Marketing automation in Ecommerce


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Automation is defined as a process in which production and delivery of products and services are monitored by creating and applying technology.

This will increase productivity, improve quality and consistency of product/processes/result and reduce human intervention.

It is used in many industries and sectors to automate processes.

In simple terms, marketing automation means automating the marketing process.

Now lets see ways to use marketing automation e-commerce:-

Making use of marketing automation in e-commerce websites will enable you to improve customers experience and increase sales conversions.

Publishing, emailing and reporting are the major areas to be considered while evaluating features of marketing automation process.

Create, manage and optimize website and landing page.

Segment email lists and send automated welcome messages/emails to the customers in a way to greet them.

Shopping cart abandonment can be reduced via automated reminder emails pointing out discounts/offers targeting customers who have kept products in the cart for certain time period. Send automated mails according to the seasonal festivals or special occasions.

Content based automation plays a vital role as it gives tips & instructions, portrays new products and displays offers to the shoppers but do it once you know the customers preferences.

Thank them via automated message for making a purchase in your online store or e-commerce website.

Automation is defined as a process in which production and delivery of products and services are monitored by creating and applying technology.

This will increase productivity, improve quality and consistency of product/processes/result and reduce human intervention.

It is used in many industries and sectors to automate processes.

In simple terms, marketing automation means automating the marketing process.

Integrate your automated marketing process with analytics tools to know the statistics better and to track demographics of your e-commerce website.

Optimize product pages and e-commerce website with automated commands to make it easier for the online shoppers.

Marketing automation enables you to manage multiple email campaigns, nurture visitors interested in your products, gather relevant information of customers through online forms, track website traffic, target specific demographics, improve customers engagement and get prospective leads.

When ecommerce marketing is automated it helps you to save time spent in manual process and increase conversion rate.
