English , just for awesome



The Apprentice should change characteristic that 's right with The Awesome Magazine . Miranda look down at her and not prefer so much if she still keep her look liked that. She 'll try so much and show her ability with the company.

Citation preview

English , just for awesome

By Hataikan N.

1. what does changing in apprentice characteristic ?

Par I : Quest For The Devil Wear Prada

2. What field does Miranda work as specialist ?

3. How does Miranda think Apprentice right with job ?

4. What does Miranda ask her secretary to do in Celeb party ?

5. What does apprentice confuse at final ?

Par 2 : Right choices with the Quest

1. What does characteristic of apprentice look before?

B) Bookworm

A) Fashion Icon

1. What does characteristic of apprentice look before?

B) Bookworm

A) Fashion Icon

1. What does apprentice apply to Miranda’s company

B) Assistance Secretary

A) Fashion Icon

1. What does apprentice apply to Miranda’s company

B) Assistance Secretary

A) Fashion Icon

The Apprentice as top student before , She try to apply to The awesome Magazine as Miranda owner.She look at apprentice and …(1)… to apprentice seemOld fashion and not concern to fashion then her lookSeem not ….(2)….. In her company. Apprentice find outWhat she should change and work among …(3)……….She change …….(5)….. and do variety as Assistance Secretary and run around among fashiona store.Until she find out ……(6)….. By Miranda then she thinkFurther about herself as her dream

(Z) Complain (A) Professional (B) Celebrity Lifestyle(C) Characteristic (D) Fashion Criticize
