Jeopardy Sarah Energy

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By Sarah PScience


Fossil fuels Alternative energy


200 200 200

400 400 400

600 600 600

800 800 800

Fossil fuels for 200

• When spilled into oceans this type of fossil fuel harms and damages wildlife.

What is Oil

Fossil Fuels for 400

• This substance leaks methane which makes little holes in our ozone layer leading to global warming.

What is Natural Gas

Fossil Fuels for 600

• When coal is burned it gives off this kind of gas which is harmful to the environment.

What is Carbon Dioxide

Fossil Fuels for 800

• This percent of crude oil produced in the United States is produced in the Gulf of Mexico.

What is 25%

Alternative Energy for 200

• Since the energy crisis of the 1970’s people in the Rockies have been using this kind of energy.

What is Wind Energy

Alternative Energy for 400

• Using this type of electricity often mounted to your house can actually allow you to sell back energy to the power company.

What is Solar Electricity

Alternative Energy for 600

• The harvest leftovers from farmers can be used to make this kind of fuel.

What is Ethanol

Alternative Energy for 800

• This renewable energy uses organic materials that can be burned or converted to help power cars.

What is Biomass

Miscellaneous for 200

• This country uses more energy and creates more pollution than any other large nation.

What is the United States

Miscellaneous for 400

• The polar ice caps are shrinking due to global warming by this percent per decade.

What is 9%

Miscellaneous for 600

• This brand of cleaning produce is changing their formula to be safer for the environment.

What is Windex

Miscellaneous for 800

• Hybrid vehicles combine these two energy sources to be more efficient in gas.

What are combustion engine and electric battery.
