product adoption

test pilot

monetized value of a new user

projecting future sustainability

SFX experience

product launches

campus rep experience

Community marketing


Case Study #1


Case Study #1

• Our recent Installer Feedback initiative is a good example

• We took a specific area – Fx installation experience – and based

on previous analysis (100K daily users complete download, but

don’t install), we sought to tackle the business problem

• A single day experiment is leading to a couple product changes

(will be implemented for 3.5)

• Resulting impact will be approx. 2,000,000 happier Firefox

users annually (users we would have otherwise lost)


Case Study #2


Case Study #2

• Fraudulent Firefox related advertisements – what is the size, scope,

and impact (if any) of the problem?

• We took a specific area – Search Engines, which deliver our

“first impression” to 40% of new Fx users – and based on

analysis, estimated that nearly 7 million new Firefox users

(annually) see a fraudulent ad and click through to that

fraudulent site

• We worked with search firms and with our legal team to

determine best approaches for addressing this problem

• Legal currently has a quarterly goal around a systematic

solution; we should be able to successfully make a dent in

improving the user experience for millions of new users


So, we’re cool, right?


The Role of our Analytics Function

• We’ve seen that the simplest (and often non-sexy)

things can have the biggest impact

• But, we’ve generally seen little leverage

• The previous case studies were based on me

asking myself questions

• Part of this is my fault

• We need to be more proactive


The Role of our Analytics Function

• Interacting with our team…

• Think of us as internal consultants

• lean on us when making a decision and early on

in your initiatives

• i.e., not just after the fact


What can we do for you?

• We’d love to hear from you

• What problem could we solve?

What business question could we answer?

Where can Mozilla be having a greater impact?(these questions can apply to your function or another function)

• Can we help Jay optimize the experience for mobile

users on the new mobile site?

• Can we help Seth understand adoption patterns of

different locales, and what do those patterns tell us about

a language version’s long-term success?

• There are a thousand other questions…


Thank You
