Estimated total conversion packs a profitable punch



Advertisers who use conversion tracking in AdWords now have a better tool to get a more complete understanding of the conversions that are the result of using AdWords. It is called Estimated Total Conversions and permits an advertiser to not only see daily conversions such as online sales, but also new conversion types that occur including calls and cross-device conversions. We know from market activity that consumers don’t stand still for very long. They are all over the board and they are connected to any number of devices with which to shop. That is great for business because it means that a person isn’t restricted to walking into a store or using a PC to make a transaction. At the same time, it can be a maddening experience. The same consumer that starts a purchase on a mobile application could easily finish it on a tablet. This can get very confusing particularly during holiday shopping seasons. What is great about estimated total conversions is that it offers the opportunity to better understand consumer behaviors with some insights that are derived from such activity. It can clearly have a positive benefit for measuring the results of any campaign, or period of activity.

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Estimated Total Conversion Packs a

Profitable Punch

• Advertisers who use conversion tracking in AdWords now have a better tool to get a more complete understanding of the conversions that are the result of using AdWords. It is called Estimated Total Conversions and permits an advertiser to not only see daily conversions such as online sales, but also new conversion types that occur including calls and cross-device conversions.

• We know from market activity that consumers don’t stand still for very long. They are all over the board and they are connected to any number of devices with which to shop.

• That is great for business because it means that a person isn’t restricted to walking into a store or using a PC to make a transaction. At the same time, it can be a maddening experience. The same consumer that starts a purchase on a mobile application could easily finish it on a tablet.

• This can get very confusing particularly during holiday shopping seasons. What is great about estimated total conversions is that it offers the opportunity to better understand consumer behaviors with some insights that are derived from such activity. It can clearly have a positive benefit for measuring the results of any campaign, or period of activity.

Here are just some of the ways that estimated total

conversions will be helpful:

• Knowing the mobile and its value. It’s common part of the conversation among advertisers just how powerful mobile applications are in principle. Estimated total conversions allow your advertising people to know in fact the full impact.

• For example, a campaign can be started on mobile devices with various advertising used. With the help of estimated total conversions activity what wasn’t known before, such as a purchase that started with the use of an iPhone and ended on a PC, becomes available data.

Having this information will allow for decisions that could include working with a budget to better show Return on Investment (ROI), or even making subtle changes to any mobile bids:

• Allowing for a second consideration of any desktop/tablet bid. Make no mistake about it, the ROI which is derived from AdWords is going to be changing as activity, including conversions, attributed to AdWords gets more focused attention.

• This can allow the advertising department to readily consider the cost per acquisition (CPA) of either a desktop or tablet based on the information derived from the conversions.

Any positive changes in CPA will allow for new opportunities that were not considered before, including larger positions and volumes due to increasing the bids.

• Solid bang for the buck. Advertising is always going to be concerned about how the money is spent. As much profitable sales figures as possible have to be squeezed somehow out of the message being delivered.

• The total value of any investment in AdWords advertising can change noticeably once the conversion figures are seen more clearly. This is going to allow for better focus of scarce dollars. Rather than being forced to do a shotgun effect to see which is best, the conversion figures are going to allow for a more rifled approach.

The advertising department is consequently spending more in areas where possible success is more clearly defined. This is thanks to conversion figures that the estimated total conversions will allow to be seen.

• The benefit of estimated total conversions will be seen most quickly in the area of retail trade.

• In this sector of the economy where the fickle behaviour of consumers cause migraine headaches, the conversion figures are going to allow for better decisions being made.

• Some companies are already beginning to see the benefit and are able to maximize sales derived from mobile applications.

• The consequence is a more efficient use of scarce budget dollars. Spend optimization is not yet a real science, but thanks to understanding cross device conversions, money can be spent more advantageously than ever before.

• A retail company that uses total estimated conversions information is going to see the benefit when November and the Christmas shopping season comes around.

• Retail places its orders in the fall and plans its advertising campaigns in the months leading up to Black Friday.

• The cross – device conversion figures will prove invaluable when it comes to developing the bids and assigning money to advertising efforts. Retail margins are notoriously thin.

• Proper use of the estimated total conversion figures will make those numbers a little bit fatter.
