Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile For Sales


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LinkedIn & You

LinkedIn & You

2014, HelloWorld Confidential


Why LinkedIn?

Getting Started: Basics

How Can You Help?


2014, HelloWorld Confidential


Why LinkedIn?

78% of salespeople who use social media outsell their peers.

75% of B2B purchases are influenced by social media.

Social Media users sell 23% more than non-users.

97% of cold calls dont work. *every year this number increases by 7%

57% of buying decisions are made before a sales rep is even involved.

Sources CEB, Connect & Sell, IBM

By The Numbers


4277people follow HelloWorld on LinkedIn

30% are Senior Level Executives

33% are in marketing and advertising

Melissa Summers (MS) - Preface social network talk with fact that it's still important to be all these places as a brand particularly. But for sales....

The Power Of Networks



Employees On LinkedIn


Average # of Connections


Potential Reach

Melissa Summers (MS) - Change number of HW employees on linked in"Around 450"

Getting Started: The Basics


Complete your profile

Clear Image

You, not your kid, dog, car

Fill in all fields and let your expertise shine

Grab your custom url before someone else does

Dont sell, inform

If your connections want to buy, theyll come to you.

75% of buying decisions happen before you get involved, educate your network without spamming them.

Join groups your connections are involved in.


Rule Of Thumb

If you wouldnt put it on your resume or say it in an interview, its probably not for LinkedIn


How You Can Help

Follow, Like & Share HelloWorld Content

Follow the HelloWorld company page.

A simple Like puts our content in the newsfeed of your connections greatly expanding our reach.

If you think a piece of content is especially valuable to your network, share it with a bit about why its worth a look.


How You Can Help

Grow Your Network

Follow all your customers companies.

Connect with all your customers.

Ask your connections to introduce you to prospects.

Follow up initial contact with prospects with a LinkedIn connection. Let them know youll be doing it.

At trade shows and conferences follow up with contacts via email and connect via LinkedIn after the event.

LinkedIn increases response to communications by 300% over email.


Power User: John Latham

Whos in his network?

Clients, partners, agency leads for big brands, anyone who will be a key contact on a project.

How he connects.

He reaches out via email or a phone call before asking to connect.

Why it works.

Adding clients has helped me to keep up with people as they move to new companies so I can reach out with new opportunities.

Connecting with several people in a large organization gives you credibility when you want to connect with someone new.

Invaluable for starbursting within existing accounts.

Pro Tips

Share 1-2 articles of interest to your connections each day. This is more engaging than various LinkedIn groups.

The LinkedIn plugin for Salesforce can help you be sure youre connecting to the right people in the right positions.

Always connect via email, phone or InMail (paid) before requesting a connection. You can get black listed that way.


Power User: Raquel Cadourcy

Whos in her network?

Clients, partners, prospects and every one of her accounts/brands. She also participates in marketing groups.

Lux LinkedIn Group

She maintains a LinkedIn group with 147 members grown organically from the content shes curated.

As new members join, its a great excuse to connect and doesnt come off as salesy


Raquel says this is her number one source for creating opportunities and getting meetings.

In February she scheduled 17 meetings and so far in March she has 7 scheduled.

Pro Tips

Target the company youd like to connect with. On their LinkedIn page click See All

This brings up a list of all connections you have with people who work for this company.

Open each of the profiles of people you want to connect with, this lets them know youre interested and creates curiosity on their end as well.

Ask for a connection, when you get one send a thank you right away. Ask to meet or have a virtual coffee.


Add Ons For Power Users

Card Munch

A simple iPhone app that allows you to take a picture of a business card, have it transcribed, stored and cross-referenced with LinkedIn.

Once the card is scanned it will display a list of mutual contacts listed within their LinkedIn connections.


TripIt has been a service relied on for many years to keep all trip details: flight, rental car, and hotel confirmation emails in a central spot.

The LinkedIn app takes it a step further telling you who else in your network will be in the city youre visiting.

Especially helpful for business trips when youre trying to plan as many networking meetings as possible.


Newlse is a web app that finds articles about you, your friends and colleagues and notifies you minutes or hours after theyre published.

It uses your LinkedIn (and/or Facebook connections) to find articles about your connections.

Uses disambiguation algorithm to determine whether an article mentioning John Smith is about the right person.

Excellent for congratulating a client or prospect on good press or an interesting byline.


Find Me On

2014, HelloWorld Confidential
