End of lease cleaning – what services are available


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End Of Lease Cleaning – What Services Are Available

Carrying out the end of lease cleaning tasks can be really challenging at times. If you

want to get back the full security deposit amount, then every bit of the end-of-lease

obligations need to be fulfilled. And yes, cleaning the house to its actual state is one

among those! End-of-lease cleaning is not about basic cleaning services; it requires

detailed focus and involvement to get the area cleaned in the most professional

manner possible.

Speaking of end of lease cleaning options availability in Melbourne, there are lots of

professional cleansing agencies available in and around Australia. The advantage of

hiring a professional is their expertise over a wide range of cleansing tasks related to

different building properties. These professional agencies come with different

package deals to suit your needs and requirements. They mostly charge as per the size

of area for cleaning as well the location. There are also supplementary services

available with these agencies depending on the type of cleaning requests being asked


EXITCLEAN is one of the most reliable cleaning agencies in Melbourne. It offers the

most comprehensive end-of-lease cleaning services at highly competitive rates. Have

a look at the different types of cleaning services being offered by this reliable agency.

In depth carpet cleaning

This is done to get the stains removed from the carpets and rugs complete. Dry

cleaning, steam cleaning, or hot water cleaning of the carpet is done to ensure that it

gets cleaned while not losing out on the quality factor.

Wall and ceiling washing

This is also an important cleansing task when carrying out End Of Lease Cleaning

Melbourne. The cost will depend mainly on the number of rooms, wall conditions,

ceiling height, and total area measurement.

Curtain cleaning

This is also an important end-of-lease cleaning task. It mostly comes within the

package. However, separate options are also available.

Outdoor window washing

This is not included in basic End Of Lease Cleaning Perth packages. However,

customized services do include this option at subsidized rate.

Garden and yard cleaning

This type of cleaning involves swimming pool cleaning, lawn mowing, hedge cutting,

etc. These tasks can be really time-consuming and only professional experts can

handle them in the most effective way.

If you are interested in availing the service, please feel free to contact at 0406503740.
