Managing time 599_200312


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Certificate in Employability and Personal Development

Level 3 Curriculum (EPD Award Level 2)

Unit 599

Managing your time

Evidence Booklet

Name: Jack Fletcher


Group: Btec Extended Diploma in

Creative Media Production – Games Design

Year: 1 2011_12

Tutor: Harry Arnold

Learning Outcomes

Outcome 1 Understand how time can be managed and know why timemanagement is important

The learner can:1. describe the importance of time management and list 3 potential consequences of poor timemanagement2. describe the techniques that are available to manage time.

Outcome 2 Be able to plan their own work actively with some autonomy

The learner can:1. Plan a piece of work or learning that will involve some time management and show how theywill manage their time effectively2. Review their progress against suitable milestones they have identified3. Recognise when support is needed and describe how they can work with an appropriateperson to review their time management.


Describe the importance of time management. list 3 potential consequences of poor time management

Keeps you on track with goals and the time allocated for them. By keeping a schedule you know what you should be doing and when.

Helps you prioritize work and tackle the harder tasks first, whilst leaving the easier less time consuming tasks till last.

Get more work done in less time, by keeping to schedule and not messing about figuring out what you need to do.

Keeps you from getting angry at the jobs you have to do, and thinking there not enough time.

More quality work, when you have planned your time you are able to focus on the task at hand and not worry about any of the others, This allows for more concentration and overall better work.

Forces you to do thing you do not like, For example if you plan to do a task you do not want to do in a specific time space, it almost forces you to do it, as you have not planned to do anything else in that time space.

Makes sure you deliver what is promised, if you have not planned your time correctly or effectively, you could easily fall behind schedule and fail to deliver the completed project on time.

Time is limited; Time is always moving forward, if you waste time or not use it effectively, you cannot get it back.

Help discipline ourselves. Without a plan for the day, It Can become quite difficult to discipline yourself and get tasks done, as it become easy to forget how limited your time or resources can be.

List 3 potential consequences of poor time

1. Lesser quality work from being overwhelmed with work and not spending enough time on each subject.

2. Do not meet deadlines from not working effectively enough.

3. Leaving the harder things till last can mean you do not have enough time to complete the tasks

1.2 Research and describe the techniques that are available to manage time.

1. Milestones are a primitive but yet effective form of time management. With milestone you can make decisions on what milestone you want to be at and when.

2. ‘ABC Analysis’ would be prioritising tasks as urgent and important, important and not important. With this method you can see clearly what needs to be done, and you can focus on the more pressing tasks.

3. A task list is a more common form of time management, with this you can give yourself a list of what to do, and slowly work through the list during the day. Although effective, this method can prove difficult to some people who do not have much self discipline, for example leaving the harder or undesirable tasks till last and not having enough time to compete them.

4. ‘The Pomodoro Technique’ This method require a lot of self discipline but has proved effective. This technique consist of 5 steps

Decide on the task to be done.

Set the ‘pomodoro’ (Timer) to 25 minutes.

Work until the timer rings.

Take a short break (5 minutes).

Every 4 ‘pomodoro’ take a longer break (15-20 minutes).

5. Project lifecycle. When working in a team it is important to put people to work with their strong points, to get though any project it is important to follow these steps.





2.1 Plan a piece of work or learning that will involve some time management and show how you will manage your time effectively to ensure this is completed.

Task/work /learning to be planned

Potential barriers Time managements skills to be incorporated to ensure successful outcome

Assignment HA4 – The SIMS College Concept Art

Missing lessons

Work assigned from other tutors

Do not understand the assigned work

Workload/Fatigue from part-time work or carrying responsibilities

If A lesson is missed, I should use my own time to catch up on what I have missed, and to complete the tasks that I should have completed in the lesson time.

Task list on blog with posts to be completed and work through each task at a rate of one task/blog post per lesson.

Carry out an skills audit and consult the relevant tutors.

Negotiate a reduction in working hours; spread the work throughout the week, or on weekends. Prioritise sleep.

2.2. Review Your progress against suitable milestones identified above

Tracking my weekly progress on blog against my plan, keeping my tutors updated on my work and assignments. Weekly re-assessing of my progress and updating schedule and production log.

2.3. Please list people at college or work who can assist you with managing your time / time management skills

Subject tutors Personal tutors Learning mentors Programme leaders Study support tutors

2.3 continued ...........Recognise when support is needed and describe how you can work with an appropriate person to review your time management

One to one reviews with my subject tutor help me to identify any outstanding work, or any improvement that could be made to my work. Planning my time appropriately with my personal tutor would help me to plan more effectively. One to one assessment with study support tutor to discuss and put in place a support plan if necessary.

Unit Checklist

Outcome I have completed this section of my booklet


When you have completed this booklet, ensure it is stored in your file as it is evidence of you completing this element of your qualification.