Customer Service Facts and Stats


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Customer Service Facts and Stats

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Today’s customer service atmosphere says:

• Get it done – quickly!

• Let people help themselves.

• Innovate but don’t forget about tradition.

• Know when people want to help themselves, and when they want YOU to help them.

• One channel is never enough.

• Multichannel for multi-generations

Get it done – quickly!

(But without sacrificing quality.)

“About two-thirds of American, British, and French (66%, 67%, 66%) adults expect a same-day response when going online to seek help from a company or service provider to troubleshoot a product malfunction or service issue.”

Source: PR Newswire

“82% of consumers say the number one factor that leads to a great customer service experience is having their issues resolved quickly.”

Source: Fonolo

“The days are long gone when it was okay to answer an e-mail inside 24 hours. Some 39% of modern consumers expect a reply within four hours.”

Source: FastCompany

“50% expect a response immediately by phone and 59% expect resolution within 30 minutes.”

Source: PunchTab Insights

Let people help themselves.

“By 2020, the customer will manage 85% of their relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human.”

Source: Gartner

“45% of consumers will abandon their online purchase if they cannot find a quick answer to their questions.”

Source: The Focus Group

“67% of consumers use web self-service knowledge to find answers to their questions.”

Source: Synthetix

A Compelling Case For Self-Service

How does implementation of effective self-service affect the performance of the customer service department as a whole?

Source: Top Self-Service Channel Implementations

Innovate, but don’t forget tradition.

Know when people want to help themselves, and when they want YOU to

help them.

“84% of consumers have used a search engine to look for an answer to a customer service question.”

Source: Parature

“Compared to all other channels, the voice channel is unique in this regard: It often begins when a customer is explicitly trying to avoid self-service.”

Source: Top Self-Service Channel Implementations

“63% of online consumers said they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat.”

Source: Forrester

75% of consumers think companies should make answers to all their common questions available via smartphones.”

Source: Fonolo

One channel is never enough.

Multichannel for multi-generations!

Which channels are most popular with your age-profiled customers?

Source: dimension data’s 2013/14 global contact centre benchmarking summary report

“67% of online shoppers have made purchases in the past six months that have involved multiple channels.”

“37% now expect to be able to contact the same customer service representative regardless of which channel they use.”

“47% expect to be able to return purchases through a different channel than the purchase channel.”

Source: PunchTab Insights

“45% say they will try any channel open to them and wait as long as it takes to get their query resolved.”

Source: Zendesk

Customer expectations are constantly evolving, as is technology and business capabilities.

Are you all caught up and ready to serve?

Thank you!

Language I/O ● ● (781) 990-1282 ● @LanguageIO
