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EDUC 8846 Course Project Outline

Michelle MartensDragalin

Student ID: A00113550


The Evolution of the Overhead Projector


The Evolution of the Overhead Projector

This paper will explore the following technology from the supply cabinet, an overhead

projector. This particular form of technology is not obsolete, but document cameras and Epsom

projectors are replacing it. Throughout this paper, these statements will be explored, discussed,

and visually represented in a PowerPoint presentation that isattached in the appendixes, as well

as, interviews and transcripts, which is a part of PowerPoint presentation. The answers are

represented by visual material, the individuals did not want to film for the project.



A Brief History

In the last five years, the schools have been replacing their technology with the newest

type of technology that they can afford. Many schools have received technology grants in order

to purchase new computer, laptops, and overhead projectors. The devices are more efficient to


use and take up less storage room. The overhead projector is a device that has been evolving

throughout the years. The first document invention of the overhead projector technology was in

the 1420. Several people credited for developing this technology are:

(Marples, 9/11/2008)

As the business and corporate world grew during the Industrial Revolution, people

needed a way to promote their items and train their people in an efficient manner. The period

between World War 2 and the advent of personal computers in 1982 is regarded as the

audiovisual instruction period. Immediately after world war two, educational technology practice

revolved around the media formats that had widely become available to teachers by 1946; i.e. 16

mm films, 35 mm slide/filmstrip projector, radio receivers, and record players. These formats

were owned by schools at a rate of one per 100 teachers. Television receivers reached this status

by 1958 and overhead projectors in 1960 (Finn et al., 1962) (Spector, Merrill, Van Merrienboer

& Driscoll, 2008 p. 9). An overhead projector used to be considered a necessary piece of

technology for every classroom. This is called “old technologies (p. 12) “along with textbooks,

blackboard, overhead projectors, television and videocassettes, (p. 12). A teacher would use

these items, and it would be demonstrate an innovative in its use of technology. Now with the

inclusion of document camera and Epson cameras are replacing the use of overhead projector.

The use of this technology promotes what is referred to as teacher center instruction. From 1980s


through 1990s the pendulum was swinging from analog media to digital media as the primary

source of instructional materials in schools, colleges and corporate training centers; however

traditional formats such as textbooks, the overhead projector, and videocassettes have contained

to be used heavily by teachers at all levels right up to present. (Cuban, 2001)

(Cuban, 2001)

More and more schools are teaching student the necessary skills in order to prepare them

for the 21st century. The idea presented by our district technology department (DPS website,

2009), is that students will pay more attention to their teachers if the students use “cool”

technology in the classroom. The technology will also provide teachers with an efficient method

to present curriculum, as well as, interact with the students in the classroom. Finally, the teacher

will be able to diversify their lesson in order to appeal to the multi different learning styles of

their students. The overhead projectors were replaced by the below items LCD projector and

Epson cameras as noted in the picture below:


Google Images

Current Technology

The overhead projector I found in the supply closet was the one I used last year in my

classroom. According to the technology integration specialist at our school, she recycled 50

overhead projectors back to the district’s warehouse this year. (Recycled means that a piece of

technology was returned to the district, and the school is credited with the cost of that item.) Ther

are only two teachers that use the overhead projector at our school the early childhood teacher

and the music teacher. The technology grant that was allocated to the school covered the cost of

the Epson camera and document cameras for the general education teachers. The special

education department wrote a series of grants and we purchased our own devices and material to

be used with students who have individual education plans. Technology in today’s world is

changing on a regular basis, emerging technology is based on what state of the environment of

the technology. The following individuals define emerging technology as follows:

“Dr. Soloway (n.d) described an emerging technology as technology that has yet to cross the chasm from early adopter to early majority. That phase is the period where the cost of the technology is high, and users do not yet consider the technology essential to their everyday life. Using an example of a prototype he developed. Dr. Thornburg (2009) described an emerging technology as something that has just been developed. By the time, a piece of technology hits the mainstream it is no long emerging. Rogers (2003) defined emerging technology as an innovation that is considered new to a person or a group of people. The perceived newness describes an innovation (Roger, 2003, Soloway, n.d, Thornburg. 2009)”.

As I stated in the above section, the definition of emerging technology depends on the

financial state and environment of the technology.


Tetrads, Interviews, and Mulitimedia Presentation

This section will review the tetrads of the overhead projector, interviews from the

decision makers, technology users and an outline of the multimedia presentation for this course.

The information is summarized from the interviews and presented in paragraph form and

narration. The interviewees did not want to be filmed, so I am providing a transcript of our

conversations. In addition, the link to visual presentation will be posted on my blog: Michelle’s


Interviews: The Decision Makers

The section provides a summary of the decision makers in our district. This list is different from

my original list because I was told that they approved or disapprove it would be best to discuss it

with individuals on this list. The original list has changed since I discovered that the ITS was

also a decision maker. I reviewed the original list of interview and made some changes. The

information provided in this section is a summary of the information that obtained from the

following: (Interview questions are in the Appendix)

• Robbie Makely (Integration Technology Specialist at our school)

• Ligia Gibson (our principal)

• Sharyn Guhman (Chief Information Officer)

• Tim Summers (web tech)

Denver Public Schools has a department that handles the distribution, training, acquiring

and inventory of all of the technology in the district..


The following screenshots illustrate the mission and responsbilities of the technology




According to Ms. Guham, the district has been awared several million dollars in grant

money which is used to provide training, hardware, software and adminsteration of technology to

the schools in the Denver Public schools.

. In addition, the school received money from several

bonds that have been passed since 2007.



The schools are given an amount of money that is determined on their school population.

The students are counted based on the following breakdown; 0 for students in the early

childhood education class, .5 for students in kinder; 1.0 for students in grades 1-5 and finally

students in middle and high school are counted as 1.5. The numbers are tallied up, and a broken

down for each school by the budget department in the technology department and presented to

the board of education and passed onto the schools. Each school determines their own

educational technology needs, based on a needs assessments completed by the integration

specialist. The requests are presented to the assistant superintendent of curriculum and

instruction and technology. It is approved or disapproved based on those requests. In addition,

each school is allocated for an Integrated Technology Specialists (ITS), some schools dig into

their building fund for a para professional to assist their ITS, so the ITS can teach and develop

professional development course for their teachers. In addition, the school determines which

classroom will receive different technology for their school. Also, the Technology department

also receives grants and money from the federal government for different age, race, language and

disability needs. This money is generally put into the schools building fund for the

administration to use the money as they determined. board of education and passed onto the


Running Head COURSE PROJECT 10

In addition, the school determines which classroom will receive different technology for

their school. Also, the Technology department also receives grants and money from the federal

government for different age, race, language and disability needs. This money is generally put

into the schools building fund for the adminsteration to use the money as they determined.

Interview: Technology Users or Not

The following people use the overhead projector, the Epson camera and as little

technology as possible in our building.

special educator

special educators

ECE teacher

Center based Teacher does not use technology, unless she has to in the classroom. She does not


any type of technology (cell phone, iPad, computer and she has no internet at home). One of her

students has a Go Talk that has taken her all year to use because no provided training for her or

the family. The type of computer she prefers are laptops since they are portable. However, her

favorite educational technology are the white board and bulletin board in the classroom. Mild

Moderate Teacher is a resource special educator who used an Epson camera for everything;

Running Head COURSE PROJECT 11

lessons, center work and Individual Education Plans meetings. All of the information is posted

on the wall so that everyone can see the information. The technology lets her provide a visual for

everything that she completes in her work. ECE teacher is an ECE teacher who uses the

overhead projector to teacher her students the letters. She posts them on the wall and the children

trace the letter and post pictures that represent the letters. It is really quite interesting. All of the

teachers agreed that the overhead projector is bulky and takes up a lot of room. The Epson

camera will replace the overhead, because of its portability. They did think that it will eventually

become wireless, a fact that some businesses may use, however, at this point schools won’t

receive that technology for a few years. All of the teachers agreed that small and compatible is

best. We all such small room.


This section will illustrate the obsolete technology and the technology that is replaced by

new materials. Tetrad One is used to analyze the obsolete technology in the school’s supply


Tetrad One is used to analyze the obosolete technology in the school’s supply closet:

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Multimedia Presentation

The following will be used to cmplete this project:

Dell laptop

o sharepoint maker

o Audiocity

o Microsoft Word

Dell netbook

o Microsoft Word

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Apple iPad

o Video

o Camera

o APA citation format

Conclusion: the future

This course project was very interesting for me because when I went over the history of

the overhead it reminded me of the time when I was in high school. I was part of the audio visual

team at our school. I used to splice the film and filmstrips for the teachers when they tore the

film or broke it. In addition, I set up the videos for the teachers, laminated their materials and did

a lot of other work with the various technology. The educational technology had changed

between the time when I graduated from high school and went back to full time teaching. The

VCRs and 16 mm were still in existence, but on their way out, by the mid 90s, most of the

technology I was familiar with was becoming obsolete. Also, the hardware used to laminate

had .

The iPad can connect to the Epson camera and document camera with a VGA


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The whiteborad turn into SmartBoard.

The classroom teacher goes from this setting:

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---except for the people who are sticking with “old technologies”.


Running Head COURSE PROJECT 17

Cuban, L (2001). Oversold & undersused: computers in the classroom. Cambridge,

Massachusetts Lond, England: Harvard University Press.

Denver Public Schools website.

Jennifer, J. (2012) Who invented the overhead projector? eHow. Retrieved from


Kriegal, M.S.Ed; O. (2013) Everything a new teacher really needs to know (but didn’t learn in

college). Free Spirit Publishing, Inc.

learnerdictionary.com. Retrieved from Google Images.

Marples, G. (9/11/2008). The History of Projectors-The Battle for Brightness. Retrieved from

http://www.thehistory of.net/history-of-projectors.html.

Morgan, H. (2012) History of the overhead projector. eHow. Retrieved from


Oppenheimer, T., (1983). The flickering mind: the false promise of technology in the classroom

Running Head COURSE PROJECT 18

and how learning can be saved. New York: Random House.

Rogers, E.M. (2003). Diffusion of innovation (5th ed.) New York. NY: Free Press

Soloway, E. (n.d.) Emerging vs. emerged technologies [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from


Spector, J.M., Merrill, M.D., Van Merrienboer, J., & Driscoll, M. (editors) (2008). Handbook of

research on educational communications and technology. New York, London: Lawrence

Erlbaum Associates Taylor & Fancis Group.

Thornburg. D.D. (2009). When is a technology emergent? Lake Barrington, IL. Thornburg

Center for Space Exploration.

Zafra, A.; Goss, T. (6/23/2009). Brief histroy of overhead projector. Retrieved from


Running Head COURSE PROJECT 19

Appendix A

Interview Consent Form

All of the individuals signed a form similar to this form.

I, the undersigned agree to answer questions about the technology, use of technology

andapplication and distribuion of technology that is used in the classroom. I do not want my

likeness used as part of this project since it will appear on the internet blog.


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Appendix B

Interview Questions

Teacher questions:

1. What type of technology do you use in the classroom?

2. Do you use the overhead projector in the classroom? If so, how do you use it?

3. Do you use an expson camera? Document camera?

4. Which type of technology do you use most often and why?

5. General feeling of technology?

Decision Makers Questions

1. How is technology used in the classrom?

2. How are educational technology needs determined in the classroom?

3. How is thebudget determined for educational technology?

These were the outlined questions I used to get my information, for the most part I used it as

jumping off form with the questions.
