Inspections On Board

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A general guide to inspections carried out on ships, esp tankers

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Inspections on board

Abhijith Balakrishnan, MNI

Ship should always be ready for inspections

Do not work just to impress Inspectors Work to achieve a safe and efficient ship Ensure all systems are always in good

order Should be aware of any systems not in

good order- action should be taken

Vetting vs. Inspection Vetting is a

process of examination and evaluation, generally referring to performing a background check on the ship before offering an employment.

Inspection is the process of physically examining a ship and its related systems to collate data to help in vetting the ship later

When inspection is expected Master to chair a meeting

Remind everyone of their duties Use VIQ /VPQ to conduct a check or a pre-

inspection Ensure records are updated Advise office if anything is outstanding or any

shortcoming is noticed Carry out pre-operational checks and record Enhance general housekeeping Make available all documents for inspector Refer to previous List of Observations send

from the office

Delegate to achieve maximum compliance

Certification and documentation

Vessel Particulars Crew Management Safety Management Navigation Radio Equipment LSA / FFA Bridge

Cargo /Ballast Mooring Pollution Prevention COW Loadline Engine Room Steering Gear Inert Gas System

Documents and plans

Prepare copies of various vessel certificates

Arrange all documents required as per the order in the VIQ /VPQ

Update the VPQ

Prepare copies of Classification Document Certificates

Registry SAFCON SEQ SRT LL IOPP + supp Crew List Safe Manning Doc Etc.,

Make Available Officers’ licenses Approved Manuals ( IG, COW, ODME, etc.,) Log books Oil record books Proof of Authorised servicing of

FFA, Liferafts, Settings for various safety devices

PV Valves etc., MSDS SMS Manuals Company policies

Be prepared to Calibrate and Demonstrate Fixed gas detection system Portable gas detectors ODME COP Emergency shutdown High level alarms/OF alarms QC valves IGS Alarms OWS Fire Fighting systems Steering gear Emcy generator LB engines ER ventilation shut downs

Also prepare Fireman’s outfit ISC Navigational Equipments Charts and Publications EPIRB, SART,Pyros, Flame Screens on air pipes Paint locker smothering system Marine Sanitation systems….etc.,

First Impression You don’t get a second chance to make

a first impression Gangway to Ships office very important Inspectors are supposed to be objective Inherent human nature to base future

actions on initial subjective impression. May look for objective evidence to reinforce

his initial subjective opinion Good first impression

Probably quick and hassle free inspection

First Impression- How to?• Gangway

• Properly rigged• Lifebuoy • Warnings- no naked light etc.,

• Crew• PPE as reqd-clean boiler suits, hard hats..

• Deck Watch• Present at the gangway• Proper PPE• Walkie Talkie

First Impressions FFE at the manifold Deck free of oil Scuppers-plugged Moorings- being monitored MSDS posted as required Emergency Equipment-marked and

readily available Accommodation- Doors/vents closed.

Slight positive pressure inside

First Impressions Deck Watch (ISPS)

Polite, courteous, firm Identify- Photo ID? Purpose of Visit? Who do you want to see? CREW to make entries in the Visitor log Offer helmet if inspector not wearing one. Call D/O on radio and advise Escort Inspector to Ships Office

General Awareness

Crew To have general information of cargo Especially about the hazards

H2S, Benzene, Where can you find the information

MSDS- where is it posted? Brief the crew during the meeting

Ships Office Master to meet Inspector in the Office Brief him regarding his muster station Offer refreshments Be courteous Inspector not onboard only to find faults Extend full cooperation Inspector should always be accompanied Inspector is a fellow professional

Pre Inspection meeting Master and Chief Engineer to be present Preferably all top four if ship operations permit

Scope of inspection? Approx time for inspection? Boat for dep? Order in which he intends to carry out inspection Equipments/alarms he may want tested or demon


Pre Inspection

Master to ensure that the inspection is conducted without disrupting vessel operations or STCW rest hours Suggest change in order of inspection Any equipment to be tested should

not interfere with safe operations

During Inspection Inspector to be always accompanied

By Master (or other top 3) and one assistant Ensure safety of inspector Do not argue with inspector Do not intentionally give false information Do not embarrass the inspector

no. of years at sea/qualification etc., Do not agree to any unsafe practices Do not offer any opinion on observations Do not volunteer information to impress


General Crew Attitude Ensure crew attitude projects a safe and

professional ship Regular rounds Reports on UHF Radios Moorings checked No sitting/chatting at manifold Officers alert/ active Bridge/ER to appear to neat and tidy Instructions from superiors being followed

Close out all small observations before inspector departs Do not compromise ship safety, the

operations or STCW rest hours.

Post Inspection Meeting Request an opportunity to discuss observations Request a written report Cross out blank areas on the report and keep a copy Do not hesitate to point out remarks that you feel are

incorrect One senior off (Pref CE) to be present Clear any misunderstandings Not ask for opinions’ on how to clear observations

After Inspector departs Inform office regarding the inspection Send copy of inspection report with

remarks as necessary Advise office of plan to tackle observations Request office assistance as necessary Follow up action to satisfy the requirements Keep the ship ready for the next


Source of information

A guide to the Vetting Process by Intertanko
