How to choose your brand spokesperson



When the media calls for an interview, who do you send? What qualifications are you looking for in a brand spokesperson? Find out how to think like a reporter and choose the best spokesperson for your company.

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How to choose your Brand Spokesperson{

Any volunteers?

Look within your company

to choose a qualified


Think like a reporter

Try to think outside your marketing team.

Often, media professionals view marketing professionals as over-coached and unable to provide direct insights.

Instead, look for someone with these qualifications:


Strong voice, authentic voice

Willing to be coached

Ready for the spotlight


Choose an authority figure

who is in a high-rankingor titled position (i.e. CEO, VP).

Or even, asubject matter

expertwho has a thorough understanding of the subject and able to answer

detailed questions.

Physical attributes

Strong Voice,Authentic Voice

who can speak clearly coming across as honest, forthright and

not overly scripted.

Physical presencecommands attention

who holds the attention of others, maintains eye contact, does not

shift or fidget, and looks the part.


Willing to be coached

who is receptive to media training and practices the skills in order to

better manage conversations.


Comfortable in the spotlight

who is willing to go “on record,”giving interviews or speaking

to large crowds.

Knows the message and sticks to it

who doesn’t easily digress and can stay on message even when an unexpected question pops up.

Remember this

A spokesperson is just a vehicle for conveying your message.

It’s what you do to prepare them

(media training, speech coaching, message development)

that makes all the difference.
