Jarrod Dambro SEM Seminar 1.14.10




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What Does Your Current Website Say About You and Your


Jarrod Dambro

Brand Labs

January 14th 2010

A Show Of Hands.....

•How many of you are currently generating opportunities online?

•Think you could do a better job generating online opportunities?

•Dont know where to start?

•How many of you have felt inimidated by the search engine marketing industry?

What You Should Be Thinking About Today

• What particular online marketing channel makes sense for your business and your bottom line

• How to increase returning visitors to your website

• Deciding whether or not to offer your products online or RFQ

• Analytics-how you can interpret your online traffic data to lower your advertising costs and steer your budget to the most cost efficient advertising channel

• How a design can make or break your online reputation

• How certain functionality of a website can deter buyers from coming back

Why Is Internet Marketing

Challenging??• Hard to break old habits

• You don’t do this everyday

• The options seem endless

• We are in a technology revolution

• Buyer behavior and expectations have changed

• Your website is your frontline spokesperson


• Increase Your Creditability

•Doors Are Always Open

•Sales Are on Auto-Pilot

•Boost Your Brand Identity

•Traffic, Traffic, & More Traffic

Google’s Mission Statement

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."

How Does A Search Engine Really Work?

What Do Search Engines Search

For?•Readable Text

•Fresh, unique content

•Relevant Inbound Links

•Good Site Structure

•Unique Meta Info

The Google Results Page

The Yahoo! Results Page

Where is the first place people will go online to find out more about a product,

service, or company??

Search Engine 63.9%

Know Manufacturer of the product 18.9%

Portal For The Industry 6.6%

Independent Consumer Review Site 5.3%

E-Commerce Site That Sells The Product 3.1%

Other 2.2%

Buyer Behavior

Over 88% of technical buyers surveyed would go online when involved in a purchase decision

Even in the negotiation phase, 70% of technical buyers consult various online influencers

So What Does That Mean To You?

•Prospects do not call as much

•They are more informed when they do call

•You must place your website or business in the path of these prospects

•Your website must be your best salesperson and adequately portray the information they are looking for

What Is SEM(Search Engine Marketing)

•SEM is often used to describe acts associated with researching, submitting and positioning a Web site within search engines to achieve maximum exposure of your Web site. SEM includes things such as search engine optimization, paid listings and other search-engine related services and functions that will increase exposure and traffic to your Web site.The bottom-line ... increasing targeted Internet traffic to your web site will translate into more potential customers for your business

What Is SEM??

Why Do We Participate In



Conversion Defined


A conversion occurs when a user completes an action on your site that you consider to be valuable. This can be making a purchase, downloading a file or requesting additional information.

Site Design + Functionality + SEM


Let’s Talk PPC

What Is PPC? Pay-Per-Click (often referred to in

its abbreviated state as PPC) is an advertising method which makes use of search engines, websites and network traffic. A user clicks on an ad which directs them to a particular site or product page. In each instance the click is paid for by the advertiser.

Advantages Of A Targeted PPC Campaign

•Precision Targeting

•Instant Traffic To Your Home Page Or Product Page

•You Pay For What You Receive(traffic)

•Flexibility In Campaigns

•Testing Potential

•Brand Awareness

Let’s Talk SEO

What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results

Advantages Of SEO Campaign

•Search engine optimization is a long-lasting approach to marketing

• It's also forward-thinking because it embraces an evolving medium (Internet)

• It is typically more affordable than traditional advertising techniques

• It seeks to connect with people who are already looking for what you offer

• It allows you to "pull" qualified prospects toward your products / services.

Content Is King

Keep Your Site Fresh

1. Press releases

2. Articles

3. Events

4. News updates

5. Photo galleries

6. Interviews

7. Blogs

Google Analytics

•Google Analytics is a FREE web analytics tool offering detailed visitor statistics. The tool can be used to track all the usual site activities: visits, page views, pages per visit, bounce rates and average time on site etc.

Advantages Of Having Google

Analytics• Ability to find out how visitors locate your site

• Ability to determine which pages and links prove to be most effective

• Visitor Segmentation

• Tracking your online & offline advertising efforts

• Ability to fine tune your website

• It’s Free

Its All In The NumbersAnalytics

Keyword & Campaign


Google Analytics

Bounce Rate

Number of times a visitor arrives at a page, then immediate either hits the back button or leaves the site.

Bounce Rate = Total Number of Visits Viewing One Page / Total Number of Visits

Push vs Pull Advertising

• Push advertising refers to all efforts to get the word out to an entire group of potential customers in order to hit the few that many be currently interested in your product or service.

• Pull advertising is geared to draw visitors to your website when they are actively seeking your product or service.

Social Media

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Social Media•Social media essentially is a category of

online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online. Most social media services encourage discussion, feedback, voting, comments, and sharing of information from all interested parties.

• It's more of a two-way conversation, rather than a one-way broadcast like traditional media. Another unique aspect of social media is the idea of staying connected or linked to other sites, resources, and people.

Social MediaDid You Know??

• Five of the top 10 fastest-growing Web brands are user-generated content sites?

•Sixty-seven percent of businesses say that the best source for advice on products and services are their consumers?

• Forty-five percent of adult Internet users have created content online?

•There are about 1.2 million blog posts per day?

Kinds Of Social Media• Social news: Sites like Digg, Sphinn, Newsvine, and

BallHype let you read about news topics and then vote and/or comment on the articles. Articles with more votes get promoted to a more prominent position.

• Social sharing: Sites like Flickr, Snapfish, YouTube, and Jumpcut let you create, upload, and share videos or photos with others.

• Social networks: Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter allow you to find and link to other people. Once linked or connected, you can keep up to date with that person's contact info, interests, posts, etc. Many people are connecting to friends and business associates with whom they had fallen out of touch. It's bringing the world together like nothing else has.

• Social bookmarking: Sites like Delicious, Faves, StumbleUpon, BlogMarks and Diigo allow you to find and bookmark sites and information of interest. You can save your bookmarks online and access them from anywhere or share them with others.

Social Media & My Business

•Helps manage your company's or brand's reputation

•Builds brand awareness and helps improve how people view your brand

•Gets you closer to your customers. Learn about their needs then respond. Discuss converse, debate

• Features new and inexpensive ways to support your clients.

• Is typically less expensive than traditional advertising

•Offers various ways to measure and track performance

SEM: Outsource or In-House?

• The marketing strategist to understand the brand and Web site business objectives and requirements, and communicate these to the team.

• The user experience specialist to make sure the Web site is optimized for conversions, there is clear path for visitors, and there are no roadblocks or abandonment points in the site.

• The search engine optimization specialist to undertake on-page and off-page SEO, including keyword research, selection and integration, and link building.

• The paid search specialist to develop, execute, and manage the paid search or PPC campaigns.

• The copywriter to ensure the site copy is tailored to the organic and paid keywords, as well as presents a strong call to action.

• The Web developer to implement changes recommend by the usability and SEO specialists.

• The Web administrator to ensure the Web site is fully functional, so that search engines are able to consistently access and crawl the site.

• The Web analytics manager to implement tracking on the search campaign and to report on key metrics.

In Conclusion

Site design + functionality + SEM = conversions

Data is power

2010 brings opportunities to savvy businesses(social media)

The time is now-strike before your competitors do
