Facebook advertisement



Process of facebook advertisement Contact: 01913027879

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Step 1: Go to your facebook page>Build Audience>Creat An Ad

Step 2: Ad page > select your page & promotion you would like to do

Step3: Conform your ad Headline, text and picture.

Step 4: select the currency you prefer, Account country and limit par day budget for ad.

Step 5: #Select the campaign duration. #Standardized pricing option is available (based on the budget)

Step 6: Pricing: Click option

Automatic and Manual option Rate per click (Biding option is available)

Step 7: Pricing: Impression Option

Cost will be for per Thousand.

Note: difference between paying for impressions (CPM) and paying for clicks (CPC)?

CPM (impression) stands for cost per 1,000 impressions. This means you’ll pay when people see your ad. When you set up your ad, your impressions will be optimized so your ad shows to people who are most likely to help you reach your goal. For example, if your goal is to get more people to like your Page, your ad will be shown to people in your target audience who are most likely to also like your Page. CPC (Click) stands for cost per click. If you are paying for clicks, you’ll be charged each time someone clicks on your ad or sponsored story. You can only pay for clicks if you choose See Advanced Options when you’re setting up your ad, or if you’re advertising an external website. This is because paying for clicks isn’t as valuable if your goal is to get people to take an action on Facebook. When you pay for clicks, your ad will be shown to the people who are most likely to click on your ad, but who may be unlikely to take any other action such as liking your Page, engaging with a Page post, installing

your app, using your app or joining your event.

Step 8: Click REVIEW> Get the ad overview at a glance

Step 9: Click “Place Order”> Select your payment method
