Leighton Interactive Culture Code

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1Our BRAND is Our People. Our People are Our Brand.

Our team. Our clients. Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

2Opportunities are Made, Not Given.

We work hard for what we receive. There are no medals for participation. No handouts.

We believe in good, old-fashioned sweat equity & elbow grease.

3Rules, Standards, and Best Practices are Fluid.

Possessing and defining is one thing. Being malleable and responsive is another.

We strive for the latter. We adapt.

4You Are Valued.And you will know it. We share praise regularly and believe in doing things D.C.

(Dale Carnegie) style. You fill a seat, you define a role, you support a cause, and

you’re our tribe and we’re proud of you. You will be criticized and be expected to

give criticism, which is proof that we all care.

5Live Your Purpose.Because without why, why do it?

Know that you can and do make a difference with what you do.

6Get Better.Not because life demands it, but because you demand it. Just when we

think we have it figured out … we’re right back to square one. We kinda love that.

It’s not always about doing more; it’s about doing it better. Quality vs quantity.

7Challenge Everything.But embrace what makes sense. We’re not a marketing company. That’s the best

compliment we’ve heard since our inception. You’re damn right we’re not.

We don’t always do what we’re told, because that’s what everyone else does.

We do what we THINK is best.

8Everything Changes.As it should. We’re grateful we’re not robots making widgets. That never changes.

But it’s not just knowing that things will change, it’s embracing them as they do.

9Arrogance Kills Innovation. Resting on your laurels, accepting mediocrity, and becoming complacent

isn’t what slays the dragon. It’s what feeds it.

10Communication is the Cornerstone of our Tribe.Be transparent. Open your mouth and let the truth tumble out. Great things will happen.

As a tribe sharing shared beliefs, we know that communication can both create (if lack

of) and solve problems. Use your team to their best abilities and we all grow.

11Nothing Gets Done Without a Deadline.

If you really want something done, say when it should be done.

You’ll be amazed at what happens next.

12Trust Your … Insides.Following your heart, your gut, or your intuition is up to you. But whatever you

follow, make it consistent. We favor realism over idealism. We are humans who

believe in the power of passion. Stick with it, be real, and your path will emerge.

13Believe in the Partnership. What is important to you is important to us. We’ll never tell you your dreams are

ridiculous, but we will tell you what’s makes the most sense for those involved. We

say it like it is, not just what we think you want to hear.

The Big 7 (core values)We hire and fire around our core values. The rest is just details.

DRIVEN We’re never content with being good. It does not mean we lose sight of

the bigger picture, or what matters. INNOVATIVE Pioneers blaze trails. Pioneers

do not forsake all in the name of advancement. ADAPTABLE We’re not a slow

cooker; we don’t set it and forget it. Life. Goals. Perceptions. Collaboration. It

changes, so do we. VISIONARY If it doesn’t move us forward, we don’t do it. That

doesn’t mean we don’t fight like hell before we accept it for what it is: right.

TRANSPARENT If you don’t value the truth, we’re not the partner for you.Our

all-out gutsy admissions. You’ll learn to love (andvalue) them. THINKER We know

we have a good head on our shoulders. We also know that just south of that, we

have a pretty good heart, too. Combined? Watch out. RELIABLE You can count on

us. To do it differently. We’re a team. Partners. We’re dating. We’re in bed together.

Whatever cliché you choose, we’re that. All of that. All of the time.