HealthWORKS: Demonstrating Impact


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Linz Charlton Senior Manager Service Development

Demonstrating Impact

HealthWORKS Newcastle

Physical Activity Team

Mainstream gym and classes

Exercise on Referral gym and classes

Staying Steady

Chose to LoseWellbeing Naturally

Hearty Lives Newcastle

Many projects, many funders, many different reporting formats…….

A journey begins….

Outcome Based Accountability

What are you measuring? (and why?)

WHY we are measuring the WHAT we are measuring

• Reduce CVD risk factors• Improve mental and physical wellbeing• Reduce complications from long term conditions such as

diabetes• Reduce age, or long term condition related disability• Decrease use of medication• Decrease social isolation• Improve health literacy• Improve pathways to other services for health or leisure• Reduce health inequalities• Support lifestyle behaviour change

Evidence base

Direct measures? Proxy measures?

Proxy measures….. An example

Do these figures demonstrate IMPACT?• 85% reside in the lowest 30% IMD areas:• 90% improved wellbeing• 81% improved mobility• 74% socialised more• 65% improved breathing • 64% achieved their goals• 63% lost weight• 53% reduced pain levels• 29% reduced medications• 15% partially achieved their goals• 440 onward referrals or signposts

Outcomes versus Impact

85% reside in the 30% lowest IMD areas

Reduce health inequalities (by working with those in areas of high deprivation) ) 100% have access to

Community Health TrainersSupport lifestyle behaviour change

440 onward referrals or signposts

Integrating with other services for health, leisure or welfare advice

???Improve health literacy

74% socialisationDecrease social isolation

29% medicationsDecrease use of medication

100% PA; 81% mobility;

53% pain levels

Reduce age, or long term condition related disability

100% PA levelsReduce complications from long term conditions such as diabetes

90% wellbeingImprove mental and physical wellbeing

100% physical activity levels

Reduce CVD risk factors




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