First Utility Hits 1m Customer Accounts


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First Utility becomes first independent energy company to reach milestone of 1m customer accounts

One million customer accounts

Thanks to our great customers we're the first independent energy company in the UK to supply 1m accounts

We have experienced a ten-fold increase in customer numbers in less than 3 years and now supply more than 550,000 customers with both gas and electricity

Saving customers over £100m

Since 2008, we estimate we have saved our customers over a collective £100m - more than any other supplier - by continuously offering low electricity and gas prices

First Utility has been the cheapest gas and electricity supplier on the market for a staggering 23 out of 35 weeks during 2014 - with current savings of £213 a year

Our unique Price Promise also ensures our iSave Everyday tariff will always be cheaper than the Big Six standard variable tariffs at typical use

Fronting positive change

First Utility now supplies over 2% of the residential energy market, while the Big Six’s share has reduced from more than 99% in 2011 to 92% currently.*

As we grow we’re also becoming more of a force to be reckoned with. We have a strong voice within the industry and we’re using it to make changes that benefit all households across the UK.

That’s why we’re hugely proud of the success of our Fix the Switch campaign to shorten switching time from 6 weeks to 2 ½ weeks (14 days cooling off and 3 working days) by the end of the year. We believe that will make it easier to switch and remove one of the barriers stopping people changing supplier for a better deal.

*Latest figures including published data compiled by independent strategic energy market intelligence organisation Cornwall Energy (

Introducing the First Utility Foundation

To celebrate hitting 1m accounts, we’ve pledged 1% of our annual profits to the First Utility Foundation, an independent charitable trust.

It will award grants to projects and innovation which support vulnerable families and individuals across the UK.

The First Utility Foundation will be administered by a board of Trustees chaired by First Utility Chairman John Roberts. First Utility will fund the set up and provide an initial seed donation of £100,000.

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Ian McCaig, CEO, First Utility says:

“Hitting the 1m milestone is hugely significant and proves how much of a shake-up was necessary in the market. We have been at the forefront of bringing lower energy prices and better value for the UK consumer and have consistently campaigned for a fairer more transparent UK energy industry. Halving switching time was a great achievement, but much more needs be done and now.”

Ed Davey MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, says:

“Reaching one million customer accounts is a fantastic milestone for First Utility. With over two million customers now signed up to independent suppliers overall it’s clear that households increasingly trust them and are benefitting from competition in the market.”

Steve Weller, CEO, says:

“This is a great achievement by First Utility as more and more people are voting with their feet and switching away from the big six to newer providers, in pursuit of lower prices and better service. Today’s news is a vote of confidence to new entrants, and provides a much-needed wakeup call to the big six – if they want to hold on to their customers, they need to raise their game. Smaller suppliers are representing a real threat and are here to stay.”

About First Utility

First Utility is the UK’s fastest growing and largest independent energy supplier. It supplies gas and electricity to more than 550,000 customers throughout the UK and is committed to helping them reduce their energy bills by offering some of the cheapest utility tariffs, helping customers use less energy through the use of innovative technology and campaigning for industry change.
