Event management




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24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Event managementbudget uncertainties

insurance against risks

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Event management

What is an event?:• conference, symposium• hands-on training• marketing exhibition• sports competition• many others ...

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Rudyard Kipling's poem:I Keep Six Honest Serving Men:

"I keep six honest serving-men(They taught me all I knew);Their names are

What and Why and When And How and Where and Who"

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Budget: conference venue• Day rate per person all-in

• Hire venue at fixed costs, and either pay lower day-rate to cover refreshments

• perhaps with teas/coffees required leave delegates to find own refreshments

• Access arrangements disabled persons exhibition materials

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Budget: conference speakers

• speakers pay full registration fee include their accommodation? include travel and subsistence costs?

• generates goodwill and eases speakers load

• speakers pay (reduced) registration fee• speakers attend free

the latter two require higher registration fees from non-speaking delegates

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Conference: delegates

• Poster papers often used to gain additional delegates

• Access for disabled persons• Special dietary requirements

vegetarian, vegan, halal, etc

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Budget: marketing and media

• advertising TV, radio, journals, magazines specialised mailing lists e-discussion lists SMS/MMS telecommunications

• media flyers, brochures etc

• design costs• printing costs• mailing costs

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Budget: other costs

• administration• personnel on-the-day• travel (to view venue in advance)• audio-visual aids and technician

... and other income• sponsorship• “flyers” in the delegate pack

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt


• “Annual income twenty pounds,annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence,[£19.97½p] result happiness.

Annual income twenty pounds,annual expenditure twenty pounds and sixpence, [£20.2½p] result misery”.

Mr Micawber in Charles Dickens “David Copperfield”

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Continue or cancel?

• cancellation may incur: lost deposits on venues refunds of any prepayments speakers spending in anticipation of event “all that effort for nothing”

• continuation may result in: negative budget “loss leader” informing future events loss of reputation,

if delegate expectations not realised

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt

Other types of events

• Broadly the same considerations• outdoors may also need

formal permission to use public space fenced area accessible only to ticket holders security to ensure no freeloaders public address systems first-aid provision independent caterers

24 February 2007 MATS326/EventMgt.ppt


• what can go wrong? pay-on-the-day and no-one arrives the weather (no audience - no “atmosphere”)

• insurers will cover the risk? they are in business to make money they consider the risks involved they request lower premiums where

• a full risk assessment already exists• where plans/budgets have sensible contingency
