Love actually eddited




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Whole film opening.Camera shots and anglesThe camera angles which are used in the opening are:-• close- up- people at the air port to show their expression when meeting each other.• two person- seeing bother people in the shot.•Reverse zoom•Medium shot•Establishing shot- to establish the scene.•Over the shoulder shot- used to see the other person they are speaking to. •Panning shot- to show the new scene.

Diegetic sound In the dialogue enigma codes and action codes are used to give the audience information about the main characters they also leave the viewers want to see the rest of the film by ‘hocking’ them.

Non-diegetic sound Music is played all the way through the film opening to set the atmosphere . It also helps shows the characters emotions. A voice over is used a the very beginning to set the theme of the film.

Scene one - Heathrow airportIn the opening scene the audience is able to tell the genre of film and the theme of the film.

Mise-en-sceneThe different couples of friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, children and parent are used to signify the image of love.

Non-Diegetic soundA voice over of a man voice is used. This is done so that the audience is able to tell straight away that the genre in romantic comedy and to

Scene two- record studio In this scene the audience is introduced to one of the main characters, Billy.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene used in Billy's costume gives the audience the impression that he is laded back but has a big personality as his top has a number of bright colours.

Diegetic soundThe dialogue used for Billy's character in this scene contains mostly swearing, this gives the audience the impression that he doesn't take things too seriously. The line “this is s**t ,isn't it?” emphases this opinion.

Scene three-house oneIn this scene the audience is introduced to one of the main characters, Jamie Bennett.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene used in Jamie’s costume gives the audience the impression that he is important as he is dressed formally in a suit and tie.

Diegetic soundthe dialogue used in this scene may cause the audience to question the relationship between Jamie and his girlfriend and he repeatedly tell her he lover her but she does not tell him she loves him but just replies with “I know”.

Scene four-house two and threeIn this scene the audience is introduced to two of the main characters, Daniel and Karen.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene used in both Daniel's and Karen costumes give the audience the impression that they are ‘normal’ as their clothes as neater formal or overly informal.

Diegetic soundActions codes are used in the dialogue of the phone convocation, for example when Karen says “ doesn't mean I am not terribly concerned that you wife has just died.” This is an action code because the character of Karen already knows his wife has just dies so the only reason she says this is so that the audience also knows.

Scene five- work offi ceIn this scene the audience is introduced one of the main character Colin.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene used in Colin’s costume gives the audience the impression that he is very laded back and also that he may not have a very good job as he is wearing informal clothing in an working environment.

Diegetic soundThe dialogue used for Colin’s character portrays him as having a bubbly personality , but one that not everyone likes as the things he says are often very predictable and cheesy. An example of this is when he gives a muffin to a women and says “a beautifully muffin for a beautiful lady.”

Scene six – the weddingIn this scene the audience is introduced to three of the main characters, Mark, Peter and Juliet.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene used in Mark’s, Peter’s and Juliet’s costumes all give the connotation of importance as they are all dressed very smartly as it is Peter’s and Juliet’s wedding, where Mark is the best man.

Diegetic soundThe dialogue between Mark and Peter is humours, this showing that they are best friends. It also gives the audience an incite into their personalities.

Scene seven – Downing streetIn this scene the audience is introduced to two of the main characters, The Prime Minister and Natalie.

Mise-en-sceneThe mise-en-scene used in The Prime Minister’s costume suggests to the audience that he is of importance as he is wearing a suit and a tie. The costume used for Natalie suggests to the audience that she is formal, however this is proven incorrect with her dialogue as she specks very informally e.g. swearing.

Diegetic soundthe dialogue for The Prime Minister shows the audience that he uses humour when he is nervous, as he does this when being introduced to his staff.
