IMAS Communication Credential 2013


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ABOUT IMAS We are IMAS Communication. We synergy social media with digital, PR and activation.!!We are a fast-growing, dynamic Vietnam-based Social Media Integrated Agency. Since our inception in 2010,

we have helped 20+ brands to connect, communicate and engage with its customers socially through delivering 50+ campaigns.!!We are addicted to make an insightful, creative and

effective social media communication. !!

OUR THINKING Yes. There are much more and more people, or who we call our consumers, are online and social. But…

Not like other agencies, We don’t consider social media as channels. We think that social media is a core of marketing focus nowadays. We don’t consider social media as an add-in service from the client request or part of a digital campaign. We deal with social media as a full integrated campaign and consult and help our clients to communicate with their online citizen customers socially.

We live in the VALUE of

Trustworthy “Trust is a must-have value of every IMASer”

Enjoyable “We are not working, we enjoy it!”

Beyond Borders “Jump out of the box. Go beyond borders”

Some might try to find ways to be master of content seeding or even forum spamming. But it’s not our way. !

What we deal with social media is to tell the story that interests the community !

IMAS help brands listen, understand and engage in conversations with community through social media.!


We are the professional agency in the market who !

ü  Fully dedicates to social media!

ü  Offer all ranges of social media service!


OUR SERVICE !1. Research & Insight!

!!We help our clients listen to updated conversations throughout social media which is relevant to their brands, products, services, competitors and sectors !

!•  Conversation Audit!•  Community Research!


2. Strategy & Consultancy!!We are social media strategists. We help to develop overall and specific social media strategies and roadmaps, give consultancies and deliver trainings for our clients!!•  Strategic Planning and Creative Concept!•  Online Reputation Management!•  Crisis Planning and Management!

!3. Community Engagement!!

!We help our clients engage in social media by having insightful and meaningful conversations with their targeted customers, fans and communities !

!•  Community building & management!•  Viral video/audio !•  Influencer campaign!•  Forum campaign!•  PR Article!•  Interactive Media Buying !•  Social Media Optimization (Social Media and


4. Production!!We build creative and effective tools to help brands communicate and interact with the community !!•  Social Application!•  Game Development !•  Website Development !•  Video/audio Production !


OUR CLIENT We are happy partnering with you! We can not do great jobs without all you GUYS!

Thank you!

Please contact for more information: Phi Nguyen (Mr) Executive Director/ Business Development Mobile: +84 (0)977 644 643 Email: Address: 504 Le Van Luong, Tan Phong Ward, 7th District, HCMC
