Demand Generation Playbook 5 Core Plays

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Onset of digital and the integration of sales and marketing is redefining the way B2B demand generation programs can be successfully run. In this 20 slide eBook we break down some of the basics of running a B2B marketing 2.0 campaign.

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Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

By Marcus R.

Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

Marcus R. Tewksbury 2Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

… quality over quantity with increased collaboration 3

… compounding effect of operational improvements 4

Leverage technology to drive sales and marketing collaboration 5

… establishing when a lead becomes a prospect 6

… define common measures of success 10

… scoring the lead 9

… establish one version of the truth 11

… learn to grow your leads into prospects 14

… growing a lead into a prospect 15

16… changing treatment strategies for a social world



… who is Marcus Tewksbury?

… communicating the score

Marcus R. Tewksbury 3Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

For a B2B enterprise it can be argued that the single most important capability

that it has is the ability to generate demand for its goods and services.

Historically this process had been typified by unmeasured marketing efforts

lobbing raw leads over the wall to the sales department who in turn had to go

out and do most of the work to convert the sale. With the advent and

maturation of lead generation technologies, however, new models for managing

this process have emerged.

Today there is a much greater emphasis on deploying collaborative models for

sales and marketing. Unlike before, the goal of emerging marketing campaigns

isn’t to just deliver quantities of leads, but rather developed, nurtured, quality

leads that are closer to the moment of purchase. For resource constrained

organizations this is also critical because it helps focus costly live touches on

leads who are actively engaged in the sales cycle.

While tools ushered in this era of increased performance, it really is the

processes and people that delivers results. The main thrust of this playbook,

therefore, is to arm you with 5 core demand generation fundamentals that you

can modify and absorb into your own game plan.

Something to keep in mind as you kickoff your efforts is that demand

generation may have been optimized, but it is not a science. No two programs

will every function exactly the same, but rest assured through close attention

and iteration you can drive significant results.

“… there is a direct correlation between lead generation capabilities and the growth of an organization, with a combined 58% of those companies whom described their lead generation as more effective than their competitors significantly outgrowing the competition … “

… quality over quantity with increased collaboration

Marketing Profs and the Lenskold Group

… compounding effect of operational improvements

Marcus R. Tewksbury 4Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays





10 20%









Conversion RateVolume

$2.5M Revenue





12 20%









Conversion RateVolume

$3M Revenue +20%


Adapted from Eloqua – Springboard Effect

Achieving 5% gain in nurturing lead into

qualified sales prospect…

… nets a 20% growth in top line revenue

Marcus R. Tewksbury 5Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

Scoring Model

Shared Metrics

Master Customer


Nurturing Campaigns

Seamless Handoffs

1. Scoring Model – Sales and marketing need to work

collaboratively to establish a 100 point lead scoring

model that scores leads based upon their biographic

data and lifecycle behavior.

2. Shared Metrics – Sales and marketing need to work

as a team with a shared basis of evaluation that is tied

to the most important metric – sold business.

3. Master Customer Record – A singular vision of a

customer needs to be crafted from all the available

data sets. Its also important to identify when and how

data flows between systems.

4. Nurtured Campaigns – Campaigns need to be updated

to focus on bringing new leads into the funnel and then

on nurturing leads until they are ready for sales.

5. Seamless Handoffs – Information captured and

leveraged in campaigns needs to transition smoothly

between points of contacts to ensure continuity of lead conversation.

Introducing the 5 Core Plays

Leverage technology to drive sales and marketing collaboration






Marcus R. Tewksbury 6Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

… establishing when a lead becomes a prospect

The goal of creating a scoring model is to establish an agreed upon framework between sales and marketing as to what constitutes

a sales ready lead, or prospect. From a customer life cycle perspective, another way to define this is when a lead is ready to move

from the education to the evaluation stage. If you have a strong sales organization that has a strong knowledge and understanding

of your customers this should be a fairly straight forward process that can be accomplished in 3 steps:

Step 1To get started you need to make a critical assessment of your existing client base. How can you describe or summarize

them? What are their measurable characteristics, and why did they choose you? Doing this is primary, because without it you

can’t define what makes a good lead. One best practice to consider is breaking up the assessment into

biographical background and behavioral activities. Are your best clients consolidated in one industry? Does a high

percentage of your closed deals involve the CMO? Have all your clients read a specific eBook before making a purchase? This is

covered in greater detail in the following pages.

Step 2Once you’ve generated a master list for your behavioral and biographical point, you then want to rank them and begin assigning

relative points. Simplicity is pretty key. You don’t want the scoring system to be overly cumbersome or complicated. Sticking to

a 100 point scale, with a slight weighting toward the biography, say 60/40, is manageable and proven to be effective.

Step 3Scoring models are never perfect in their first iteration. Establishing an effective model is an iterative process of adjusting the

measures, the point allotments, and the sales ready threshold. At a minimum sales and marketing should be meeting quarterly to

assess the model’s performance.

Marcus R. Tewksbury 7Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

… sample biographical scale

MeasurePoint Scale

Good Match Match Poor Match

Title 20

CMO 20Brand Manager

10 IT Manager 5

VP of Marketing

20Product Manager


Industry 15

Healthcare 15 Services 10 Media 5

Government 15 Financial 10 Legal 5

Education 10 Membership 5

Construction 10

Customer Prospect Pool


50,000 > 15 10,001 – 49,9999 10 5,001 – 10,000 5

< 5,000 -5


105,000 > 10 501 – 4,999 5 100 – 500 5

< 100 -5


The exact measures and relative point scales chosen need to be highly customized by industry and even company. Other typical

measures include: Sales, SIC Codes, Department, Location, Infrastructure, Industry Benchmarks, and the multitude of permutations that are

specific to a given target market.

Really poor

matches can

even go


The max combination point total for a lead should sum to 60 points

Marcus R. Tewksbury 8Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

… sample behavioral scale

Stage Behavior Channel Points


Requested product demonstration CRM 40

Downloaded high value white paper, eBook, etc. Web Site 20

Regular contributions, questions on monitored forum Social 20

Responded to targeted, high value offer Email 15


Registered and attended webinar Web Site 25

Downloaded high value white paper, eBook, etc. Web Site 15

Regular engagement with monitored forum Social 10

Excessive visits to career page Web Site -20


High value PPC / Organic search term Search 15

Made frequent visits to site Web Site 10

Responded to introductory email Email 5

Low value PPC / Organic search term Search -5


The behavioral measures should be even more customized than the biographical. The objective is to structure a series of lead’s activities in

such a way that it sheds insights as to the stage of their lifecycle. Think of it as trying to read the lead’s digital body language.

While behavioral totals max exceed, the overall score maxes out at 40 pointes

.. In addition

to negatives,

you should

also age


whereby a


download is


valuable than

a past one.

Marcus R. Tewksbury 9Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

… scoring the lead

Lead A

CMO 20

Downloaded high value whitepaper, etc. 15

Healthcare 15

Regular engagement with monitored forum


Responded to introductory email 5


Lead B

Responded to targeted, high value offer 15

Made frequent visits to site 10

IT Manager 5








Sales and marketing mutually establish the lead

threshold that qualifies a lead a sales ready.

Multiple Models

One critical concept to an effective scoring

scheme is the notion that you can multiple

models running simultaneously. This is

particularly applicable to organizations with

varied products, or whose solution can be

applied differently across industries.

Even across models a lead

needs to be treated as a

unique. Doing so will

prevent a lead from being

scored by different models

and then being added

multiple times as separate

prospects into the sales


Until a lead’s score rises above the set

threshold it should remain in the marketing

lead nurturing program.

… define common measures of success

Marcus R. Tewksbury 10Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

AIDA model from:

After coming to agreement regarding what constitutes a sales prospect, the marketing and sales teams should agree to a shared set of

performance measurements. With the exception of gross sales, which is central, other measures do not necessarily have to be output based.

For example, benchmarking conversion rates between lifecycle stages and working to improve those, as demonstrated through the

compounding model, can have tremendous downstream lift on revenue.

Revenue – always a core metric

Nurturing conversion – how effective are

you at converting leads to qualified sales

prospects. Assess tactics and proscribe new


Attracting leads – are promotional efforts

building enough awareness to feed the funnel?

Benchmark and rate your campaigns?

Smooth handoffs – is the conversation as

fluid as it should be? Are salespeople missing

data that is hindering engagement?

Measure the improving quality of your leads

Develop BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing) profile

through combined efforts of sales and marketing.

Benchmarking is a prerequisite for any continuous

improvement program – for either leads or materials.

Marcus R. Tewksbury 11Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

If you can not establish a robust, reliable master customer database you will not be able to drive an effective demand generation

program. The master concept is central to have an informed, meaningful engagement with a lead. The old database cliché of

garbage in, garbage out very much applies. Luckily, the field has come a long way in recent years and there are now numerous

tools and methodologies available to assist with data hygiene.

Step 1Identify systems that contain useful customer data. Provide as much detail as possible regarding the source system – down to the

database level. Identify table and field names, data types, primary keys, and anything else that could prove useful when

developing the extraction script.

Step 2Layout a high level process flow to illustrate movement of data. Now take the time to describe the timing of the movement.

Can data be moved as a scheduled batch process, queued as part of a pull / push process, or does it need to be real time?

Step 3Establish a data hygiene strategy. The goal is to minimize duplicates while providing rich lead detail. Make this part of the

regular care and feeding of the database. It is not a one time thing at build.

… establish one version of the truth

… identify critical sources of data

Marcus R. Tewksbury 12Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

Community Search

Website Email

• Pages visited• Downloads• Landing pages• etc.

• Past roles• Connections• Longevity• etc.

• Organic terms• PPC perf .• Rankings• etc.

• Address check• Email conf.• D&B info• etc.

• Bounce backs• Opens• Click throughs• etc.

• Lead scores• Campaign perf.• etc.

• Past orders• Contact hist.• Sales Rep• etc.

Data Enhancement

Marketing Platform Operational CRM

This grouping offers a rough sampling of some of the

varied channels through which a lead can communicate

with the organization. Some notable channels such as

mobile, event, mail, etc. were left off due to space

constraints. Make sure to look to them when crafting

your own map.

When going through this process you will want to

develop a similar map where you focus on the channels

most relevant to your leads. Once you’ve

identified the specific channels,

you should then break the interaction down to capture

relevant pieces of data you can extract.

• Lead scores• Campaign perf.• etc.

• Past orders• Contact hist.• Sales Rep• etc.

• Bounce backs• Opens• Click throughs• etc.

• Pages visited• Downloads• Landing pages• etc.

• Address check• Email conf.• D&B info• etc.

• Organic terms• PPC perf .• Rankings• etc.

• Past roles• Connections• Longevity• etc.

Marcus R. Tewksbury 13Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

One of the central concepts to a successful demand

generation program is the effective use of a master

customer record, or MCR. What the MCR offers is a

compendium like view from across all the interaction

channels of all useful customer information. It should

represent the single version of the truth.

Arguably the most difficult aspect of establishing an

MCR is managing the data flows in and out. The main

issue here is making sure records are synched up

without duplication. An entire field of study known as

customer data integration (CDI) has emerged to

address this address. Maintaining uniques is very

important and starts with designating a system of

record that tracks master keys.

Another important issue to the MCR is the timing of

data movement. Depending on the needs of campaigns

and capability of source systems data can be moved on a

batch, push/pull, or real time basis.

… and how that data flows between systems

Search Data EnhancementCommunity

Website Email

Marketing Platform Operational CRM

Master Customer




The location of the MCR is variable. While

commonly found on the marketing or CRM

platforms, it can be located on any internal system

… learn to grow your leads into prospects

Marcus R. Tewksbury 14Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays





On average, a full 25% of leads are garbage and should be routed to an automated maintenance list

Roughly 15% of leads are “hot” and can be fast tracked to the sales queue

From a marketing standpoint, therefore, the majority of resources should be concentrated on the remaining 60%. Even slight movement to this needle can translate to significant revenue.

Running nurturing campaigns is not about generating as many leads as possible. On the contrary, a well run campaign may

produce fewer results, but… they will be of higher quality. That really is the objective – produce quality versus quantity. In a

time of shrinking budgets this is important because it can help eliminate time and money wasted spending sales cycles on poor

leads. Nurturing campaigns present a cost efficient way to developed quality sales leads.

Marketing’s primary responsibility is to help grow a lead through the stages of their lifecycle. Taking them from awareness, to interest, to the point of evaluation. This is accomplished by running nurturing campaigns targeted on lead’s stage and focus.

… growing a lead into a prospect

Marcus R. Tewksbury 15Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

Once we get into the details of a nurturing, or drip as they are sometime known, campaign its important to keep the goals of the overall

program in mind. The goal is not to just maximize impressions, but rather to extend and deepen the engagement with a lead. As

marketers we can offer value with resources such as webinars, studies, articles, whitepapers, demo’s, blogs, and offers, to name a few and

in so doing hopefully gain valuable insights to the leads needs and purchase intentions.

With that said, you also must keep the lead’s lifecycle stage in mind. While the goals of the overall program are always paramount, distinct

campaigns can branch to the specific needs of the targeted segment. For example, while one campaign may be run to boost awareness for

the email engine amongst product managers, another campaign maybe run to drive webinar registrations of leads near the prospect threshold

for the CMS platform

Campaign: CMS Finish Line

List: CMS Model Scores 50 - 65, National

… changing treatment strategies for a social world

Marcus R. Tewksbury 16Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

• Presentations• Articles• Posts• Whitepapers• Studies• eBooks• Newsletters• Search terms• Offers• Brochures• Landing pages• Media• …

Content• Mail• Email• Conferences• Blog• Forums• Community Sites• Search• Webinar• Website• Twitter• Ads• RSS• …



The way individuals engage with organizations has been irrevocably changed. Web 2.0 and the social web have not just redefined the

marketing advertising landscape for the B2C world, but for B2B as well. Two new rules to keep in mind is 1.) Set your information free. Do

not lock it away behind registration pages. The lift you will get from wider distribution will greatly offset the loss of minimal value lead

information; and 2.) don’t confuse your treatments with your channels. Invest in generating content relevant to your leads and then use all

available channels to deliver it to them at the right place at the most valuable time.

Each additional reg. question pushes abandonment by 3%

All of your messages (content + channel) should offer a

call to action. Where a B2C marketer converts to a

sale, a B2B converts to a registration. The most qualified

leads are those whom raise their hand.

… communicating the score

Marcus R. Tewksbury 17Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

LeadScore: 85

LeadScore: 85Biographical: 45Behavioral: 40

ProductA: 80ProductA-Bio: 35ProductA-Beh: 45…

Flat, non-dimensional lead scores hold limited value for sales. When an agent sits down to begin the next engagement they are armed with very little insight as to what makes a lead a good prospect.

Breaking out the biographical and behavior data gives at least directional guidance. For firms with singular, or related offerings this level of detail may suffice.

Running multiple models, however, is the best option for varied product offerings and target audiences.

Use these questions to gauge the right score presentation:

• Your company has ten different products in your portfolio• Targets different verticals and business sizes• Four Different sales groups• New Lead enters your system “Joe Hotlead”• Which sales group gets the lead?• What product is Joe “Hot” for?• How does your sales team know what product to sell Joe”?

… integrating campaign learnings into sales environment

Marcus R. Tewksbury 18Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

Embed campaign and message history in the sales environment. This enables a sales agent to rapidly scan the prospects engagement history…

… and also to drill into the details of the experience. To check, for example, what a lead viewed during a recent visit to the website.


integration, you can

push activities

straight from the

campaign into a

sales agent’s queue.

Marcus R. Tewksbury 19Demand Generation Playbook : : Close the loop, and optimize your game plan with 5 core plays

… who is Marcus Tewksbury?

He is a respected author, speaker, and thought leader on optimizing marketing organizations to most efficiently, and effectively create value added experiences for high worth customers; a process that he has termed Customer Relationship Marketing, or CRM(arketing).

This approach to CRM, is not new, but rather a throwback to its roots when it was about strategically structuring the marketing organization to maximize the likelihood of a positive customer experience and analyzing their life cycle to determine the lowest friction, and highest return activities as opposed to the call centers and data aggregation, research efforts it is now commonly associated with.

Largely, the credit for his thoughts and approaches are owed to the numerous clients whose problems Marcus has helped solve over the years. Some of whom, include: Coach, Baxter Healthcare, JP Morgan, Hot Topic, Hallmark, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Tower Records, and KAO Campgrounds.

Tewk’s highly referenced, and often visited blog, serves the dual purpose of providing a comprehensive, unbiased listing of firms and services relevant to the marketing organization, and also as a forum for interacting with senior marketers about game changing strategic innovations. You can visit the blog at

Over the years, a number of Marcus’ thought leadership pieces have been cited or presented in mainstream or industry events and articles, specifically with the likes of DWI Review, NCDM, CRM World, DMA Monthly, and The Economist. Marcus has also lectured at the Purdue’s Krannert Graduate School of Management, Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business, and at Loyola University.

With roots in the DC and Boston areas, he currently resides with his wife in Chicago, IL.
