First Page Local Helps Local Businesses get SEEN and Chosen On the Internet



Here is who serves (local business owners) and why it matters to you if you own or manage your own local business. If you need more customers you'll really like the way that we do what we do. Everything has changed, and especially the way people buy the things that they want and if you want to get caught up with how things are working instead of being left behind your competition, get in touch and get the help that you want and need.

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Are you a business owner, with a physical location, who offers products and services, in a

certain and specific Local Area ?

Are you trying to get more customers to call you, or to come into your store and do business?

Are you aware that people, are looking on the Internet to find out more, about practically everything that they’re deciding to buy today ?

Are you showing up where they are looking for you ?

Or do you even care whether you’re showing up, or not?

There’s proof that they’re looking

But if you don’t care, why should we be talking at all ?

We can’t help you solve a problem that you aren’t aware that you have.

We’re not here to convince you

We’re way too busy helping the people who KNOW that they want to show up STRONG where people are looking for products and services Online.

If you want to be SOLD …

Like the “Old Days”, you should probably look for someone else to “promise you the moon”, we just don’t work like that.

If you want real HELP …

Where you can understand what’s going on, and see how you can make it work to your advantage, then definitely stick around, because we can help you !

Okay now … Do you know how …

• People look for what they want on the Internet?

• And how they NEVER look past the first page …

• If you don’t show up there … and STAND OUT

• You may not even be SEEN, but if you want …

• WE can help you start getting SEEN NOW !

If you’re still here with us … And you’re aware of what’s going on, and IF, you

want to do something about it, that’s where we should begin our conversation with you, Because WE help you get SEEN, and then CHOSEN Online !

You have a LOT of choices …

But do any of them make sense for YOU?

We help you get from questions …

to having more customers

Our BIG difference is …

We do things simply, honestly, right alongside you.

Most everyone else says …

It’s easy and it does it all by itself !

We choose to work smart, with people who realize that it will take some effort, and time, to create a

presence online.

But time waits for NO ONE

The first thing that we help you do …

Is to claim your FREE Google place page

Some charge you $100 to $500 …

We do it as a gift to

you, because we want to help you start to stand out

As Soon As Possible !

We’ll go even further !

Enter your Name and your current Email below and get a FREE REVEALING audio report called

“Five Dangers Of Advertising Your Local Business Online” Type “Places Video” into the box and beneath

that and we’ll send you an Informative Video that shows you how to Maximize your “Place Page”

So to stand out …

Just Take the FIRST Step

We’ve been helping at places like SCORE,

Chamber Of Commerce, and various other Business Support

organizations for several years now …

We’ve Helped YOUR Businesses get seen and chosen online for longer than anybody, and way we do by helping you KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO, and DOING IT WITH YOU !

Why take a chance ?

Get the HELP that you need !

If you want to be SEEN …

Let someone who knows how, help you get the results you want online.

I’m Rick Falls with and we’re here to help you get seen!

Put in your name and email and to write “Places Video” in the box

That way, we can claim your “Place Page” for you, We’ll send you a revealing Audio, and a 5 Minute Video to help you fill in the blanks and you’ll be well on your way to being SEEN and CHOSEN Online !
