Maven Matrix Exposed 01

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A review and discussion of the Maven Matrix Manifesto. (1 of 5) Essentially, this reviewed work tells you how to make yourself into a larger-than-life maven who dominates the chosen niche and attracts business hand-over-fist. And how to turn this traffic into a high-income product line

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The Maven Matrix Manifesto


Part 1 of 5

Brainchild ofRich Schefren and Jay Abraham

The Maven MatrixTM

has everything to do with viral marketing and

social media marketing.

It's designed to create a viral buzz and position you as the top dog

in your niche's dogpile.

What is the Maven Matrix?

Essentially, a method to personally brand YOU

and add in top positioning marketing strategies.

And it won't work unless you put everything into it – like all of life and

any real marketing campaign: Lack of Faith kills it dead.

The “Good Old Days” are gone...

Matrix Step #1:

Gain Your Market's Trust

Know your market's problems, work out their sequence,

boil down into a blanket statement: a personal story of how you've been there

and done that yourself.

Know and feel you market's pain, problems, fears, hopes...

All marketing is a ClueTrain conversation.

All marketing depends on trust.

Stories sell because people embrace them –

it's how we think.

Matrix Step #2:

Establish Your Maven Persona

Develop yourself as a believable story character.

Construct your Maven Persona

“ have to select those character traits and stances that most accurately reflect what you are attempting to achieve in your market.”

“The reason why certain TV shows, movies, and novels become blockbusters --

And others simply bomb - is often due to the characters involved.

Think: Columbo, Gill Grissom on CSI, Rocky, Rambo, Harrison Ford in Indiana

Jones, Matt Damon as Jason Bourne.”

This is transference at work.

People evaluate their own lives through the eyes of that character,

and make their decisions accordingly:

“What Would Jesus Do?”

Not based on phoniness, but some character traits you have which people can trust.

They list 24 common character “types” which resonate with markets:

Tycoon, Workaholic, Researcher, Self-Made, Contrarian, Conspiracy Theorist, Eccentric, Iconoclast, “The Angry Man”,

Prodigal Genius, Fun Guy, Mad Scientist, Family Man, Futurist, Supreme Optimist,

etc. etc. etc.

Find the underlying system...
