Dubai Port World presentation by Jose Carlos Garcia in the Mediterranean Ports Summit


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Jose Carlos Garcia. DP

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The Mediterranean hinterland has been the craddle of civilizations.

And, as such, the origin of the maritime trade.

If we have a look at a map of the Phoenicians, more than 3000

years ago (-1200-1500 B.C.) they were already trading

throughout all Mediterranean

Our long standing relations

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In addition,



and handling

have evolved


From a more




Toespecialisedcompanieswith state-of-the-art equipment, methods, proceduresand motivatedpeople.

DP World overview

• DP World has over 65 marine terminals across 6 continents.In 2014 our terminals handled 60 million TEU, c.9% of global port volumes

• Our home base is Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE where we handle c.14 million TEU p.a. and we alsoown & operate Jebel Ali Free Zone

• Within Europe, as well as Tarragona, we are present in Antwerp, Rotterdam, Southampton,London Gateway, Le Havre, Fos-Marseille, Constanta, Germersheim & Yarimca (Istanbul).


DP World is the fourth* largest marine terminaloperator in the world by throughput

DP World handles approx. 9% of the world’s container trade

Put end to end, the containers we handle in a year would circle the world more than

Our yard area covers 1,374 hectares,

the equivalent of almost 2,000

Around the world, DP World handles more than 150,000containers a day

DP World Fast Facts

We serve around 66,000 vessels a year – or nearly 180 a day

world by throughput*2013; based on equity TEU. Source: Drewry Maritime Research

We operate more than 6,000 container handling cranes

Our team of more than 36,000 people is truly global, made up ofmore than 90 nationalities

world more than eight times almost 2,000

football pitches

containers a day

DP World has more than 55 kilometers of quay wall globally



DP World Presence in Med zone



Fos-Marseille: FranceThe Eurofos terminal is located at the Port of Fos, close to Marseille in the South of France. Eurofos operates the largest container terminal in France (1 600 m long with 4 berths) under a 35 years concession with the Port Authority. The Eurofos terminal has direct barge access to the Rhone River leading North to central France including the major city of Lyon and excellent road & rail links into the Western Europe hinterland.

Eurofos is owned by Portsynergy Projects, a joint venture between DP World and Terminal Link (CMA-CGM). Along with Le Havre 3 Terminals, DP World handles 50% of container

DP World Presence in Med zone

Link (CMA-CGM). Along with Le Havre 3 Terminals, DP World handles 50% of container traffic in France.

Constanta: RomaniaIn November 2003, DP World was awarded a long-term concession to operate Constanta South Container Terminal (CSCT) SRL, a state-of-the-art facility with excellent deep-draft access located near the entrance to Constanta port. The terminal is acknowledged to be the Black Sea's premier container terminal, serving both the Romanian domestic market and a wider hinterland spreading into parts of Central Europe, together with first class feeder connections to the Ukraine, Russia, Georgia & Moldova. The port's geographic location has also proved ideal as a reliable transshipment hub for the greater Black Sea region. Its is fact the largest container terminal in the Black Sea.

DP World Presence in Med zone

terminal in the Black Sea.


DP World Yarimca,currently under constructionand to be finalized aftersummer. The containerterminal will be one of thebiggest container terminalsin Turkey with its 1.3M

DP World Presence in Med zone

Yarimca: Turkey

in Turkey with its 1.3MTEU capacity. The terminalwill be 100% owned anddeveloped by DP WORLD.First international terminaloperator in the region andalso first terminal in regionable to accommodate 2 xULCV at the same time.

Sokhna: Egypt (SUEZ)

DP World Presence in Med zone

DP World Sokhna sits just south of the Suez Canal on the Red Sea on one of the world's busiest maritime trade routes – from Asia to the Middle East and beyond, to Europe.

Sokhna is the closest port to Cairo, with its 18 million consumers only 120km distant, and is linked by a modern six-lane highway and extensive rail links. Most of the cargo from the east destined for Egypt is imported via Sokhna. As well as attracting vessels coming from Europe with cargo for Egypt, there is existing trade for empties destined for the East.East.

Djen-Djen: Algeria

Partnering with the Algerian government DP World has secured the development of port operations at Djen-Djen, under a 30-year concession.The joint venture will invest in expanding the new Djen-Djen facility in eastern Algeria over time, according to market demand. Djen-Djen has the potential to handle the new generation mega-vessels and become a major transshipment hub for the region. The port is close to all the main east west trade routes and offers an excellent alternative for the congested South European hubs. The facility boasts a 17 m deep draft and is one of

DP World Presence in Med zone

the congested South European hubs. The facility boasts a 17 m deep draft and is one of the few Mediterranean terminals with easy access and minimal deviation.

Algiers: AlgeriaDP World assumed management control of the Port of Algiers in early March 2009, in a joint venture shareholding with EPAL, the Algiers Port Authority. Algeria is particularly well positioned, close to deep sea routes, to serve as a gateway to its substantial hinterland and to become a significant transshipment centre over time.

As part of the 30-year concession, DP World has committed to invest in new terminal handling equipment and redevelop the main container terminal. Priorities include increasing terminal efficiency and productivity as well as reducing vessel wait and

DP World Presence in Med zone

berthing time and container dwell time.

Tarragona: Spain

DP World Presence in Med zone

Tarragona is the best connected port to the upper half of the Iberian Peninsula withcloser distances to Bask Country, Zaragoza, Huesca, Lleida, Rioja, Navarra than anyother Med Port.

Not only its proximity to the Southern Europe Most Important Chemical Cluster is a great value by itself but the whole range of unmatched value added services and presonalisations makes it a cost saving port for its hinterland.

• As you can see, DP World believes in the Mediterranean as an strategic trade zone and, as indicated at the beginning of this presentation, it is already a millennial trade and one cannot see a change in trade for the future.

• On the contrary, a series of prevalent current issues such as:

– Development of Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and its institutional support– Growing environmental concerns to minimise road transportation &– African Continent GDP Growth.

Induces optimism to the future of Mediterranean Trade.

Thank you for your time

Thank you from DPW team Tarragona
