Good in Storage Front Line Support



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1. Please Click on Following Link or Just copy this link & paste into your browser.    

2. Click on the “Save” button   After installing you will have two icons on your desktop

1.     Validator - MI2.      Demo Validator

      Please go through the Demo Validator first, to get the feel of the process.       To start the real interview, Click on the Validator MI icon.      Insert the following interview code below to start your interview


In Reference Column Please Write – Bosco 

 Check your microphone before giving the interview. Please Click Start Recording before you speak. Please speak loudly & clearly for better results. 

Check if the interview is uploaded

Select the date of EIS

In Validator it will show as uploaded

Open the Link

Click on Play to listen the interview

Upload the Focus Resume

Process to fill-in the comments

Select the post

Click on interview

Select the date and proceed

Click on the candidates name and start Ratifier

Click on Index by candidate

Listen to the voice

Select the question you want to listen

Put In your comments and enter

Your comments is saved

Save the Shortlist name

Check the comments on Type 4

Prepare the Shortlist from Rolecode

Click on Control Panel

Then click on SL2

Select the post

Select the Shortlist name

Add the clients information

After filling the details click on the candidates check box and

click on send

Then Click on Mail

It will show you the info that you have typed and to whom you

have sent the SL

The panelist will receive a mail on their Email Id

The panelist has to click on the interview link to proceed


Panelist will receive the candidates information and would have to listen to the

interview and give their votes

Panelist can click on the Auto play to listen to the interview

Panelist have to give their opinon

In client feedback you will receive the panelist vote for the

particular candidate

Then go to Rolecode to check the voting

Click on Control Panel

Click on SL Review

Click on particular SL date to check the votes

If the Votes are not given you can send a reminder mail

Client will receive reminder mail and then they can give the votes as the link is

available on the reminder

This is to generate Dashboard Report

This is the Final Dashboard that is sent to the Clients with

the voting
