Evolving Beyond Analytics - Getting To Meaningful Measurement

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A presentation on content marketing measurement that I did at the #BCon Event in Toronto Canada. This presentation discusses the measurement pyramid - and how working toward a more structured series of measurements and reporting can help us drive toward meaning instead of mediocrity.

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Ratio of CMO’s that use data solely to facilitate transactions, not deepen the relationship with consumers.

Stretched to Strengthened: IBM Study of CMO’s

Still Use Analytics To Prove Not Improve

Outperforming companies vs. underperforming companies that use data to bond and deepen relationships with consumers.

While Deeper Relationships Elude Most

Stretched to Strengthened: IBM Study of CMO’s

an a lyt ics / anl’itiks / noun plural noun: analytics

1.  The systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. Information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics

. . . Analytics Defined:

an a lyt ics / anl’itiks / WMD Weapon Of Mass Delusion

1.  A systematic way to make any effort look like a massive success or failure depending on your agenda

. . . Analytics Re-Defined:

Goals: Indicate progress to achievement

Key KPI’s Secondary goals and indicators

Indicators Data that improve process

The Measurement Pyramid

Goal: Increase leads by 10% w/ no extra cost in 6 months

Reporting: •  # of Leads / % of Increase •  Cost Increase or Decrease

•  Subscribers •  Conversion rates •  Email response rates •  Cost per lead by channel


•  Likes / Followers •  Page views •  Social metrics •  Keyword reports


The Measurement Pyramid

Measure what’s important and, more importantly, meaningful.

Frees the team from “always up and to the right” mentality

Prevents departmental competition

The Pyramid Benefits

But We Haven’t……

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100 Hrs. / Min.  


1.  Still operate that content is separate

from “real marketing”

2.  Still think measurement is a way to prove worth, rather than improve a process

3.  We still think that “content” is an

attribute of marketing instead of value in and of itself

We Haven’t Changed…

1.  Can we infuse the content marketing

approach into existing strategy

2.  Can we stop measuring in silos? And all the way down?

3.  Can we stop “acting” like a media

company and actually BE a media company?

But can we make it better?




Let’s look at an example… Advertising

1  Customer  -­‐  $3,000  Cost  Per  Customer  

50,000  Impressions  1%  CTR  -­‐  (500  Visitors)  

$6.00  CPC  

30  Demo  Requests  -­‐  6%  Conversion  Rate  10  DemonstraEons  -­‐  $300  /  Demo  

Let’s look at an example… Advertising

75  Downloads  -­‐  30%  Conversion  Rate  ($20  ea)  

9  DemonstraEons    ($166)  3  Customers  -­‐  $500  Cost  Per  Customer  

Let’s look at an example… Advertising 50,000  Impressions  

.5%  CTR  -­‐  (250  Visitors)  $6.00  CPC  

Sometimes Content Marketing IS more expensive but can it create a better customer? “The Switching Economy” $5.9 Trillion up for grabs… Engaging experiences are not “nice to have’s” any longer.

Measuring the whole journey 670  Miles  

$100  Dollar  B


B2B Training Company Methodology to measure all the way through – from first awareness to customer service. 8 Months later… •  1.2x the cost •  1.5x the time

Loyalty. Upsell. Evangelism

Customers closed through content marketing infusion Spent 2X as much Stayed 5X as long 2X more likely to share… It’s not just more likes, leads or customers. It’s also: Better likes, leads, customers – relationships.

Loyalty. Upsell. Evangelism.

A"en%on  Metrics  (Audience  Development)  Measuring    consumpEon  &  brand  awareness  as  a  means  of  widening  the  


Social  Metrics  (Conversa%on  Influence)  Measuring  the  creaEon  of  influence,  the  power  of  sharing,  and  the  larger  discussion  about  our  


Effec%veness  Metrics  (Content  Purpose)  Measuring  intended  purpose  at  influencing  behavior  at  various  parts  of  the  funnel  


3 Types of CM Measurement


Visitors/Customers  Awareness  recall  Visitor  loyalty  

 Share  of  voice    

Brand  Awareness  %  Earned  Media  

 Impressions  Page  views  Downloads  

Earned  Media  $$  Visitors/Leads  Discussion  LiZ  

Total  CPL  Customer  Cost  RaEo  

NPS  -­‐  Loyalty    

Social  Shares  SenEment  Analysis  Influencer  MenEons  

 Tweets,  Likes  +1’s  

Forwards  Inbound  Links  

 Cost  Per  Visitor  Lead  (by  channel)  Total  Value  by  lead  

   Blog  subscripEons  

Time  on  site  Referral  Traffic  


Some examples for ya…

Broad range of campaigns Winnow and place our bets on campaigns/projects Map into phrases:

Plan, Development, Launch, Manage Separate these phases by stage gates.

Go/No Go – Move On or Kill It

Stage Gate Vs. Discovery Driven

Key decisions based on: •  What we know – prior results •  What we’re guessing – WAG •  Current risks – Can we deliver? What does that do? •  Risky, innovative – potentially

meaningful - things always die •  Incremental “safe” things go

forward •  We Koboyashi Maru the results

Perpetuates “analytics” as WMD

Start with success. What does it look like. What needs to be true? List/Prioritize in rank order. Showstoppers, and Easily tested Now – ideas/projects to make these true. Map them into your phases. If a critical assumption isn’t true – then revise, learn and iterate. Lots of small steps.

Discovery Driven Planning

The goal remains the same – but assumptions to reach the goal are what must be changed. Leaders in the business can help clear the way for the assumptions rather than view practitioners as trying to move the goalpost. Most failure in marketing comes from failing to ask the right question, not because of the accuracy, detail or our ability to get an answer.

Shine the light on meaning, not numbers

