How I Started Outsourcing


DESCRIPTION - there IS a right and a wrong way to outsource. Learn how I started outsourcing on a very small budget and grew my business by outsourcing consistently. Gain more time freedom in your business and personal life by learning how to outsource correctly.

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How I Started Outsourcing?

By Melissa Ingold of

I’m Melissa Ingold

& I’m a BIG believer in outsourcing to grow your business!

• I started outsourcing 7-8 years ago• I began by hiring a VA for only 5 hours per

month• I budgeted that money & prepaid her so there

were no surprises at the end of the month

• She told me when I had only 1 hour left so I could prioritize those last tasks

• If you’re just starting to outsource, start small with a few hours

• It takes time to see the benefits of outsourcing so don’t give up too fast

• I was working really hard but realized I needed help with my customer service

• I was spending 10 hours per month just on customer service duties

• I couldn’t focus on new programs or products because I was answering their questions

• Anyone could answer those questions, so I hired my VA

• Now I have a team of people who handles customer support plus a manager

• When you’re ready to outsource, look for Online Business Managers, customer support agents or virtual assistants to help you

• My team knows how to answer questions & resolve problems better than I do!

• Make those hours that you’re buying from them really count!

• Put your skills to work during that time & consider it a reinvestment into your business

• Do you outsource?

• I’d love to hear your story about how you got started, what tools & resources you used & what results you’ve seen in your business

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