HR department and Creativity

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How the HR department can bring about creativity and intrapreneurship in the organization

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Presented By:Prantika Ghosh

Dhruv Nijhawan


Creativity is the ability to find new solutions to a problem or new modes of expression; the bringing into existence of something new to the individual.

Creative productivity requires a unique juxtaposition of the person's mastery of the domain of knowledge in which creativity will be elicited, the person's ability to think beyond the current limits of that domain, and the perseverance and willingness/proclivity to take intellectual produce something new and transformational within a community or context that is amenable to the transformational idea or product.


A process in which individuals inside organizations pursue opportunities without regard to the resources they currently control, doing new things and departing from the customary to pursue opportunities. The process by which large organizations seek to utilize, maintain or retain the edge in innovation and profit-making by asking employees to spawn businesses within the business.

“entrepreneurship within an existing organization.”



extraordinary efforts to align the HR function with the business. HR function's stated mission is to contribute to the company’s success by

fostering a world-class working environment that attracts and retains excellent people, motivates their alignment and commitment, and inspires them to excel

HR partners with each division to identify and develop the best talent in the industry. We are motivated to ensure the right people are in the right jobs to fuel our diverse and dynamic organization—and Apple's future.

GOOGLE: recruitment is more creative and less uniform. Encrypts its

recruitment ads on outdoor bulletin boards so that only those who can decipher it will know job applications are being accepted.

an ecosystem that favors the growth of ideas


Minority Report System - This allows any employee to report ideas to a higher-level manager or to another division if her idea is rejected by her immediate boss. This way Motorola can avoid losing an important creative idea just because of one person’s hasty decision.


CISCO - Every 6 months or so, they have ‘best practices’ meetings where staff from various locations meet and discuss the best practices of their offices located all over the country.

Leverages the strengths of their employees’ creativity by creating a common forum for exchange of ideas.

If an employee has found a ‘cool way of doing a particular process’ he transfers this knowledge to his ‘virtual team’ and gets credit for his idea.

The ‘Virtual Team’ of the related technology group, then discusses this idea in regular ‘place ware’ sessions or through teleconferences and if the idea is sound, it is sent to the product manager for approval.

General Electric – Emphasizes communicating openly and candidly.

This helps in bringing out the ‘hidden’ talents of its employees and encourages generation of new ideas through a company wide ‘brainstorming’.

GTE's Information Systems Division – Parts of the organization are divided into self- contained teams.

Extensive counselling to the volunteer employees in new way of thinking and working.

From the initial group eight new projects were proposed and a number of them funded.

A number of employees have defined totally new career paths for themselves. This program has totally redefined how GTE does business.

3M- follows the following set of principles to encourage intrapreneurship:

Never kill a project: If an idea cannot be used in any of 3M’s divisions, an employee can devote 15% of his time towards proving that it is workable. As many as 90 innovation grants of $50,000 are awarded every year.

Tolerate failure: By encouraging risk taking and experimentation, a company has more chances of creating a successful product. 3M, defines its goals as 25% of a division’srevenue must come form innovative ventures introduced in the past 5 years. This figure may be as high as 30%.

Keep small divisions: Too many cooks spoil the broth, so is the case with entrepreneurial teams. The team manager must know each person by name and when a division becomes too big (exceeding annual revenues of $300 million), it is split up into two.

Motivate the champions: Acknowledge the efforts of innovators by declaring awards and giving cash grants to accomplish their projects. Promotions and salaries should be tied to the progress of the innovative product. The champion gets the chance to head his/her own product division one day.

Stay close to the customer: Seek regular feedback and work on fine tuning the product to match customer expectations. Invite customers to brainstorm about new product ideas.

Share the wealth: When a new product or technology is developed, it belongs to everyone, so share the wealth obtained from a successful technology, with the team, by providing stock options or cash awards.


Make the workplace one where questions are not only welcomed but also encouraged. Asking questions is vital for creativity to emerge.

"Genius Grants“- give researchers unstructured time to work on projects that pique their curiosity.

Develop a suggestion system-This suggestion system should reach every employee in every location that the company operates. After the system is in place, a team composed of employees from each department meet once month to review all new ideas and to report back on the development of past creative ideas. The team should also be empowered to reward those employees that develop creative ideas that make a positive impact.

Develop a company atmosphere that endorses creativity as a valuable commodity

Coffee breaks, cab rides, green rooms. Real growth often happens outside of where we intend it to, in the interstitial spaces

Move people around and develop communication patterns that don’t put your employees to sleep. Interaction and communication are important because creative acts do not develop in a vacuum, but instead take a great deal of team work.

Do not monetarily reward the quantity of new creative ideas you receive from employees. For example, do not impose a creative quota where every employee must turn in “x” number of creative ideas per month in order to get a bonus. Do monetarily reward successful creative ideas and good attempts at being creative. Allow employees to take their creative ideas to other companies if your company does not have the ability to develop it.

Oversight is needed to refine and strictly verify original ideas and link them to final results. This is how Gmail attained its initial success on the market. Before launching the service, Google ran a project to listen to its employees, often the company’s most severe critics.

How the HR department functions can help bringing creativity

Recruiting with Creativity Home as office Encourage employees to take up creative interests Three-day weekend Rewarding the under-performer Creative Performance Management System

“Managing for creativity" model: Define. Align. Design. Refine.

"The Six Essential Elements of Corporate Creativity:“

Alignment- ensuring the interests and actions of all employees are directed toward a company's key goals.

Self-initiated activity- allowing an employee to pick out problems they are interested in and feel able to solve.

Unofficial activity- occurs in the absence of direct official support and with the intent of doing something new and useful.

Serendipity- Serendipity is the chance for fortunate accidents.

Diverse stimuli- happen in the course of everyday work,and it is imptortant workers discuss the possibilities they encounter, which is the final element,

Within-company communication


Organizational Characteristics for intrapreneurship:

1. Management Support

2. Work discretion

3. Rewards/reinforcement

4. Time availability

5. Organizational boundaries

Developing a VisionArticulating the Vision around the Company’s Mission

Statement and aligning it with the Core values

Encouraging Innovation

Radical Incremental

Forming Venture Teams

Structuring for an intrapreneurial climate

Intrapreneurial Activity

To encourage intrapreneurial initiatives organizations should:

Identify individuals with new ideas and risk taking abilities Look for ways to retain then from the start as such people are

most likely to leave Provide opportunities to develop their strengths and work on

their weaknesses Align individual goals with organizational objectives  Ask the most-likely-to-leave employee what would make him

stay- he might take on the ownership of his idea and stay on!  Implement and support ideas whenever possible

Intraprise training:

Personal Creativity: This consists of many personal creativity exercises to help participants develop a personal creativity enrichment program.

Intrapreneuring: A Review of current literature on intrapreneurship as well as in depth analysis of several organizations intrapreneurial practices.

Assessment of current culture: This is interactive in nature where a survey is administered to the training group for generating discussion about the current facilitators and barriers to organizational change.

Business Planning: Trainees are taught the process of developing a business plan and each specific element of a business plan is explained and illustrated. An example of an entire business plan is stated and illustrated.

Action Planning: requires participants to form groups and prepare action plans designed to bring about change in their individual work teams.
