IHRSA Conference 2014 - Building & Bonding Your Team



Building and Bonding Your Team - Employee Engagement

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Employee Engagement: Building & Bonding Your Team

Brent Darden IHRSA Board Chairman/ Brent Darden Consulting

Employee Engagement: Building & Bonding Your Team

March 12, 2014www.brentdarden.com

Make time to work on the business not just in the business.

All organizations are perfectly aligned to get the results they are currently getting!

Our People Should Be Our Priority!

“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people; those who let it

happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.”

-John M. Richardson

Engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest

discretionary effort!




Gallups “State of the American Workplace” - 2013

Engaged Disengaged Actively Disengaged

* 350,000 respondents

Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond to the organization.

Understanding Employee Engagement

• Higher Service

• Higher Customer Satisfaction

• Increased Sales

• Higher Levels of Profit

• Higher Retention Levels

• Increased Productivity

• Lower Absenteeism

• Greater Loyalty

Engaged Employees Lead To:

Develop a “Roadmap” for employee engagement.

“Unlike coercion and motivation, the source of

inspired conduct is intrinsic and internal.”

Engagement Factors: • Best Friends

• Sense of Community

• Reciprocal Teamwork

• Professional Growth

• Personal Development

• Feedback & Recognition

• Meaningful Work

• Belief / Trust In Company

• Fair Compensation

The Set-Up

Manage new employee expectations...

Tell Your Story & Listen To Theirs

“The task is to find people who are already predisposed to sharing your core values.”

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The Welcome

The on-boarding event experience itself leaves a mark on the minds of new recruits.

Personal Welcome Note and One-on-One Meeting.

The Orientation

Cultivate desired behaviors early with


When an employee joins the team, they need to be immersed in the organizations culture (how we do

things around here).

Team Handbook

Traditions Training:Provide an interactive

new employee orientation that

shares the company’s philosophy and

foundational values.



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Clearly communicate the role of the new team member and how it relates to the overall

company vision...

Purpose is profoundly personal...

The Proposition

Provide an incentive to opt out!

A Tribe is a group of people connected to

one another, connected to a leader, and

connected to an idea.

The Community

The Recognition

“Recognition is effective because it answers a universal human need.”

Personal note of congratulations!!!

TELOS Titan Award :5 years of service.

$1,000 Cash: 10 years of service.

Spa Day

Small Tokens of Appreciation

Easy Notes

CIA Program

Tom Peters says...

“Celebrate what you want to see more of.”

The right gift/reward given at the right time will never be forgotten!

Personalize The Gift...

The Fun

Chinese Proverb:“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The

next best time is today.”

Employee Engagement: Building & Bonding Your Team

March 12, 2014www.brentdarden.com