Jigsaw activity 223


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Jigsaw activityCmcl 223

What is it? Jigsaw activity = A method of group


1. Each one of you studies a specific topic

2. Each one of you shares what s/he has learned

3. You all discuss various topics of interest or of difficulty

individually you learn a part

collectively you get the whole picture.

Step 1: pick a part

to study Use the sign-up sheet posted in the wiki section of the


The choices include

Group 1: Relating to others at work

Group 2: Verbal and Non-verbal messages

Group 3: Listening

Step 2: study Pay attention to the concepts and theories

Think how examples in the text explain the concepts

and theories

Reflect how these concepts and theories relate to what

we have studies before.

Step 3: prepare learning

materials for the group Summarize the reading in not more than 10 powerpoint


Include the following information:

most important concepts and theories,

brief examples to illustrate,

at least one connection to what we studied before

at least one question for discussion.

Technical details For creating visuals

1. Chapter 13 (pp. 323-327).

2. A sarcastic video about what to avoid in Power Point slides Life After Death PowerPoint

For sharing the slides

1. Use SlideShare to post the presentation

2. Slide share does not transfer animations, so I do not recommend using this feature in your slides.

3. Embed the presentation posted on SlideShare into a post in the Forum. This quick reference describes which code to use.

4. Follow the same instructions for embedding as you do for the video.

Step 4: Discussions

After you post,

- Study the material suggested by your colleagues in the forum.

- Respond to the questions posted by your colleagues, focusing on

applying the reading from this or previous weeks’ chapters and other

materials that we have studied

- Care for the thread that you have started, by responding to the

comments and helping others
