Evaluation 3


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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Knowing what our target audience likes is hugely important to how successful our product is. This is because if they don’t like what we’ve done, they won’t buy it. It means that audience feedback is possibly the most important part of planning and finishing our production and allowing changes to be made if they need to. It is also important to understand opinions from people outside of our target to gain an idea of how we may broaden our audience. Not only did we get positive feedback from our peers and focus group, but also our teachers. This was important as it would help us define if the product was professional enough.

This comment highlights that we have successfully aimed our digipak at our target audience from the professional opinion of our teacher outside our target audience. This was very important as it helped us come to the conclusion of keeping our front CD cover as it was and not to alter it in any way.

Positive feedback from teachers

On the other hand, we did receive constructive criticism from our teacher as he comments on ensuring our design adheres to CD/Digipak dimensions. This was helpful as he gave us an area to work on rather than tell us exactly what to do. From this, we looked at examples of existing advertisements within the genre of pop and considered changing our digipak in order to fit the criteria of pop advertisements and meet the conventions needed to attract our target audience. This caused us to change the complete layout of our digipak and focus on making it more appropriate for our target audience.

Negative feedback from teachers

By placing my CD cover on Facebook I have allowed all members of my friends list to comment on it share their opinions. By doing this I am gaining some knowledge as to what the target audience and others think of it. These 3 comments come from our primary target audience of girls ages between 15-20, which is exactly what we needed to know.

On the other hand, getting feedback from someone outside of our target audience was very interesting. He commented on his thought’s of it being good and carries on to say ‘you should probably add some boyish features’ –despite this, we wouldn’t alter it as our target audience isn’t males and therefore we wouldn’t expect a boy to like it.

Audience feedback from social media –CD Front Image

Audience feedback from social media – Digipak advertisement

Using social media to ask our friends and family what they think it very important. Not only does it inform our target audience, but also people who the advertisement isn’t targeted at. For example Josh Lowe mentions it being obviously aimed at females, this was a huge compliment as that it what we aimed to do and although he wouldn’t go out and buy the album because of the girly layout, our target audience would.

All the other comments have been positive and allowed us to be happy and content with our final copy of the advertisement. This has taught us as a group that it is important to get an idea of whether or not the target audience likes our product, because if they don’t then it won’t be as successful. By getting positive comments from our target audience we are aware that our product is the best it could possibly be and it doesn’t need to be changed any further.

From our target audience we were able to learn about the different opinions the audience will have on our products. Despite this, it’s important we focus on what our target audience wants rather than anyone else; this is because they are the people who will buy the album and watch the video. From our audience feedback we have had both positive and negative comments which have helped us create a product that it perfect for our target audience and professional looking. Also, from our target audience we have been able to improve all of our final products and adapt them so the audience is happy with them, no matter how small the issue.

After completing the music video along with the digipak we asked a focus group what they thought about the music video and whether or not they enjoyed watching it. This was highly affective as it gave us an insight as to whether we have reached the satisfaction of our target audience and followed the typical conventions of a pop genre music video up to a good standard.

I asked two females from our target audience if they liked the final digipak and music video and whether it targeted the audience we wanted it to.

From this focus group audience feedback, as a group we learnt that we had successfully aimed the music video and digipak at our target audience as we wanted to. This was shown through the focus group as they gave nothing but positive comments and liked our music video production and digipak.

This audio shows an interview with a female in our target audience. I asked her questions relating to herself, her expectations of a pop music video and what she would like she to in one.This was important as it gave us an understanding of what the target audience may want to see from our music video and how to make it successful.

The questions I asked were varied, some was about her as an individual and what she liked to do in her spare time whilst others focused on the location she would like a pop music video to be set in. When asking these questions it was important to have an understanding of what our target audience enjoys to do so we can have a better connection with the artist and the audience.One question that was important was ‘Do you like listening to artists a similar age to you?’, when she replied that she isn’t generally keen on artists her age it helped us decide to make our artist slightly older (just over 20) to ensure that we were giving the target audience exactly what they wanted. By doing this I learnt that it was important to see what our target audience wanted because what I thought and what they thought was completely different and it helped me and my group make a decision as to what exactly it was that we were going to do in our music video. Overall, the questionnaire was key to our success as it allowed us the opportunity to get on the same level of understanding of our audience and give them what they wanted.


By getting audience feedback before and after our music video production, we were able to gain a huge amount of knowledge as to what our target audience wanted and how we was going to give it to them. By questioning them before hand we knew what they wanted and done our best to make that happen. By doing a focus group after we were able to have a clear understanding of where we went wrong and where we went right, but also what areas to improve on. This was very helpful as once the target audience expressed their feelings and expectations we were able to decide what we wanted to agree with and where we wanted to challenge certain areas.