Long term effects of cigarette smoking



While the short-term effects of smoking, such as annoying odor and yellow teeth, are noticeable and pernicious in and of themselves, the real dangers of tobacco cigarettes are only realized in the long term, often with serious health complications.

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Long-Term Effects of Cigarette Smoking

While the short-term effects of smoking, such as annoying odor and yellow teeth, are noticeable and pernicious in and of themselves, the real dangers of tobacco cigarettes are only realized in the long term, often with serious health complications. This is one of the reasons that it is so hard to quit; while many tobacco cigarette users are aware that smoking is not good for them, most cannot see any immediate reasons to stop, and thus, often continue until those long-term effects are fully realized.

The CoughLong-term effects of tobacco cigarette smoking range from constant coughing to cancer, heart disease, and a cluster of other medical problems. Though most heavy tobacco cigarette smokers develop that distinctive cough long before other health effects become apparent, it is sometimes seen as just a minor side effect of tobacco cigarettes in no way comparable to more severe health problems. In fact, this so-called “smoker’s cough” can easily develop into Emphysema and even lung disease over the course of a few decades.

Additional Lung Problems with Cigarette SmokingAs breathing problems continue to get worse, so will the condition of the respiratory and circulatory organs. Smoking has been shown to have a

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Long-Term Effects of Cigarette Smoking

degenerative effect on both the appearance and function of the lungs and bronchial tubes, but smokers often ignore early signs of lung disease because they are used to a certain amount of breathing problems. COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, is one of the major killers of smokers around the world, but it is often diagnosed after effective measures can be taken to save a smoker’s life. Another, more recognizable form of lung disease is even deadlier. Lung cancer, which can be attributed to smoking more than 87% of the time, occurs when malignant cells within the lung walls or bronchial tubes begin to divide uncontrollably. Frequently, these cancerous cells can invade other parts of the body, leading to large-scale infection. Although it is currently the leading cancer killer among women, lung cancer can affect men just as easily.

Total System FailureTobacco cigarettes are not only dangerous to the lungs, however. Smoking also has long-term effects on the general circulatory system, including the blood vessels, heart, and brain. In addition to high blood pressure, smokers have an increased risk of heart disease, strokes, and aneurysms. Tobacco cigarettes can also lead to cancers of the gums, lips, throat, and larynx. Switching to chewing tobacco does nothing to help, since these delicate tissues will still directly absorb many carcinogens. Tobacco smoking

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Long-Term Effects of Cigarette Smoking

affects nearly every system in the body and has even been known to cause sexual dysfunction and tooth decay.

The Damage to OthersNot only do smokers inflict these health problems on themselves, but they can also affect their loved ones. Second hand smoke is now recognized as one of the biggest dangers of smoking, simply because while most smokers are always aware of what tobacco smoke can do to their own bodies, they are less aware of the impact it has on other people. The FDA has recently ruled that, as with direct cigarette smoke, there is no safe amount of exposure to second hand smoke. Even when there are no children or people with health problems present, the very act of cigarette smoking can cause long-term effects on the general health of society — smokers and non-smokers alike.

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