Migratory birds


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Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

Have you seen a flock of migratory birds flying ?

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

By flying in a “V” formation....

The flock increases the flight efficiency by 71% compared to one bird flying alone.

As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the birds behind.

Lesson 1:

When a goose leaves the formation… He feels the resistance of the air and difficulties of flying alone....

So he quickly gets back in the formation to take advantage of the flock’s power in front of him ..

Working as a team, they get to their destination quicker and easier.

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

Lesson 2:

When the leader goose gets tired of flying...

He goes to the end of the “V” formation. And another goose takes the lead.

Since all of them are flying in the same direction, the effort is less and it is easier to reach the goals.

If people too had as much sense, they would realize that ultimately success depends on working as a team, taking turns to do the hard work and sharing leadership.

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

Lesson 3:

The geese flying on a “V” formation, quack continuously to encourage the front-rankers. In this way, they use encouraging “honking from behind” to maintain the desired speed.

The Power of Motivation: Each one of us likes a word of encouragement…

With encouragement and positive motivation, the progress is greater…A timely word of encouragement helps and strengthens the resolve to move ahead and produces results...

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

Lesson 4:

When a goose gets sick, is injured or gets tired and he leaves the formation... Some of the group members also leave the formation and fly with him to help and protect him.

They remain with him until he dies or he is able to fly again.. Then they launch out again with another passing flock or try to catch up with their own.

Friends in need are friends indeed. Who would not want such worthy friends in times of need ?

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

Lesson 5:

Like the Geese we too need support of others specially in times of crisis…

If we too can forge such kind of bonds of love & mutual cooperation, irrespective of our personal differences… we may be able to withstand any challenge.

Life would be really easier, fulfilling and much more worth living if only we understood the meaning of friendship, team spirit… and were prepared to share the joys, sorrows and pain of others as much as our own…

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…

Humans, like geese, were created to work together and support one another. By encouraging each other and supporting our leaders we can accomplish much more than we can trying to work alone…

Lessons to be learnt from the Migratory birds…
