Excellent Service and Sales Technique Paper (Agnes Gratia Devina)


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In this life we usually sales or gave a service to the other, but sometimes we just get confused, depressed and giving up for it. Actually that’s all happened just because we don’t understand what we should do, what’s the right things technique to do it. So in this pepper I’ll write some materials that I already get from my college class “Excellence Service and Sales Technique” with Mr. Alfa Maulana, Mba.

Thanks for this task so that I can review all the things that I already learned and I can understand it more. Hoping so much what I wrote can be useful for all the readers.

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CONTENTS.........................................................................................1I. Services.................................................................................................................................1

II. Effective Teenage..................................................................................................................7

III. Communication..................................................................................................................15

IV. Sales

IV.I. Generally..........................................................................................................................17

IV.II. Personality Plus................................................................................................................18

IV.III. Mind Mapping.................................................................................................................20

IV.IV. Sales Dogs........................................................................................................................22

DAFTAR PUSTAKA.........................................................................26

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I. Services

Service quality is how we give the same attitude and service to the entire costumer from the first

till the last. The purpose is increase the satisfaction until the delight point if we can reach it. To

get all of that we need to build trust, good mindset, make commitment, have performance, and

good looking.

Services that sold are if we can fix costumers problems.

There are 3K to create excellent service and sales technique:

a. Honestly (Kejujuran)

b. Ability (Kemampuan)

c. Creativity (Kreativitas)

Honestly is the first thing that will be needed by a person that wants to give services and sales

something. After that the person will need ability to persuade the costumer, build a good

relationship with the costumer, giving knowledge to the costumer about the services or goods.

And the last thing, they’ll need to be a creative person to know what they should do next.

Some matters that relating to excellent service:

a. Needs

The different between needs and wants is need is a thing that really important for human

and without that thing a human can’t survive but wants is a thing that aren’t really

important for human cause it has substitutes thing so the human still can survive without

those things.

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There are some reason that make a wants move to needs. One of them is time cause

nowadays there are so many competitor and the costumer will only choose which one is

faster to give them what do they need.

And all of that relating to “service”. Service is how to make the costumer feel satisfied,

so we have to do an emotional touch cause nowadays this is the first thing to do. In the

other hand we should have an intrinsic value that may make the costumer felt more

satisfied and like us.

b. Purpose and Time

We should know what the purpose of our service and what the right time to promote or

offer it to the costumer. Because if we don’t know what our purpose is, we can’t sell

anything because without the concept we just to confuse on what will we do. And if we

promote something not in the right time then we won’t get the costumer or maybe we

lose them.

What can be marketed?

- Goods - Persons

- Services - Properties

- Places - Organizations

- Ideas - Information

- Events - Experiences

c. Quality

Service quality: a process that have a purpose to get or just want to reach customer

satisfaction (feel, like, etc good for a service or something).

Service excellence : a process that have a purpose to get or reach delight (feel

statisfied,good,like,etc to a service or something that can’t be explain by any words)

d. Communication

We have to do a good communication with the costumer so we can know what do the

costumer need and want.

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Bellow the line

Don’t know Know Interesting A desire



Above the line


Marketing offers(products,services,experiens)

Value and Satisfaction

Exchange transactions andRelationship


A process from the beginning to transaction :

At first the prospective customers don’t know any information about seller’s product or

service, so the seller should give the knowledge to the prospective costumer. Then after

the prospective customers know about seller’s product or service they will feel interesting

to that, if they need it then they’ll do an action to buy it but if they don’t really need it

then they won’t do any action.

In above the line there are some promoting activities like make advertisement, banner, or

some kind like that. While in the bellow the line there will be distributing the product and

anything like that.

Core Marketing System

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Needs and wants create demand from the costumer to the producer. After the producer

got the demand then it will make marketing offers (products, services, and experiences)

to the costumer for full fit their demand. After that there will be value and satisfaction of

the offering that will be feeling by the costumer. After that the exchange transaction will

be happen and a relationship will be built between the costumer and the producer and it

will create the market. Then the market will create the needs, wants, and demands again

and the cycle will be same.

If we want to talk about product and service there is the main difference between both of them.

- Product: The prices of the goods that will be selling have a price that already determine.

The prices are determined by the market.

- Services: The price of the service that will be given can’t be determine, so the person can

get benefits as many as he want. Cause services are always be needed by the market.

What should we do, so we’ll be chosen from the entire competitor?

The very simple way is make an advertisement about our services, about our own self

that interesting and we should consequence too.

Consequence: Do something routine so the other person will always remember us.

What is relationship selling?

- Costumer centric: Costumers become our central or our point of view.

- Puts the costumer as the center of universe.

- Focuses on securing, building, and maintaining long term relationship with profitable


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Value and Price

Value: just same like intrinsic value, something that inside the goods.

Price: the nominal that show how much we should pay for get the goods.

Needs persuade the value and price. It makes a changes, sometimes value > price but

sometimes value < price.

Balance point usually called equilibrium. This is a condition when supply = demand or when

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• After all of that, if we can make a good relationship and have a good deal to get hire and

work together. So, it means it’s our turn to give our best services to our client and one

Thing we should think that “how to give a benefit to our client?”

If we already do that, that person can become our assets cause one day in future he can



This is has a relation with consequenceThis is the first thing that will be needed by a person if want to be choose from the other. We need to do something routine so the other will remember us and hire us.



A basic knowledge for a person to do or give something to the other , we need to have it for argue something or answer some question that given to us.



We do all of that ( commitment, consistency, and knowledge)as a basic for us to make a good relationship between each other. More relationship we make than we'll get more opportunity to get hire and get many benefit.


price = value.

Some conditions that persuade the price:

o When supply > demand (decreasing of price)

o When supply < demand (increasing of price)

o When price > value ( if the price is high it may not buy, but if the price is low it maybe


o When price < value (even the price is so high but it must be buy by the costumer)

For the example of price < value: In the top of the mountain the people don’t have any jacket

but the weather is so cold. So when there is a person that sells jacket even the price is

expensive, but all the people will buy it because they really need the value of the jacket.

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II. Effective Teenage

In this moment we’ll talk about life for teenage. For teens life isn’t a play ground.

Life is a maze full of right or wrong turns, right or wrong decisions. The parents can teach teens

principle, values, and skills to help them make better choice.

Nowadays there are so many bad things and good things that maybe can change

our mindset, that’s why parents and all the older people (adult) should teach the

teenage how to think smart to filter all of those things for a better life.

A wise man ever said “we can’t make their decisions for them, but we can give them the right

tools they need to make right decisions.”

It means there’s nothing we can decide for the others, all we can do just give

them a right thing as tools for them to decide something right for their own.

How do effective teens make their choices?

They base them on principle and values.

The teenage usually thing and decide based on these two things, so they need to

looking for what is the right principles and values and all of that will be find in

our self

What is habit?

Habits are patterns of behavior composed of three overlapping components:

1. Knowledge

2. Desire

3. Skill

The hardest thing to get is desire because it can’t be learned like knowledge and

skill but we have to be finding it in our self. And when we already find it then it

means we already have a purpose, have a motivation in our life.

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What is an effective teens?

1. Are they reactive or proactive?

We should know when the time for us to become reactive or be proactive to

something or in face a problem.

2. Do they know where are they going?

We should know where we will go, in a life we should have a destination where

will we go.

3. Do they prioritize the thing they have to do?

Learn how to make a time manager, we should understand what is the most

important and the first thing that we should do.

4. Do they see life as a competition?

Treat life as a competition so we’ll do our best to win our own life and get the

best thing for our own.

5. Do they talk first and then pretend to listen or listen actively?

We should learn to listen the other person first then we can talk. It shows to the

other that we can respect them.

6. Do they cooperate with others or do they think they are better off doing everything

by them self?

We have to become a cooperative person that can work together and fusion with

the other.

7. Are they so busy with life that they don’t have time to:

a. Spend quality time with family and friends

b. To do their homework

c. Read good books

d. Exercise

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What other people say

and do




Weather Choices & Responses


e. Take time for nature or other inspiration things

For answer it all we need it have a prioritize, with that we can make our time

manager and won’t spend our time just for some useless thing that we think it’s


There are 7 habits that can make us to create our self to become an effective teenage, they are:

1. Be Proactive

This is the first thing that will be needed to do if we want to be an effective

teenage. This is how the teenage take responsibility for everything that he already

decide for his own self so that he won’t blame anybody for every risk, feeling, or

anything that happened to him.

Example: the simple thing is when a teenage has to choose between 2 kind of

food the A and B. and then the teenage decide to choose the B food, after that the

food isn’t taste really good and he feel disappointed. Then as a proactive teenage

he doesn’t blame anybody else for what he already chooses and take it as a

wrong decision of his own.

2. Begin With The End In Mind

To beginning the journey, the teens have to know what they will become in the

end of their life so that he can find the purpose of his life, what goals he will

reach and where his destination is. So if teens have it, he won’t waste his time to

do something useless that he doesn’t need to do.

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Example: A boy has a purpose to saving the other live from cancer as many as he

can. So with that purpose he can decide what he will do in his live to reach those

goals, to saving the other person’s live.

3. Put First Things First

It means the teens have to learn how to make scale priority, so that he can knows

which one is the most important things and he’ll do it first. Putting first things

first also means learning to overcome fears and being strong during difficult


Example: The boy that has purpose to saving the other person live from cancer

realized that to do it he need to be a specialist doctor. And for reach it he makes

his scale priority and the number one of his scale priority is STUDY. It means the

most important things to do now is study and study after that he may do the other

things bellow the first number.

4. Think Win-Win

In here the teens should learn how to create think win-win situation in a group.

So if what we do something together and get win it means we did it together and

win together.

There are 5 dimensions if think win-win:

a. Character



Abundance mentality

b. Relationships

From transactional to transformational

c. Agreements

What needs to be done – not how

d. Processes

Third alternative

e. Supporting systems

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Example: The boy that wants to be a specialist doctor has to face his practicum

test and in his practicum he had to work together with another person. One day

they have to take care of a patient and for do it they have to understand one to

another, so they can create the way out together. After they did it, it means they

win together cause they work together to recover that woman.

5. Seek First to Understand Then To Be Understood

In this life sometime we just to egoist and want everybody to understand us. But

an affective teen should understand the other first and after that the other person

can understood us.

Example: When that boys already become a doctor he get a problem and he want

to fix it, he meet with the other and try to discuss it. During the discussion, that

boy need to be patient and understand the other person’s ways and mind set so

that when he give his argument and explain his mindset the other will be try to

understood him to.

6. Synergize

Trough this habit teens learn to decrease their egoism, in social life or in team

work there isn’t your way or my way but it is about how to combine our mindset

together to create the new way out, a better plan that will gave better result. And

trough this habit teenage learned to be better in appreciate the others too.

Example: When teens face a problem in the group, first thing to do is change our

mindset into open minded after that press our egoism. In discussing the way out

there are not “do it your way?” or “do it my way?” and then fight for see who’s

the winner but that should be “do it in our way”, so we should understand one to

another and create a new way for the best way out.

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7. Sharpen The Saw

In these live teens should regularly renewing and strengthening what deep inside

so she can be better and better in do anything and can keep his personality sharp.

Teens have to sharpen their life-body, brain, heart, and soul.

Example: One of personality that can be sharpen is talent. An effective teens

should realized what is their talents and after that how to make it better? How to

increasing the ability? And after teens do it, it means they already do one of

sharpen the saw.

Paradigm: the way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference, or belief.

This can’t be used for something that already patent or have a rule but it’ll be use for see

something or see a problem and seek the way out.

To develop it someone will be need a SKILL

When we make a paradigm shift we can see, think, feel, and behave differently.

Become different or change isn’t look at who we are or what our dignity is but what will

happen if we didn’t change our self.

It’s better for us if we change our self first before something (a condition) come and

pushing us to change.

Principles are natural law that can’t be broken. Paradigm can’t be wrong but we still need

to listen to the other and see the other point of view to see are we right or wrong.. Cause

no one can judge our paradigm except our own self.

If we want to be success in making a relationship, we have to learned to see from other

person’s point of view and we need to think like that person way. That’s all will be needed

to understand further.

The different between personal and relationship

Personal: How do you feel about yourself? (Amount of trust and confidence in yourself)

Relationship: How do you feel about others? (Amount of trust and confidence you have

in each of your relationship)

Emotional in our self just like a bank account, you can deposit it or you can with draw it.

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Personal bank account deposits:

1. Keep promises to yourself

2. Do small acts of kindness

3. Be gentle with yourself

4. Be honest in all your dealings

5. Enhance your talents

6. Take care of yourself

7. Think positively and use positive self-talk

Personal bank account withdrawals:

1. Break promises to yourself

2. Isolate yourself

3. Put yourself down

4. Think negatively and use negative self-talk

5. Be dishonest with yourself

6. Neglect your talents

7. Wear yourself out

8. Expect yourself to be perfect

Relationship bank account deposit:

1. Keep promises to others

2. Do small acts of kindness

3. Be loyal to those not present

4. Listen actively

5. Say you are sorry

6. Set clear expectations

7. Allow others to be different

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Relationship bank withdrawals:

1. Break promises

2. Keep to yourself

3. Gossip and break confidences

4. Do not listen

5. Be arrogant

6. Set false expectations

So as a good person and as an effective teenage it’s better for us to do the deposit in

personal and relationship bank account in our social life, and for do it we have to start

from the personality first, how to change our mindset and set it into a good one and do all

the things like what already written. After we already successes to change our personal

and do personal deposit then we can start to implementation it into our social life and it’ll

automatically create relationship bank deposit.

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III. Communication

Communication is an activity that had a purpose to give a message or information about what’s in

your mind,feeling,etc.

The elements of communication:

a. The core or the information

b. Media (that use to give or receive the information)

c. Feedback

d. Distortion / bothering

There are 4 fields of communication, they are:

a. Mass Communication

b. Interpersonal / Intercultural communication

c. Politic communication

d. Business Communication

Mass communication

o It’s a communication that does by one person to plural receiver, just like convergence

peers or some kind like that.

Interpersonal / intercultural communication

o If we do interpersonal communication it means automatically we already do intercultural

communication, because every person has their own culture.

o What should be look or need to be pay attention when do the intercultural


- Gender

- Culture

- Religion

- Education

- Age

- Social Status

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Organization (business) communication is:

o The lifeblood of the organization

It have to be done like blood in our body, it means we have to do it systematically.

o The glue that binds the organization

In a group or in a company it’ll be better if all the group members stay together and

become one, so they’ll work together to reach their purpose. And one of the ways to

do it is trough the business communication so that all the members can talk to each

other, understand their group or company purpose and do it together.

o The oil that smoothes the organization function

Just like oil in the car machine that minimize the friction so it how the work of

business communication in the group. Business communication minimizes the

problem that happened between two or more people so that won’t be fighting each

other or etc but it’ll create integrity.

The success of manager depends, primarily, on their ability to communicate to all the people for

whom who responsible, first what the need to do and second the importance of doing it.

The basic purpose of message:

a. To Inform

b. To request and persuade

c. To build good will

*most of the messages have multiple purposes.

Communication tips

Words: This is about what you say (word choice, phrasing, and filler words). It’s

about 9% of message in communication.

Voice: This is about the way you say it (tone, volume, pitch, speed). It’s about

41% of message in communication.

Body: This is about how you look when saying it (eye contact, posture, gestures,

proximity, facial expression). It’s about 50% of message in communication.

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IV. Sales

IV.I. Generally

§ Sales Money

For do it we don’t need to shy, stay away from many negative things, see something trough the

positive side, focus, optimism, and persistence.

§ Sales technique how to create our mindset for change our self to become good sales and those

changes include change you to become better. How you do something unique so that the costumer

will see your differences and then you will have bigger opportunity to get the prospect.

§ Reject is a usual thing that will happen to a sales person, but don’t take it as a problem but take it a

challenge to make you better. Hang on and stay focus, just take all the risk and face the

commitment from what we already decided. Open our self to the out world and you’ll see a


§ The different between Dreamer (pemimpi) and Leader (pemimpin)

Dreamer is someone that can’t do anything besides dreaming but Leader is a dreamer that dares

to make that dream become true.

For reach it we will be need BREAKTROUGH THINKING like “what will we do?”, “do we dare

to do it?”, “what already we done for reach it?”

Open mind, motivation, dare, and spirit. These are some things that we’ll need to do. We have to

wake up from our relax area and be success, we’ll also need teamwork too.

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§ What can we do to make the costumer trust to what are you give to them? Confidence

Start from do it! And after that develop the knowledge from the other, get the other experiences

and knowledge to make us better.

To getting closer to the person or getting closer to a group we have to understand and do

something like what they usually do. And the other way to make us can be easily to getting closer

to the other, we have to be smart to understand and know that person characteristic.

§ Key of success => Mindset

Knowledge : about the product and the process

Ability : to make strategy, communication, and negotiation

Attitude : have purpose, positive thinking, and enthusiast

IV.II. Personality Plus

Personality plus is using to know what’s our characters using colors. We can use it too for give

our point to the other when we meet our buyer or client or the other, we can identify what color

they are and after that we can handle that person.

It’s talking about colors theory in person’s personality.

There are 4 colors, they are:

Yellow (Sanguine)

Red (Choleric)

Blue (Melancholy)

Green (Phlegmatic)

Each color have their own characters in positive and negative side:

Yellow (Sanguine) Quick Hoppers

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Red (Choleric) Fast Learners

Blue (Melancholy) Slow Integrators

Green (Phlegmatic) Easy Goers

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It is how the four colors in handle or do something in their own way:

So we can conclude for each characteristic that:

1. Powerful Choleric – These people are direct, firm, ambitious, and no nonsense.

2. Popular Sanguine – think bubbly, talkative, sociable, charismatic, and FUN

3. Peaceful Phlegmatic – These people are thoughtful, calm, relaxed, and peacemakers.

4. Perfect Melancholy – People with this personality are detail minded, introverted, often

artistic, and deep thinkers.

IV.III. Mind Mapping

Ж Mind mapping is how you manage your brain, your mindset. Everybody surely have their own

purpose in this life, and for reach it we should think about what we will do to get it. And with

mapping, it’ll helps us to create our own way and make everything clear to be done.

Ж Mapping our brain just like put first things first. Mapping what should we do from the beginning

till the end in our purpose. Our mind work is from the middle (center), not from the top or


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Ж A normal good mind should be like a computer

Write firstsave it in our brainand then when we’ll need it, we can use it.

Ж If we can do it, then we can find 12 point of smart sales. More lines that you can create in your

mind (plans), it means more creative you are and that is the key!

Ж This is the example of mind mapping, starting from a simple purpose “How to get happiness?”

And from this mind mapping we can get that for get happiness it has to be started from our own

self, from our mindset. And after it we can do anything we like or get your happiness from people

around us.

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IV.IV. Sales Dogs

Sales dogs will be use for knowing our self, what sales type are we and after we find out what

type are we then we can increase our ability and train our self to be better in sales.

There are 5 kinds of sales dogs, they are:

1. Pit Bull, the characteristic are:

a. The most aggressive sales person

b. Will attack anything that have “prospect smell”

c. Always attack malignantly, aggressive, and persistent so will make the other give

their respect and fear

d. Never let go the client after the first bite

e. Don’t need first quality meet just let them in the market and they’ll produce


f. Have to build strong control weak in strategy and tactics

g. Don’t release them in cocktail party but you can send them in bar (night world)

h. Their successes came from their amazing strength and brave.

i. Sale more than the other type.

j. Closing the sales and handle the objection are the breakfast for the champion

k. Training is the key.

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2. Golden Retriever, their characteristic are:

a. This type is the favorite of all the people

b. With glassy eyes and long hair flowing, they will do anything for the person that

takes care of them.

c. They are the sales person that sit up with full of attention and big smile that wait

the next order from their prospect

d. Take their prospect heart with chasing anything that thrown by their prospect

Costumer Service is everything

e. They feel horrible with “search and destroy” strategy of Pit Bull

f. Always turn on their phone with full battery 24 hours in a day even they have

some reserve full battery.

3. Poodle, their characteristic are:

a. Very smart, although somewhat shaking, and really realize that they have to “look


b. Grow in world of sparkling and classy

c. Use Italian tuxedo, black sparkling shoes

d. Have some really good connection and maybe have the best connections and

exclusive than the other type

e. Usually meet between clinking wine glasses, seducing with comments and not

interesting joke

f. Like to talk with a group and be the center

g. The latest trends, the latest equipment and the most festive party are the life style

of poodle

h. This is the best sales dog

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4. Chihuahua, their characteristic are:

a. Very clever technical experts and maybe this is the greatest type than the other

type of sales dogs.

b. Often appeared tense and not a good charmer

c. Energic, its knowledge about product and their comprehension about the process

are unbeatable.

d. While the other dogs fall asleep, this type surfing from one site to another site

e. Need mental training

f. While Pit Bull maybe do the first contact, and poodle will do a great presentation,

it’s absolute for this type for show the prove

g. They are very smart, but because of often working late and a lot of coffee, they can

become very emotional

5. Basset Hound, their characteristic are:

a. You can cursed and expelled this dog, but it’ll just see and accept it

b. This sales dog looks not classy and rarely exudes passion or great confidence

c. If they sale something, sometimes pleaded genetically designed to touch the


d. Their tenacity only can be beat by Pit Bull and their persistence become their


e. Never deterred by rejection, telephones were not answered. There is no turning

back for this type, their ability to pressure, harass, cajole or beg already became

their legend.

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f. Never expect that Poodle will become friend with this type poodle will felt


g. Highly recognized for the slightest trace odor, track transactions and to win the

heart of another person while others don’t.

The Tips: Pit Bull dog cold call, Retriever do visit costumer services. Chihuahua did the market

research, meanwhile the Poodle persuade the main prospect. And the Basset Hound try hard to

strengthening the network with the biggest prospect.

Chihuahua learned how to make dynamic presentations, Retriever learned how to do cold call,

and Pit Bull learn to be patient and listen more.

Every type has to learn to stabilize their strength with some characters from the other sales dogs.

Poodle and Pit Bull can learn more from Retriever in understand the importance of relationship

after sales for long term sales.

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Every material that I used to wrote in this pepper are came from my note and all the material from my Excellent Service and Sales Technique lecture Mr. Alfa maulana, Mba. Include all the slides and his explanation in college class.

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