Intertitle research and ideas


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Intertitle research and ideas

Through my research on trailers I now understand the vital importance that intertitles play and have started to research them in depth so that I can use them effectively in my own trailer. Intertitles are used to give a small general idea of the narrative in a trailer and are designed so they catch your attention and make you want to watch the film. They also give important information such as the director’s name, Distribution Company and actor names. Here are a few print screens of existing intertitles in films:

A black background seems to be convention in most of the intertitles, this is so that the audience can clearly see the intertitles. The font used for the intertitle is usually unique and different compared to another trailer and therefore I should make my own unique so that it stands out. I then started to design our intertitles that we could use in my our trailer, keeping in mind what I have learnt.

Although I like the intertitle I decided not to have it in my trailer due to the fact that It does not look realistic. After discussing with my group the intertitles that will be included however are: •Production logo•There was once a phenomenon•About three girls•Who didn’t answer the call •And this summer•History will repeat itself•Staring•Holly Middleton•Gretchen Luna•And Faheem Butt•Will you answer the call?•WithheldBy adding the characters name It makes the audience dislike the antagonist and feel sympathetic about the protagonist which is exactly what we want.
