How to keep the content flowing without giving up your day job



Content marketing is a great way for professionals to demonstrate expertise, show their personality, and provide more content to attract search traffic. The problem is writing is hard! Writing is especially hard if you aren't a trained writer, and you already have a full time job. In this presentation I show some techniques that I have learned for making writing easier, and for making it possible to get your ideas on the screen without spending hours each day doing it.

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How to Keep the Content Flowing

Without giving up your day job.

Who is this guy?

• Not$a$Writer• Born$an$Engineer• Now$a$Business$Growth$Advisor$


What I do

Help small creative

professional firms to grow!

Provide content so that even

smaller firms can help themselves

to grow!

My Writing Problem

This doesn’t work for me

My Writing Solution

•Give$up.•Write$crap.• Lower$the$bar.$No$lower$still.$I’m$talking$really,$really$low.

My Writing HeroYuv i % Za lkow

• Creator$of$“I’m$a$Failed$Writer”$video$


• Also$Check$out$“Writing$a$Novel$



Don’t Write a Blog Post

in$little$bitsJust write

Don’t Write a Blog Post

Just writeeverywhere

Don’t Write a Blog Post

a$LOT!Just write

badlyDon’t Write a Blog Post

Just write

Don’t Write a Blog Post

Just Write

A Fishing Story

Pull it Together

• Find$a$theme.• Use$a$blog$post$template

• Paste$your$scribbles$together

Hire a Professional to Finish it.

• 50% of my effort was spent on the last 20% of the process.

•My job is the crappy first draft

Bridget Ingebrigtsen: Writer Par Excellence

• Bridget’s job is to make it something others want to read!

Now Things Get a Little Nerdy!

...and I mean Apple nerdy.

Work in Plain Text

An Embarrassment of Riches

Markdown Formatting

Talk it Out

Be a better Mgr/Leader

Benefits of good leadership/Managers

Round-up post of what others are saying

Stories of ppl with good management practices

and the results they are getting

Overview of Leading Bloggers talking about this What's your best Management/Leadership tip

4 Things that bad managers do




Save the day

The symbolic or "ceremonial" role of the Leader The "5th Qtr" quote

Connect smart people with interesting problems,

give them the resources they need, then get out

of the way

Facilitates risk taking

Don't punish failure"Why would I fire you, I just spent a ton of

money educating you"

"I don't know what do you think"?

The Vision Thing

Why vision beats instructions

Clear & compelling

Frequently repeated

Never changes

Sets clear direction, goals


Creates scoreboard/progress updates

Creates plans/steps to get there

Gives honest & immediate feedbackIs open to receiving the same & gets it


All hands meetings


One-to-one meetings

Appropriate time frames.


Don't get inside your subordinate's time frame

Outline Longer Stories

Questions? Comments? Reactions$


