Duct air heater overview



Stelter & Brinck's Direct Fired Duct Air Heaters are offered in 2 models: Fresh Air Duct Section Air Heaters & Recirculating Duct Section Air Heaters

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Duct Air Heater Overview

For original blog, http://www.stelterbrinck.com/blog/duct-air-heater-overview/

Duct Air Heaters are one type of direct fired air heater used in industrial applications. These industrial

heaters provide the hot air used to manufacture everything from clay and brick to coal and glass. Duct

Air Heaters earned their name due to the fact that they are designed to be inserted right into the

process ductwork. These heaters most often fire on natural gas, propane and butane. However, Duct

Heaters may be custom manufactured to fire on other fuels.

Duct Air Heaters are typically offered in 2 different models:

1. Fresh Air Duct Section Air Heaters: the burner uses the “fresh air” present in the process air

stream; do not require an additional combustion air source.

Image: Stelter & Brinck’s Fresh Air Duct Section, Duct Air Heater

2. Recirculating Duct Section Air Heaters: used in slightly dirty environments, when the oxygen

content present in the process stream is low; feature a combustion blower.

Image: Stelter & Brinck’s Recirculating Duct Section, Duct Air Heater
