KDS Executive Suite Presentation KDS Now! 2011



Through an on-screen ‘dashboard’, the ‘KDS Executive Suite’ provides companies with an instant graphic overview of their T&E performance. In a single glance, a financial director can see many key performance indicators (KPIs), monitoring concerns from whether company policies and processes are being correctly applied by staff to what would happen if those policies were to change. The Executive Suite’s revolutionary new ‘Foresight’ early warning system follows and predicts KPI trends to provide advance warning of forthcoming problems. If company targets are not going to be met by year-end, ‘Foresight’ can recommend practical, pre-emptive corrective measures. There has never been a technology-based solution to this problem before.

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KDS Executive Suite Overview

Executive Suite Overview

Align travel & expense programs with your business objectives

Control the Key performance indicators that tell you if you are performing against expectation

Predict by forecasting performance to understand where you will be at period end

Agree actions with quantified impact to ensure you meet your objectives

Quickly and Easily see how you are performing

against your KPI’s

Executive Summary for complete InSight

Track your historic performance year-to-date

Early warning on process or performance issues

Executive Summary of the impact and the recommended action

Forecast performance – based on current spending patterns

Opportunity to make incremental savings

View global spending pattern and top suppliers

Ensure negotiated rates on the highest volume routes


View compliance trends and address them early

Analyse key areas for process improvement

High visibility on those impacting performance

Index information persists into the operational tier to form the SuperTrip – see the likely total

cost of expense at the pre-trip stage

Executive Suite Summary

Align Travel and Expense with Business objectives

Control Key Performance Indicators to meet expectation

Predict outcome based on current spending patterns

Recommended action based on quantified impact

Early warning where policy, process or activity is impacting your objectives

Quantified opportunities to increase your cost saving

Push information back into operations to enhance policy and drive the expected resultsCreate the SuperTrip by bringing total likely expense to the pre-trip phase – to ensure cost benefit of each trip
