How to build a great landing page


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How to build a great landing



Joni Salminen

PhD, market ing

9 steps to perfect a landing page…

1. Include a clear USP (unique sales proposition)

Visitors need to understand at first

glance what’s it about.

2. Answer ” Why?”

Visitors should be quickly given a reason

to care – follow ”Why, How, What”.

3. Explain how it works

People don’t believe unless you tell them

precisely how they get to the why.

4. Make it tangible

Use pictures of real app, product to

visually communicate what you’re selling.


5. Show testimonials

Testimonials from real people make you

seem more credible – preferably use video.


6. Link to press & partners

Press stories enable people to learn more about

you, and partnerships add to trustworthiness.

7. Show facts

Showing results from real studies help to

back up your ”Why” and ”How”.

8. Include trust indicators

This makes you seem more professional,

more like a ”real business”.

9. Make CTA (call-to-action) available at all times

Customers literally need to be ’one click

away’ from buying.


1. Include a clear USP (unique sales proposition)

2. Answer ”Why?”

3. Explain how it works

4. Make it tangible

5. Show testimonials

6. Link to press & partners

7. Show facts

8. Include trust indicators

9. Make CTA (call-to-action) available at all times.
