Making Your Solo Ezine Ads Tireless Workhorses for Your Net Business


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How to Profit From Ezine Solo Ads

It's indisputable that ezine solo ads are a great strategy for internet marketers. Ezine ads are one

of the methods most commonly cited by internet marketing gurus as a key to success. There's

simply no easier way to get high quality traffic than ezine solo ads. Unlike some type of ads, you

can start out with ezine solo ads on just about any budget. To get the best results with ezine solo

ads, it's necessary to focus on certain elements. This doesn't mean that it's hard to master this

strategy; just that you have to know a few things. You'll do fine with ezine solo ads if you keep the

following tips in mind.

You know your subject line will be competing for attention in the inbox which means you have to

create something that works. You know very well what happens when people are scanning their

inbox, and your subject line has to grab attention. None of this is tough to understand, and there

is no compromising on the power your subject line has to have. It will take extra work on your

part, but having the knowledge and ability to craft subject lines will also help you write better ads.

This may seem obvious to most out there, but the net is full of content and ads that have simple

mistakes such as those related to spelling. At this stage of the game, there is no excuse for any

kind of spelling mistake given the wonders of spell checkers. While we are on the subject, let's

extend that concern to the correct usage of grammar. There are many good offers that get a bad

response just because of this one factor. Never think that just because you bought ad space that

the ezine owner will take the time to fix things you should have done. You can quickly take care of

all those things when you use which ever processor for writing you have.

We cannot give you specific formatting rules for the ad since they will vary a lot depending on the

ezine you are using. Yes, your ad will be appearing in an email, to be sure, but the publisher will

take care of the rest. Also, if you're sending out an HTML solo ad, test it before sending it out.

Remember, too, that you are trusting the ezine owner when it comes to the quality of the list, etc.

You can actually get some good ideas about writing ads from studying PPC ads such as at


Yes, we know that advertising with ezines requires some effort, and if that is too much for anyone

they should not be in the business. Do not get bogged down with wondering about this or that;

just take action. Plus make testing part of all campaigns in your business because that is a

foundation for success. Your success totally depends on what you do as well as what you are

willing to do to make it all right. You can make ezine advertising a permanent part of your online

marketing efforts, and you should do that.

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