How to Benefit from the Power of Google


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How to Harness the Power of Google

• How to use Google’s Keyword Research Tool• Getting the most out of Google AdWords

• How to improve your Google “Local” Listings• How to rank at the top of Google’s Free Listings

Why focus on Google?

United States Search Engine Market Share(over the last few years)

Google is now responding to over one billion searches per daySource: comScore

Keyword Research

• What are the search terms that people REALLY use when searching for your specific products or services?

• How popular and how competitive is each search term?

allintitle:“gainesville homes”

Example of differences:fiber optic tool kits (227,000)“fiber optic tool kits” (4,630)

allintitle:“fiber optic tool kits” (77)

asheville plastic surgeon

Sponsored (pay-per-click) Listings

Sponsored Listings (pay-per-click)Getting the most from AdWords

• Start off conservative on your bids• Target secondary, yet relevant search terms• Turn off the content network• Use conversion tracking codes and reporting• Experiment with various ad titles & descriptions (A/B test)• Capitalize the first letters of your URL• Use the ad scheduling option if it makes sense• Use geographic targeting for local companies• Use custom landing pages to improve your Quality Score• Allow a realistic budget and test, adjust, test, adjust, etc.

Local Listings (1, 3 or 10 spots)

How are people findinglocal businesses?

Google Maps (get listed!)

• Make sure your website clearly communicates your address• Create a free account within Google’s Local Business Center • Submit your Website, address, hours, pictures, videos, etc.• Confirm or correct the location of your “map” flag• Choose a validation option of a phone call or (slow) postcard• Encourage customers to add positive reviews• Submit your company (for free) to “data providing” websites (,,, etc.)

Non-Sponsored Listings(default setting will display 10 results. Also known as organic, natural, free listings)

Internal and External elements…

Internal ElementsDon'ts• Avoid website designs that are in all flash or all images• Don’t ever try to hide text or links• Don't use any type of cloaking or misleading redirects• Don't create mirrored websites with substantially duplicate content• Avoid "doorway" pages that are created just for search engines• Is your website still in frames? Time for a redesign• Avoid Keyword stuffing Example: (tennis shoes, running shoes, golf shoes, basketball shoes, track shoes, men’s shoes, women’s shoes, etc.)

Internal ElementsDo’s• Offer content that is truly unique and helpful to the world• Write for the reader but (strategically) interject keywords• Use unique, keyword enriched Title Tags on every page (site: )• Utilize header tags <h1>, <h2>, etc. to define “important” areas• Utilize image alt tags with related target keywords• Use keyword rich “anchor text” on internal links …not “click here”• Each page should have a minimum of 300 words of content• Keyword Density …Don’t fret over nailing an exact formula• When possible, use static pages vs. long dynamic URL’s

Internal Elements

Do’s• Create a site map with links that point to the important pages• If your site is over 100 pages, break up site map over several pages• Keep the links on all individual page to fewer than 100• Use text instead of images to display important information (Google’s crawler is unable to read text contained within images)• Fix broken links and move important content toward the top• Provide a strong “Call to Action” to improve your conversions

External Elements(inbound links ARE CRUCIAL!)

Why can’t I get my site to rank #1 for the word “mortgage?”

Not a new concept. Google’s prototype was named “Backrub”

Another quote from Google:“The best way to get other sites to create relevant links to yours is to create unique, relevant content that can quickly gain popularity in the Internet community. The more useful content you have, the greater the chances someone else will find that content valuable to their readers and link to it.

…It is not only the number of links you have pointing to your site that matters, but also the quality and relevance of those links. ”

Other ways of generating inbound links

• Submit to relevant directories and industry related expert sites• Ask your vendors, customers and friends to link to you• Educate the world about your website through online press releases• Target sites who are linking to your (top ranked) competitors• Use (minimal) link exchanges, ONLY with relevant, quality websites

• Avoid link farms, excessive link exchanges, buying “paid” text link ads (unless you are using “rel=nofollow” tags)

• Optimization Services• Inbound Link Building• PPC/SEM Management• Local Search Marketing• Free Website Analysis

• SEO/SEM Training Classes• Reputation Management• Online Video Marketing• SEO Minded Copy Writing• eCommerce SEO

Contact us for a free analysis of your website