Immigration slide



A power-point about immigration some of its flaws and background a little bit of everything.

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By: Matthew Patrick

Last 3 Decades

Over the last three decades, a large number of immigrants have arrived in the United States.

Papers analyze there is a change in patterns of immigration, mainly in its gender dynamics.

Immigrants have been finding their way to the U.S in search of better jobs, life, education, and to live the American dream.

Historically, immigrant communities have been seen as transitory places and immigrants as subjects of the acculturation project.



While the magnitude of immigration is a major focus of current policy debates, in this article, I pay special attention to the issue of gender as it affects immigrants.

Among immigrants 25 years and older who arrived in the 1990s, women made up 50.4% of the population (U.S. Census Bureau, 2004).

Over 27% of these women had a bachelor’s degree or higher.


Growth In Migration

The increase in the number 20-64 year-old with a foreign background is partly caused by the inflow of immigrants and their children and grandchildren.

Around 2030 an expected 38 thousand non-western immigrants will arrive in the Netherlands yearly, while just over 20 thousand will leave the country.

The number of western immigrants will increase strongly to 57 thousand in 2030. Many western immigrants come for work.

Chart Of Migration

Housing Issues

Between 1990 and 2000, while the U.S. population grew by 37.2 million people, the foreign-born population increased by 11.3 million, from 19.8 to 31.1 million (U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000).

Given that a majority of the foreign-born population is working age, proportionally, it generates a higher demand for housing than the native-born population.

I n a recent report, Pitkin (2002) validated this finding by illustrating that 12 million housing units were occupied by foreign-born individuals in 2000.

Crowded Housing

Gender Make A Difference!

among the non-citizen group, not only do renters outnumber owners for both men and women, renting exceeds owning by 1.6 times for men and 2.4 times for women.

renting exceeds owning by 1.6 times for men and 2.4 times for women.

Female households are more likely to live in rental housing units then then males.

Immigrants Women with a 4 year or more college degree are more likely to own houses instead of renting then Men.

Gender Rankings
