How to use Photoshop



This shows my skills I am learning throughout making my magazine

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How to use Photoshop

As I studied Media Studies at GCSE, I am familiar with the tools on Adobe

Photoshop. When editing images, I trim my image (s) using the Crop


This is the image I saved from Bing and so, I used the crop tool to trim as much as the background as possible.

Once I had clicked on the tool, I dragged the cursor over the section of the image I wanted to use and it would then erase the sections I had not selected.

The purple shaped tool used on the right image is what I have added to show the sections that I have cut out.

If you wanted to lighten the highlights, the dodge tool would be ideal for that because the shape grabs each aspect of the image you want to lighten.

The image on the right has changed the colour of Taylor’s skin. This could be used in a magazine if the background was fairly darker, so the mode of address is clear and it can look more effective.

Original image

On previous occasions when I have used Photoshop, Blur Tool has been extremely useful as it does not require the image to change massively but it touches up the image, which gives a more airbrushed effect.

In the original image, the letter was clear whereas the blur tool has erased the text being defined which benefits the model as she stands out.

The black outline is again, more clear on the original image but it looks less focused. Although, I did not use the Blur Tool as much as the other section.

This was initially going to be my front cover image, I used a lighting effect with the light type ‘Spotlight’ however I was just experimenting with the effects. I adjusted it several times, however I felt it did not meet the needs for this magazine. The image is taken at an angle already and it overcomplicates the image, and the intensity of the colour is too focused in the centre and too dark around the edges.

The image is important to the audience as it is the direct mode of address. As a magazine has to be unique and interesting, I decided to go to ‘Image’, ‘Adjustments’ then ‘Black & White’ which then changed my image to Black and White. This brought out my text colour, as the blue and white works well together as it is highlighted.
