Images for analysing




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Images for analysing

This image contains the band, blink-182. This image follows the rule of thirds; this works well for this band because blink-182 is a 3 man band. There is clearly a rule of thirds because we can see Mark Hoppus on the left side of the image, Tom Delonge in the centre of the image, and Travis Barker in the right side of the image. The image has a lot of fluorescent colours in the band members t-shirts, this makes the image more effective as it is eye-catching and draws attention to the image. This images style is quite unique as it is in a ‘V’ shape and almost looks as if it is in the point of view of somebody stood right in front of the band members. The impact of this image in my opinion is quite strong; the reason why I picked this image is because the band members look almost as if they are contrasting with each other. Mark Hoppus (on the left) look likes a stereotypical young punk rock fan, Tom Delonge (centre) looks like a stereotypical American as he is a bit overweight and is wearing the American flag on his jacket, Travis Barker looks like a rebellious social reject as he has tattoo’s all over his body and is wearing sunglasses and a cap sideways on, following the stereotype for a rebellious person.

This image contains the singer, Pixie Lott. The colour of this image is the factor which is the strongest in my opinion; the image contains a wide range of fluorescent colours around the singer, which then attracts our eyes to the image and then makes us look at the centre of the image which is in fact the singer. The colour in this image contains high key lighting, therefore it is very bright, and this is effective because it makes the image clearer and more eye-catching. There is a rule of thirds in this image, and from the rule of thirds, we can see that the singers face is in the centre of the image. This is effective because with the face being in the centre of the image, it also means that the singers face is becoming the centre of attention to a viewer of the image. The impact of this image is very effective, the reason why I chose this image is because it caught my eye with the fluorescent colours, this image is also effective because the singer’s eyes are looking right into the camera, hence creating the illusion that the singer is looking right into your eyes, with the woman being very attractive it becomes very eye catching to men.

This image contains the singer, Jessica Simpson. This image is quite similar to the image of Pixie Lott, but the colour in this image is different. This image contains high key lighting which means that the image is very bright; this is effective because this means that it is making the singer look very angelic. The use of high key lighting also has another effect, it is that the use of high key lighting makes her skin look brighter and clearer, therefore eliminating the vision of wrinkles or facial marks, this makes the woman look more attractive and makes it more eye catching. There is a rule of thirds in this image, and from the rule of thirds, we can see that the singers face is in the centre of the image. This is effective because with the face being in the centre of the image, it also means that the singers face is becoming the centre of attention to a viewer of the image. The impact of this image is very effective, the reason why I chose this image is because the singer’s eyes are looking right into the camera, hence creating the illusion that the singer is looking right into your eyes, with the woman being very attractive it becomes very eye catching to men.
