Mini Seedcamp Prague 2011-10-20 - Lookbook

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Mini Seedcamp

Prague 2011


Tommaso Borghi Tomas Camin

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We want to leverage this unique opportunity to meet great mentors that can both give us hard times and valuable feedbacks on our product and direction.

Email tommaso.borghi@gmail.comWebsite Twitter @answheremeFrom Milan, Italy

Company Description

Search engines are the most visited website by smartphone users but due do the intrinsic hardware constraints (small LCD, small keyboard) traditional search engines are everything but an effective solution to find information quickly.

With you just need a tap to launch the app, 140 characters for your question and we'll broadcast your query to the experts around you. Our service will understand the general topic of your question using simple yet effective machine learning algorithm, find the experts in that topic and send them your query.

In few minutes you will get the information you need. Quick, effective and addictive.

Our team is composed by senior engineers with a strong expertise in the development of high quality software (previous products have already been used by millions of users) and leading the technical development of big complex projects.

Andrew Loginov Oksana Loginova AppScale

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

Presentation of AppScale project looking for the first round investment.

Email team@app-scale.comWebsite From Yekaterinburg, Russia

Company Description

The social market trend is that more and more game-companies go to foreign networks. But every SNS has its own Api that makes it difficult and costly for developers to be on multiple networks.

AppScale is a service that converts Api of Social Network Sites’ into each other. Thus, allowing a developer to bring his Apps to new Social Networks on Api he has already. For instance, a Facebook App can go live on VZnet,,, and etc. with FB's Api!

The idea to create a tool came to us when we ported an aplication from Facebook to Vznet. We thought about a self-service that would distribute apps between different SNS for 5 minutes and didn't require deep programming, changing the source code and administrating.

Having found the solution, we decided to share it with other developers in the form of AppScale service.

Vit Horky Damian Brhel Brand Embassy

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We are expanding into UK, D, A, NL and we will enter global market in just 12 months. We need some advices (experienced mentors to talk to) and smart money (investors) to become a global leader. Will you help us?

Email horky@brandembassy.comWebsite Twitter @Brand_EmbassvFrom Prague, Czech Republick

Company Description


We provide specialists who listen to customers in online discussion all over the internet, help them and promote purchases. The ambassadors understand the needs of customers and officially and transparently represent the brand.

Launched 10 weeks ago, we have got Wunderman and Isobar, the leading global advertising agencies, as a partners and 6 paying clients, e.g. Captain Morgan or OTTO.

We expand into UK, A, D, NL and into global market soon. We build international network of trained brand ambassadors and we developed a unique online system for easy selection and efficiency assessment of ambassadors and customer insights.

We target TOP 500 world brands through their agencies. We charge montly license fees. Vit, Martin and Damian, the co-founders, have all 7+ years of online marketing experience. They lead digital creative agency working for 115 clients like Erste Bank, GM and others.


Eduardo Ferrin Balanced Scorecard

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

Seedcamp will allow us greater visibility and recognition of our business apps for tablets, a high-level networking, mentoring experience to help us in our strategy and access to raise funds.

Email contact@bscipad.comWebsite Twitter @bscipadFrom Madrid, Spain

Company Description

"Mobile Business Intelligence" Apps for Tablets to take the Control of your Business in your Hand.

Strategy focused on the rapidly expanding mobile business intelligence sector. Our fundamental idea: The democratization of strategic planning data and operational guideposts.

Our apps are guided by a common philosophy: Mobility, Usability, Simplicity, and Economicity. Our first app, Balanced Scorecard for iPad demonstrates our commitment to this philosophic approach, in the first 6 months in Appstore 20,000 users across 90 Countries.

Most of the competitors within the BI app sector restrict their growth by only targeting large corporations leaving a large market gap for products like ours that are affordable to any business which creates a substantial market growth opportunity to quickly obtain market share.

Apart from cost, the main problem with many competitor products is their learning curve of use. Our Team have experience in strategy consulting, marketing online and IT

Ajith Kumar Padmanabhan Patrick Schmidt CHAKKR

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We are a team of experienced techies determined to disrupt the world of courier-transport industry; and we've started it already. Seedcamp gives business experts an opportunity to get to know us, guide us, and be part of a growth story.

Email info@chakkr.comWebsite Twitter @chakkrFrom Oberhausen, Germany

Company Description

CHAKKR is a smarter way to ship goods. When it comes to transport of irregular items (eg : household, furniture etc.), bought online/offline, the options are limited.

A handful of BIG transport companies take the monopoly, keeping more than 95% of a 25 Billion EUROS consumer-goods-transport market. For consumers, this means less choice, high costs, slow deliveries etc. \

CHAKKR is a C2C/C2B courier-marketplace which connects almost in real-time, the customers who want to ship goods, to couriers and transporters already on the road, as well as to private travelers who want to earn extra money while traveling.

Customers get best prices, transporters avoid empty back-loads, and travelers earn some money while on the road. Found by a team of experienced techies who were IT-Consultants in their previous life, CHAKKR uses a smart technology combining a Web, FB and Mobile App.

CHAKKR makes money from commercial couriers, and from real-time connections.

William Tetteh George Heming Facekrypt

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We hope to meet with and exchange ideas with like-minded engineers and entrepreneurs. We also hope to learn a lot more about the whole startup fundraising process and how to grow a successful startup from concept to profitability.

Email team@facekrypt.comWebsite www. facekrypt.comTwitter @facekryptFrom Cambridge MA, USA

Company Description

Facekrypt addresses privacy concerns within public social networks by adding a layer of "secrecy" on top of existing access controls. Secrecy is achieved because all user data posted online is secured with a key.

Only users with the right keys can view "secure" data and Facekrypt offers a means for users to share and exchange these keys securely.

Users essentially retain ownership of all data posted online and can therefore revoke permissions/data at any time.

Facekrypt will become the social networks key authority for all user data shared online and we intend to make money off the key management and distribution service.

The Facekrypt team has a combined 20+ years (10 years working together) background of software development. We also have the right mix of systems engineering, embedded programming, app development, and web development background to tackle the challenges of this project.

Arianna Bassoli Johanna Brewer frestyl

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We're hungry to transform the live music industry so we do everything we can to spread the word about frestyl and seek out the critical feedback that fuels our obsession with perfection. Seedcamp will be our shot of adrenaline.

Email info@frestyl.comWebsite Twitter @frestylnewsFrom Rome, Italy

Company Description

frestyl is a geolocalized, UGC platform (web/iPhone) that enables anyone (musicians, promoters, venues, music fans) to share info about upcoming concerts and build their reputation as local music scene insiders.

Our goal is to create the first truly social music recommendation engine to enable the discovery of new music through the live experience and provide a direct-ticketing and door-management service for the event stakeholders.

3 of the 4 members of our team hold PhDs (in Information & Computer Sciences, Management of Information Systems and Sociology of Communication) and our fourth has a strong start-up pedigree (he was the first coder at IndabaMusic).

We've previously designed & built music services for HP, Intel and Media Lab Europe, and everyone on the team boasts a musical background (we've got an event organizer, an amateur DJ and two musicians).

We're all bi-lingual (English/Italian) and we have an impressive 3:1 female:male ratio.




Tim Sherratt Jack O'Connor Globe

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We’re most excited about the guidance from Seedcamp’s mentors. While we strongly believe in our product, we love receiving feedback on what we’re doing and where the idea could go.

Email hi@globev1.comWebsite Twitter @globev1From London, England

Company Description

Globe is a travel blogging platform (web & mobile app) for backpackers. Existing travel blogs are organised chronologically which makes their content hard to explore.

Instead we order your posts geographically by plotting your trip on a map, linking all of your content to locations. We then pull in any other interesting geotagged data you may produce (Foursquare, Twitter, Flickr, etc.) to make your story richer.

While we will make money from targeted adverts and affiliate marketing, our primary revenue stream will be from the data we collect on the $136 billion youth travel industry.

Jack and Tim are both extremely passionate about travelling; between them they have visited 43 countries in 6 continents. Tim unknowingly made the globe prototype while he was on a 9 month round-the-world trip, and wanted to show his friends where he was and photos from the places he’d been.

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

• To meet top European tech entrepreneurs, learn from them and hang out with them.

• To get accepted into the Seedcamp program, which will immensely speed up the development of our company.

• To party in Prague, as we're there anyway.

Email info@ideedock.comWebsite Twitter @IdeedockFrom Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Company Description

Ideedock is an online tool that allows companies to run idea contests among their employees.

• Employees have an overview of the challenges & can submit ideas• They earn points and badges for participation

Ideedock is fully scalable (like basecamp)

Companies often don't know how to optimally utilize their employees' creativity. An idea contest is an easy and subtle way to challenge people to be creative. It's a way for companies to involve all employees in innovation. Customers pay a monthly fee (between €89 and €999) based on the amount of users.

In 10 months we have acquired great customers as Rabobank, ING & Royal Haskoning and generated over €40.000 revenue. Pepijn (25) started his first company at 22 while in college, and is an entrepreneur now for 3 years.

James (33) has over 10 years of professional development experience both at IBM and Sogeti, and numerous startups.

Bernd Gruber Markus Krainz

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We want to get feedback on our product, learn more about developer evangelism, get business advice from serial entrepreneurs, get access to the seedcamp network and get funding.

Email team@customlbs.comWebsite Twitter @indoo_rsFrom Vienna, Austria

Company Description

We provide a technology ( as an SDK, that enables accurate indoor localisation and navigation on smartphones and tablets.

Developers need not worry about the technology and the math thats running behind the scenes and can add this as a painless to use SDK to get the additional content into their apps. Just think of the possibilities in e.g. shopping malls, airports, exhibition centers. No additional hardware is needed and neither is access to the Wifi – it just works.

The SDK and the necessary software is offered for the companies and developers. In return a licensing charge is collected by, according to the number of end-user licences.

Besides studying Int. Business and Chinese Bernd worked for two years as a project manager for an e-commerce start-up. Markus is a computer geek and specializes in location based services technology. Additionally to studying Electrical Engineering he worked as a programmer.

Jaakko Vainio Pauli Pihajoki Lokus Digital

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We want to learn from the international mentors. We have gotten far in learning stuff in Finland but now we need to broaden our horizons. To make our enterprise grow fast we need funding, partners and good advice.

Email team@lokusdigital.fiWebsite Twitter @LokusDigitalFrom Finland

Company Description

Lokus Digital the mobile that use augmented reality and multiplayability for greater immersion and challenge. Currently, most mobile games are made with computer designs in mind.

The market is also oversaturated with casual games. So, not all the gamers find anything to play on mobile devices. Our games tackle this problem. Our business model is freemium.

This means the games are free-to-play and the income is through in-game purchases. We aim to publish parts of the game early on for customer feedback. Our team consists of the three founders of the company. We have background in natural and computer sciences.

We have a history of making things happen in hobbies and positions of trust. This summer we attended an early startup program Summer of Startups and also got into Startup Sauna program. We are driven to create the games of tomorrow.

Taavi Hõbejõgi Sigmar Muuga Margn LLC

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

Margn team definitely wants to find new connections, potential partners and customers, ideas, feedback and hopefully receive investment.

Email info@margn.comWebsite Twitter @Margn_liveFrom Tartu, Estonia

Company Description

Margn is like a virtual accountant. It helps to collect and manage financial data - invoices, payments, salaries etc.

Margn is online accounting software meant for small organisations all over the world. Freelancers, software companies, small service firms etc.

The team consists of three hard working professionals, who are working really hard to create the best accounting system in the world. In fact, the team has worked together for almost 4,000 hours without getting any salary.

Margn does not want to be a cheap set of forms for filling data. Goal is to make really simple and intelligent system that would change the way accounting is done today.

Margn earns money with monthly fee asked per organisation. Currently Margn has about 30 customers.


Karim Amrani Milkly

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We've been working heads down on customer/ product development & we think it's time to get in front of the seedcamp community to:

• Show what we've been up to• Get extremely valuable feedback• Start engaging w/t investors

Email team@milk.lyWebsite Twitter @deliverthemilkFrom Geneva, Switzerland

Company Description

Craigslist meets Twitter meets Zillow, is a place where you can search for & offer help to people nearby, in real time.

Another way to say it is: it's a proximity based, real time marketplace for products and services.

You post a a request (we call them 'milklys') indicating what you need, where & when you need it and what it is worth to you ($) and wait for people nearby to instantly respond. it's magic!

There are ~5,000 selling-related Tweets per hour not to account help requests on fb, linkedin & mail - there is a clear 'latent' demand for 3 ways to monetize:

• Transaction fees

• Advertising

• Premium Accounts

Team: wants to change the world and believe we are on the right track. We have the right blend: - UX - Product Development - Business Development / Mgmt / Operations /Sales


Gerzson Huszár Kristóf Bárdos Mixgar

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We would like to become the leading interactive music streaming provider for bars/venues in the next 3 years. In Prague we are looking for feedback about our product, meeting mentors and investors to grow our business.

Email info@mixgar.comWebsite Twitter @MixgarFrom Budapest, Hungary

Company Description

Mixgar is a community music streamer. It streams music that most people like at a venue be it a bar, a shop or a franchise unit.

Mixgar is way more than jukebox or a background music provider – it’s social, it’s interactive and it’s democratic – it plays the music the whole community likes!

Listeners check in to a bar and they can vote for songs with their mobile. They can also log in with their Facebook account so Mixgar reads their likes and changes the playlist accordingly.

Why bar owners love it? Because it uses no extra hardware and streams super-fresh, licensed music and videos from the world's biggest music database: YouTube. The outcome: happy bar owners and music the whole community likes.

Revenue: We charge bar owners but not the listeners. Big brands (Heineken) can sponsor it and Franchise networks can use it as a white label solution.

Rok Hrastnik Tomaž Tomšič NeedleFound

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

Learn how to best grow an online analytics startup (traction VS revenue) and migrate to US; make connections with data providers (Google, Facebook etc.), potential clients (discuss analytics issues), media and investors; discuss development & infrastructure approaches for top scalability.

Email info@needlefound.comWebsite Twitter @NeedleFoundFrom Ljubljana, Slovenia

Company Description

We help you find the needle in your online data haystack, so that you don't have to do it by hand. Online analytics - automated.

Our vision is to revolutionize the world of web analytics, turning the current model of how data is served and analyzed on its head. In short, we want to help businesses gain immediate insights into their key online business drivers, instead of them having to spend hours upon hours to fight through dozens of report to identify what is happening with their online marketing efforts and what they need to focus on.

Our team has more than a decade of experience in building international ecommerce businesses; developing advanced online ad serving and measurement solutions; and in establishing online analytics processes and training online analysts.

Rauno Rüngas Markko Karu Qminder

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We want to take part in Seedcamp to make it big! We can execute, we have clients - but to conquer the world Fast, we need some help. Different markets, different needs - hard to keep the focus.

Email info@qminderapp.comWebsite Twitter @qminderFrom Tallinn, Estonia

Company Description

Qminder is a smartphone based queue elimination system! A smartphone app and a queue management service to reduce waiting times and improve customer service.

Current queue management systems are static and costly. You need to be at location to get in line or your number and you are given none or too little information on your time left to wait. All this builds up as frustration and converts into customer dissatisfaction.

Qminder solves these problems by giving the end-user the ability to book times beforehand, take their ticket wherever they are and remind them when their turn is up.

Easy to set up and affordable web based dashboard and tablet "ticket counter" for business customers with a subscription fee. The team behind it: 4 hackers, a hustler and a concept architect who is focusing on keeping it simple and usable.

Qminder - wait in line,without wasting your time!

Norbert Morawetz TeamMatch

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

Excite others. Test ourselves. Talk potential.

Email team@team-match.comWebsite Twitter @TeamMatcherFrom London, UK

Company Description

Teammatch is a webapplication that helps users form better teams and improve teamwork with a combination of occupational psychology and matchmaking technology.

The All-girls team, the friends-stick-together team, the all-International-student team are staples of flawed group classroom activity. TeamMatch helps groupleaders sort members into balanced teams, based on psychometric testing.

Matched participants receive a teamreport that introduces teammembers, and advises on how to work together effectively. This makes groupwork fairer, improves collaboration skills and increases group networking. Teammatching supports further, higher & executive education, distance learning, assessment centres, as well as competition and conference organisation.

TeamMatch also allows organisations/companies to generate a comprehensive psychometric profile for a team to improve team spirit or screen candidates e.g. in recruitment.

Our freemium revenue model targets low volume (SMEs, HR departments, trainers) and high volume users (e.g. universities). The team has an excellent skill mix and strong relevant experience in IT and academia.


Kieran Murphy TradersNow

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

TradersNow personally knows a winner of Seedcamp and based on his experience, Seedcamp is now a MUST for us. We hope to make the right connections, gain credibility, discover how to locate our keyhires and obtain seed capital for R&D.

Email kieran@TradersNow.comWebsite Twitter @theQstrategyFrom Dublin, Ireland

Company Description

TradersNow are developing specialised software which predict market trends in the financial trading markets.

TradersNow are developing the world's first algorithmic currency trading strategy that is based on the Fractal Market Hypothesis (FMH) and have called this strategy "The Q".

There are thousands of financial trading houses worldwide whose traders look for "the edge".

TradersNow are developing "The Q" which gives traders a statistical advantage in predicting change in the markets. TradersNow have exclusively licensed a trading algorithm from the Dublin Institute of Technology and are developing The Q trading strategy.

TradersNow is rich in IP and has some key companies interested in licensing The Q when the development is complete.

Kieran Murphy, CEO of TradersNow has over 22 years experience in trading the financial markets and Professor Jonathan Blackledge, inventor of The Q algorithm, is one of Europe's leading mathematicians and academics in his field.

David Siska Jan Kolar Universator

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

There is no secret that being on Seedcamp is good promo with possibility of investment. However, we are not necessarily going for money and fame but for ideas and personal experience to kick off Universator!

Email team@universator.comWebsite Twitter @universatorcomFrom Brno, The Czech Republic

Company Description

PROJECT: Universator makes picking up international studies a social activity by getting international students together and showing them previous experience and other relevant data.

PROBLEM Just in Europe, 5000 institutions of terciary education with tens of thousands of study programmes exist.

SOLUTION: Aggregating important and relevant information (international ranking of schools, number of students and staff, aggregated student reports from Erasmus, information about student organizations, living costs, etc.)

Universator helps students with adapting to a new social environment by providing a list of attending students and creating space for interaction. MONEY: International students are regular customers and as a middle man we are going to charge for that (lead generation)

TEAM: David Siska and me have been longterm partners and we have been cooperating for over 5 years (We have built a domain portfolio of 500 domains that are being sold on our site

Goran Duškić Edi Budimilić WhoAPI

Why are you taking part in Mini Seedcamp Prague?

We really like what happened with some startups after they attended the Seedcamp :) We are here for the experience, networking, fun, learn new tricks and maybe get some funding to start our startup.

Email contact@whoapi.comWebsite Twitter @whoapiFrom Rijeka, Croatia

Company Description

Get extensive domain data (structured whois, domain availability, spam blacklists check, server uptime) using our API in XML and JSON well-structured fields, easily parsed with php, .net, ruby and other programming languages.

If hosting, domain brokerage, SEO, web development, online marketing companies require information about domains, servers, web sites, they usually need the infrastructure, technology (know-how), time and money. But with our service, they just pay for querying our API. We charge for the queries, which makes scaling their business much easier.

Founders are best friends for 15 years. We became entrepreneurs as teenagers and co-founded a game development team Generation Stars 12 years ago. 5 years ago we scraped 200$ each and founded a web development and hosting company GEM Studio which we just sold and making it our first exit.